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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. On the plus side, raves are going to be back in “fashion”.
  2. We all excited for Lockdown 2: Electric Boogaloo? Going to be some amount of unemployment and suicides in the U.K. over the next year.
  3. Don't think you know what football is.
  4. Tenet was borderline unwatchable for the sheer loudness of its audio mix alone. Characters were boring as f**k, and the story + dialogue was wanky, and not in a good way.
  5. Not having a bad word against Outer Worlds. If that had a bigger budget and more dev support that'd be a far better game than any of the Fallouts.
  6. 8 years. Can't wait. Will be the game I get a PS5 for.
  7. fucking ryan conroy man. What a left peg he had. Had absolutely f**k all else tbf.
  8. Let’s remember we’ve not had midfielders that can protect fullbacks for...as long as I can remember. Maybe it exposes them more, who knows. Holt is fucking shite though.
  9. Right enough; forgot he started out at Celtic/St. Mirren as a second striker. That's a lovely image you've painted there btw.
  10. Gowser has the ability to pull off those wee runs in behind, but whether he can do that the whole game is another story. Moreover he's as clinical as...a non-clinical thing. Someone mentioned it earlier but it's odd to see someone move further forward as their career progresses, especially in Gowsers case.
  11. Don’t think my motherboard/power supply can handle the new range of cards tbh.
  12. Government polling showing support for Indy at 56%. They must be shitting it.
  13. I mean, this is a moot point, as anything The Guillmots released has never came close to what Arcade Fire have ever released. So very telling you like them though, big yikes.
  14. Because people can keep spending and buying things...for now.
  15. Fucking wish that testimonial strip was an actual playing strip.
  16. Illusion of control? Right, no bother. If having the ability to change the course of your nation, safeguarding it for decades to come, means a few tough decisions on the way; myself and loads of folk my age and above/below are more than prepared to work through it. Actually realising your potential, whether it be personal, or “national” takes effort, it’s not easy, and it will take a little while. Considering all of that, I’d still rather do it all than be stuck with a nation that’s on course to being USA lite (even moreso than it has been since I’ve been born). Your “arguments” about being worse off economically are beginning to just not be effective, and yoons will be in for a big shock when they realise that Scots will vote for independence regardless of anything; whether it’s in the next 2 years or whenever. It’s absolutely inevitable.
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