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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. Chelsea looking tasty for this upcoming season.
  2. Indyref thread with Solid Snake? Couldn’t be any better.
  3. Wrong. This is a classist assault on the downtrodden children of Scotland. Vote Labour /s
  4. Those from the most deprived cohort had the highest uplift of marks. They’ve also had the highest record of attainment out of all categories this year. Folk aren’t celebrating this though?
  5. I’ve been pointing this out to folk and then saying how much worse that would be. I’m an SNP apologist apparently. Mind fucking boggles.
  6. The Strokes' best tune now has a pretty good video to go along with it.
  7. Tell you what, that's a bold first post on a Scottish football forum.
  8. I’ve played it. The “open world” aspect of just cutting about snowy mountains in squirrel suits, snowboards and other alpine modes of manual transportation is very fun to begin with. I found it doesn’t have all that much depth to it though; became very repetitive.
  9. After seeing my pal in Perth for a few pints; during the whole time I forgot I was having issues. However the problem I noticed the day after was actually leaving; I felt sad that I was leaving my pal after seeing him for the first time in ages. Obviously that’s pretty rational, but once again it somehow feels amplified and more intense. The girl I’ve been seeing stayed over last night and it was a fucking brilliant time. Films, wine, shenanigans, all brilliant. But after she dropped me off for work this morning it was the same sinking feeling of possibly not seeing her again; it’s absolutely fucking daft, but it’s just the same sort of thought process I used to have when I was a teenager. It’s like I’m developing separation anxiety; problem is I’m twenty fucking five, not just 5 years old.
  10. I went for a haircut and was shitting myself, not through fear of catching anything, just anxiousness overall.
  11. Thanks for the kind words Kinky. I'm 25, 26 in September, not a wee laddie anymore so I guess I just expect a little more from myself, rightly or wrongly. I'll bear the baby steps approach in mind though, I'm sure plenty of folk are having harder times acclimatising to this new normal.
  12. I've been working throughout this entire lockdown, and I've been enjoying it, since I've been around work colleagues and clients, however coming back to my own place gets me quite down. It never used to be that way, but like I said since the start of this lockdown I've been catching myself dreading being alone. The only person I've seen since the easing of restrictions has been this lass; I am seeing one of my pals in Perth today for a few pints so that should help. I have a slight fear I'm going to breakdown a bit to him, not that he'd mind since he's a good pal. I've always advocated for this thread, it's been a source of comfort and camaraderie for me many times throughout the years, and I'm sure a lot of other posters will say the same thing.
  13. I’ve came to the conclusion that I’m not very well, and it’s probably very much down to this entire lockdown. It’s completely snuck up on me, but now with everything easing, I’ve felt like I’ve lost touch with most of my pals. It’s even more prominent after meeting up with this lass I’m seeing and going on a few dates; I just don’t know how to act, this is made worse by the fact I really like her and although she has said she likes me, she’s not 100% sure on what she wants. I feel like a complete alien around folk now. I’ve been decent throughout my life at reading people, their body language, their tone, everything; but now I think even attempting to read people, and getting anxious about how they truly feel is making me mentally exhausted. I don’t really know how to expand this further: I just feel a bit paralysed by everything. Little things that were fine to deal with before are now plaguing my mind, and beginning to feel insurmountable. I’ve always considered myself to be comfortable in my own company but I’m beginning to solely exist in my head and I’m not sure if I like it. I don’t know how to snap out of how I feel.
  14. Dreamcast is my personal favourite. First one I owned.
  15. Most twitch streamers you can genuinely just watch them without subscribing/paying anything. You might have to watch ads, but like I said with Limmy, you won’t get ads if you don’t sub. It’s genuinely just chucking them a few quid to support them. I’m all for paying for something that provides me with laughs and entertainment.
  16. No; for what it's worth, the only perks you get as a sub to him is just use of stream emotes. He doesn't run ads or anything for non-subs so the viewing experience is the same regardless if you sub or not. Everyone can join his discord as well, the community is really good. He's been daystreaming/nightstreaming dead by daylight quite a bit recently, and it's been brilliant viewing. Sometimes at night he might be a bit quieter as to not wake up his Mrs but the stream can still be hilarious.
  17. I sub to Limmy on Twitch tbf, good value for how funny he is.
  18. Who would voluntarily wear anything orange, let alone tangerine?
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