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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. I'd say they all benefitted each other; Bowie arranged quite a few of Iggy and Reed's tunes. He had some patchy output after the 70s but the last few albums he did like The Next Day and Blackstar are pretty good.
  2. I can’t believe I’m seeing people call Queen pish, and being 100% serious about it.
  3. Elton John was convinced to play by being gifted a truckload of gear.
  4. Correct. Peaso etc weren't playing in the same quality of league Hemmings has been playing in.
  5. Griffiths would single handedly skoosh this league, but it's a pipe dream.
  6. Yup, Hemmings owes us f**k all; he's done his turn for us, and gave us some good memories.
  7. Gives the club a money stream throughout the season, which I guess is handy.
  8. Galaxie 500’s version is the best out of all of them.
  9. It hurts particularly when I'm standing for an extended period of time, or when I'm lying in bed.
  10. I thought it was a tilt as well that caused it for me, however what I've found is that when I exercise, my back pain goes away.
  11. I have lower back pain pretty much all the time, with varying degrees of severity. It's all down to my hamstrings being perpetually tight, regardless of how much I stretch them. It puts a great amount of strain on my lower back. Only 25, so excited to see what I'll be like when I'm 40.
  12. Last few moments of Blade Runner 2049 are pretty tear inducing.
  13. Had BNW and a few mods, but nothing extensive. I've went for Base game plus Rise and Fall to play as Scotland, will see how it is.
  14. I'd save yourself the bother, unless you want to make your eyes bleed.
  15. Is CIV 6 worth it in regards to just getting the base game for £17?
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