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Patches O'Houlihan

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Posts posted by Patches O'Houlihan

  1. 2 minutes ago, KarlMarx said:

    BSC Glasgow, Cumbernauld Colts and Edusport ring a bell?

    What’s your problem with youth teams? Is that not the way to build teams, from within?  

    I don’t know if you’ve noticed but there isn’t a lot of money in Scottish football, so why not produce your own players?

  2. 1 minute ago, Hillonearth said:

    Christmas obviously must be the time for coming together as you'll get no arguments there... 

    I find it slightly worrying that the concept is being floated by a club - any club, lest you think I'm fixating (!)- rather than the organisations involved though. It suggests there may not actually be appetite for change at Hampden.


    :) I am old enough to realise this is only football, and never take it personally.

    You are correct, it will take a seismic shift at HQ to get this through, but if you don’t try you’ll never know.

  3. 1 minute ago, KarlMarx said:

    Where you going to get the supporters from?

    You didn't seem to have many for ypur first team when we played you.

    Any I spoke to had relatives in the team and would go elsewhere if their relatives moved on.

    Its obviously been difficult in terms of that playing in Alloa, however I have to say Alloa have been tremendous with us.

    In an ideal World we love more people there, but we are realistic and not getting hung up on it.

    the key to everything is getting back to Glasgow, something that we work on every day.

  4. Just now, Goalie Hamish said:


    For those of us not interested in the squabble, what are BSC's motives for pushing a West of Scotland League?


    BSC would like to have a range of teams across all levels of football, meaning a place for everyone to play dependant on their level. It has always seemed to us that the next logical step in the Pyramid was a West League.  West teams who want a shot at the pyramid have to travel to Dumfries etc every second week? It doesn’t make financial sense. I am also sure the well run teams in the current SOS league would welcome not having to travel up to Glasgow etc.

  5. 2 hours ago, Hillonearth said:

    While on the surface a West of Scotland league at Tier 6 is exactly what's needed, I'm deeply sceptical about the source it has emanated from - if it were driven by the SFA/SJFA fair enough, but it's not... BSC's long term aim - and I doubt they're bothered about collateral damage the achievement of this aim may cause - is to secure primary tenancy in a ground in Glasgow...they've got a pipedream of the city council gifting them the northwest chunk of Victoria Park to build a stadium which is unlikely at best.

    They have however shot themselves in the foot with their past dealings with the Junior clubs who constitute virtually all the viable groundshares in the city,. They walked out on the Ashfield groundshare without kicking a ball, and did a moonlight flit to Alloa from Lochburn after it was made clear the merger they'd proposed between themselves and Maryhill wasn't going to happen, necessitating us to fight and win an SFA tribunal to get what we were owed.  If they're talking about trying to enter a Junior team,  is it possible it would be a stalking horse to groundshare at a Junior club for a couple of years to ease the first team into the ground when the Junior club inevitably folds?  Suffice to say if they're the prime movers behind this, it won't be for purely altruistic motives. 


    I’ve read and digested your continued fixation with BSC and our time at Ashfield and Lochburn with interest, and have resisted the temptation to respond in any great detail. However, suffice to say there is always two sides to every story, and there are and were  several issues on the other side of the story, that if made public could have damaging consequences for the parties involved. You will note BSC have never commented on these matters publicly, and that will remain.

    With regards to the current topic, your assertion that BSC are using this as some sort of Trojan horse is somewhat wide of  the mark, however as it suits your agenda and allows you another angle of attack then crack on.



  6. 2 minutes ago, jinky said:

    Still think BSC will win comfortably against the Welfare albeit their win against Gala was unexpected...does give the game more of a focus but think BSC will be too strong...

    Hope you are right mate, but it won't be easy.

  7. 10 hours ago, Marshmallo said:

    Someone asked what happened and he explained it. BSC absolutely shafted Maryhill by the sounds of things.

    I don't buy into the boys' club patter but I find the BSC situation to be completely ridiculous. At least change your name if you've no intention of coming back to Glasgow.

    No intention of coming back???? Have you read any of this thread??

  8. 1 hour ago, newcastle broon said:

    BSC v Gala F R Wed 4th October at Excelsior Airdrie according to GFR website least they're getting closer.  Wtf :blink::thumsup2

    Alloa require the stadium on that night, hence the change of venue for the game.

  9. 7 minutes ago, johnmc80 said:

    What happened with maryhill juniours? Was there a fall out? Would have thought that would have been ideal groundshare.

    Maryhill was good, but unfortunately I don't think in the long term the pitch could have sustained 2 teams playing on it.

  10. The Alloa situation must be one of the most asked questions of us. 

    We are constantly looking at options for land in and around the Glasgow area, however the cost and availability is problematical. We have also explored the possibility of sharing with other clubs nearer to our base, but there are some "issues" with certain parties where that is concerned.

    I should make it clear that Alloa have been great with us, and the ground is great. Yes, in an ideal World we would be in Glasgow, but we are where we are, and until that changes we will get on with it at Alloa.


  11. 11 minutes ago, The_Judge said:

    A real statement of intent.  BSC the team to catch this season.

    :) A long, long way to go. It's going to be a very competitive league this year that's for sure. There will be a lot of ups and downs, and with 23 league games to go anything could happen.

  12. Back on the road again tomorrow, and it doesn't get any easier, with a trip to Dalbeattie. 

    We certainly weren't at our best last week, and we will definitely need to up it against Star tomorrow, who are always difficult to beat on their own pitch, especially when they have one of the best keepers in the league in goal. 


  13. Very hard fought win today, we certainly weren't at our best, but the 3pts are very welcome. We will definitely  need to up it next week at another tough venue down at Dalbeattie.

  14. The run of tough away trips continues today, It will be another battle today against a Selkirk side who have made an impressive start to the season.

    Here's hoping that we can continue on with our own good start.

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