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Everything posted by SweeperDee

  1. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Really? Seems a bit pointless having the ranks at all then. I thought ranks made the matchups a bit more specific since the SR range in some divisions is quite broad.
  2. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Had some absolute riots of matches in Div 4 rank 1 tonight, just played shite. Probably 3-6 overall and the losses were proper scuddings. Centre of defence just getting overloaded with one touch passing from Neymar, Yedder, etc. Finding that even if you’re predicting a drag back in the box and you’ve positioned yourself behind them or in an area where you know you should catch them out on it they just seem to walk right through you, daft as f**k.
  3. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I'm going to replace Saul with 93 Busquets once rewards come through on Thursday. Casemiro has been a revelation with his defending stats, hoping Busquets will be even better with his passing stats.
  4. Needledrop for me, not for finding out about music, just to follow artists I like and their output. Similar to Needledrop, but much smaller, is BradTasteInMusic. Has a decent youtube channel and gives pretty much everything a decent review.
  5. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    AI hasn't been this shite in any of the previous FIFA's I've played. Could maybe punt £hunners into it and see if it changes.
  6. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Good video detailing how fucked the game actually is:
  7. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Last game, 3-0. Thank f**k. That's my team once everyone is subbed on at the start (scum behaviour, I know). That W/L was fucking awful.
  8. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I’m gold 3 with 4 games left, game has been a fucking chore today. Don’t think I’ll get gold 2 again this time.
  9. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Picked up where I left off after all (only so much sun I can take), played 4 and won 4 so I’m 8-3 atm, will play the rest tomorrow and try to get to 17.
  10. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I gave up yesterday at 4-3, could tell I was playing against the game on the last defeat. Every game was 5-0 or 5-3 them, just utterly ridiculous pinging/deflecting in my box and dropping to their broken Ben Yedder cards. I might pick it up today/tomorrow but with the way the weather is I’m doubting it.
  11. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Running this now, I bring on Rafa and Manolas on at the start and it's been either pumping players 5-0 or getting pumped 5-0. Definitely feel like I have more chances though.
  12. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Ilicic and Manolas. Was hoping for Alberto for the Spanish link but meh.
  13. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Thank you muchly
  14. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I thought it was like, 7/8am they come out. I could be wrong but I was able to open them at this time last time.
  15. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Wait hold up, I haven’t got my champion picks? Or my W/L rewards?
  16. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    So, picked the untradeable rewards from Rivals. Sound.
  17. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    I plainly refuse to be beat by c***s have ridiculous end game, god tier teams. The game doesn't let me beat them though, regardless of how hard I try.
  18. Not concrete proof that there is a a parallel universe near us, but particles have been found in Antarctica which currently go against what we hold to be true, according to the laws of physics. https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamiecartereurope/2020/05/21/has-nasa-found-a-parallel-universe-where-time-flows-backwards-the-truth-behind-the-headlines/ Tabloids jumped the gun, saying that the experiment shows that when the Big Bang happened, it may have created two universes at the same time, one where particles flow one way, and time moves forward, and in the parallel one, these particles flow backwards, and time moves backwards with them.
  19. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    My sort of pack luck there.
  20. SweeperDee

    FIFA 20

    Currently got nothing from the upgrades, but that's the usual for me so far. Had a funny end to a game today, where things just went my way. 3.30mins into the vid you can follow the chain of events that made the guy rage quit.
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