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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    For what it’s worth with Hunter he “should” have around 98 pace, but for whatever reason anyone that doesn’t have a slim body type with high agility will always feel slow as f**k on the turn and in straight lines, regardless of their pace in stats.
  2. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    You guys with your fast, nippy strikers; my boy Mariano, the truck that he is, still does the business. [emoji3059]
  3. Be easier taking it to the River tbf, it’s all downhill.
  4. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    He’s been brilliant for me ever since I got him. Real game changer and he does well holding his own for a small guy.
  5. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    My squad once everyone is subbed on, just playing rivals and friendlies this weekend. That David Silva SBC was just too easy to turn down tbh, looks a good card as well.
  6. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    EA can ram it, not playing W/L this weekend and am I f**k scrounging around for that SBC which will undoubtedly still be utter shite.
  7. I'll say, if they add more story content to GTA5 then I'll be happy. Maybe with what they wanted to add, they were constrained by the current gen's technology?
  8. GTA Remastered 2 is pretty hilarious. Evidently still making a fucking fortune from it.
  9. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Is Oblak any good btw? Thinking about getting him later on today to replace 88 Courtois.
  10. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Not too bad, happy with Carajval.
  11. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    W/L rewards better make up for that shitshow.
  12. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Am I better taking the 65k coins instead of packs then? [emoji28] ETA: took the tradeable packs, got f**k allllllll. [emoji23]
  13. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    How often do you play and for how long? I only started FIFA 20 around a month or so ago; first Fifa since 17 I think, and the Ultimate Team landscape is very different to what it is now, even in that relatively short amount of time. Before 17 I played FIFA and Ultimate Team Religiously. At the moment with 20 I play the Weekend League till I get to 17 wins, and usually just give the remaining games out as free wins to folk. I only usually play around 6/7 games on Weekend League over 3 days. In Rivals, I usually play until my "Rank Score" is about 27000, just to secure the Rank 1 rewards. I do this by playing maybe...1 hour or so each day until Weekend League starts up again?
  14. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    In about a month of playing I have a 89/90 rated squad mostly full of 90+ players with which I can achieve Gold 2 in FUTChamps, and nearly Div 3 in FUT Rivals, not a penny dropped into the game. Yes, my team isn't full of "meta" players, and I'll probably never be Elite 1 in champs, but I can say that you don't need to spend cash to get to a relatively decent level. I'll add a disclaimer and say it probably helps a lot though.
  15. https://dundeefc.co.uk/news/club-update-3/?fbclid=IwAR239dFwosGjMPQW4tKvfl3Y3m_r_jLz9WBB_G31jQ0XJwszfWla_leBKtE
  16. Who created and shaped the system of democracy we have in the UK, @Sinner-to-Saint? Once you've come up with an answer, go on to explain to all of us how those in charge can be trusted to deliver systemic change through democratic means for minorities?
  17. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Meh, I don’t have the fodder to make it up to 86 rating just now anyway so it’s moot. I’m quite happy with my squad now tbf, only thing I’d really upgrade is my CB/Keeper. Special CB’s are way too pricey so will opt for 96 Oblak once I get Thursday rewards.
  18. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Don’t have the spare special card for the deluxe SBC and I think it expires on the day you get rewards so...bleh.
  19. Fwiw that could literally be Bradford, as it’s the only place I’ve seen a horse tied up in a schemey area.
  20. Middlesbrough, and Teeside at large is one of the most miserable, backwards holes I’ve had the misfortune of spending more than a day in. Fucking bleak hellscape with locals who are your typical, idiotic, racist pieces of shite.
  21. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Will there be La Liga in the red picks this Thursday?
  22. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I’d say Moura tbh. Maybe Vardy.
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