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Everything posted by ebobsboy

  1. Hopefully came out of it injury free and a mystery right back trialist who was a standout and is willing to play for nowt citing "Falkirk is the only club I've ever wanted to play for"
  2. He might do as a back up centre half but he's never a left back in a month of Sundays and McGlynn seems to have this wacky notion that he is.
  3. No offence but he's not alone. Mackie is dugshite aswell and while you never wish anyone injured it's a blessing he is as he was starting the season at left back.
  4. If Cove still have Fyvie and Megginson out that's good news for us. Burrell will no doubt score against us and this will be a sterner test than Annan. I think we might shade it 2-1.
  5. At least you have the option we literally do not have a right back in the squad. We have Finn Yeats playing there and he's a central midfielder with the back up option being Brad McKay who's a centre half (and not a very good one).
  6. Yes but we are starting the season without a recognised right back because semi incompetent McGlynn blew the budget elsewhere. Despite him on record as saying we needed to address the defence and in particular right back at the end of last season. McGlynn is a steady the ship guy and he did that when he came in, he also failed to get us anywhere near Dunfermline with possibly the best budget in the league culminating in us being shite for months before being blown away by Airdrie in the playoffs and not turning up in a Scottish cup semi final. We won't romp the league I think we will be pretty much the same as last season, comfortably beat the perceived lesser lights but struggle against the better sides. If we do win it and that's a big IF it won't be an over the hill and far away stylee like Dunfermline, I think it'll be a close run thing. I'd add we are running with a smaller squad this season and are probably only an injury or two away to key players for us to struggle.
  7. Just wait till about 7 or 8 games in to the season and if it's a mixed bag of results the whinometer will be off the scale. Not to mention the verbals from the stands towards McGlynn and the players. With a right back?
  8. at least one of these fancied four will screw up, but which one? That there is almost always us. I'm actually sick fed up of it, for the love of god and McGlynn's last dance, just get us out of this league the consequences of anything else are too dire to contemplate.
  9. I'm not sure we needed two young keepers maybe a more experienced one but I think the budget whatever it was could have been better managed by McGlynn to allow us to still have some funds left for a right back, he will have known what it was, for me and I could be wrong he's pushed the boat out further to get the likes of Lang, Spencer and Miller. But as others have said giving Nesbitt another two year contract was folly allied to others triggering extensions or being unable to shift others hasn't helped. Factor in what's looking like a transfer fee wasted on Allan it's not difficult to see we are a bit hamstrung.
  10. That being the case he's made a right pigs ear of it by not bringing in a right back for a priority position that he himself said needed addressing at the end of last season.
  11. Or it could be McGlynn had the deal done till he put his hand in the biscuit tin and found it was empty leaving Tumilty no choice but to re sign for Hamilton
  12. I think we'll win but it won't be pretty. I also don't see us keeping a clean sheet. 3-1.
  13. If Falkirk daft is to be believed we were in for Tumilty but he chose Hamilton so at least we were trying for a right back. Whether or not the budget had been spent by then is a different story.
  14. If anyone can sabotage us it's McGlynn. It's a crucial season for the club. The heat will be on him very quickly if we don't get off to a good start and he knows it, fail and it's probably his last job as a football manager.
  15. If having Lang beside him instead of McKay doesn't help his game then nothing much will. But as has been mentioned if Lang gets injured your back to the same back line as last season, possibly worse considering we still don't have a recognised right back. And Mackie now out for 8 weeks. I think Long and Hogarth when fit will rotate for the starting slot because I think both with have poor days and good being young keepers. I'd also have preferred a more experienced goalkeeper, I thought MacDonald when he left Raith was an absolute stick on to sign for us.
  16. McGlynn will absolutely rely on his favourites, I wouldn't be surprised if Donaldson, Oliver start next week, and as soon as Nesbitt is fit he'll be in aswell. I'd even say if Mackie hadn't got injured he was starting the season at left back despite McCann being a far better left back than him.
  17. Agreed. Really should be seeing the game out in the 93rd minute. By equal measure really shouldn't be giving teams a goal of a start after a few minutes either. Lang has been a good addition to the defence but I think with the rest of the protagonists beside him from last season I don't think we'll be much better at keeping the back door shut the signs are already there. FWIW I'd also have went for a more experienced goalkeeper no disrespect to Long and Hogarth.
  18. Not that you'd wish three players to be injured but none of them are overly concerning as in damage to the squad. You might argue Hogarth but I've a feeling it might be tit for tat with Long when he does get fit. You get the feeling they will be very similar keepers.
  19. Last heard it was a strain. Not that anyone seemed to be that bothered I haven't saw many shouts of "Nesbitt would have made a difference" not even on the Coyb and there's usually a few on there who can't see the smoke for the trees.
  20. It's maybe went unnoticed but Lang and Spencer have had their fair share of injuries, we have to hope they play the majority of games this season. If not it's McKay n Donaldson at centre half and McGinn being totally overrun in midfield, and for a guy already taking injections in a knee it doesn't bode well.
  21. Correct. I thought that was an absolute shocker, f**k knows what he was thinking about but it wasn't the ball. Cost us a goal but it could have been much worse.
  22. Not really. The keeper played an awful pass to Spencer who was left with little choice but to take one for the team and Lang well there wasn't much excuse for him other than McGlynn's daft tactics you do not pass the ball along your own box. He did and it cost us a goal. So I think your comment is a little skewed. But it was a howler from Lang who should know better.
  23. I don't think he'll see Christmas tbh. Looks very much the same movie just with different actor's.
  24. Shame about Mackie getting injured but I don't get the McGlynn love in with him. He was poor against Spartans, he's nowhere near as good a left back as McCann yet you get the feeling if it was a choice to keep one and let one go McGlynn would keep Mackie.
  25. Watched the highlights back superb goal from Agyeman and MacIver seems to be defying his critics (myself included) aswell as his stats. Still early days, but that was a massive improvement on the Spartans game. Pity never got the three points we really should have when it gets that late in the game but take the bonus point. I never saw us taking anything tbh. Shame that Spencer got sent off but he was really left with little choice. Poor decision by Long. Re Dowds I thought he looked a different player when he came back from Arbroath tbh obviously didn't want to be with us, the guy took more than his fair share of pelters some of it justified with us but fair play for going away and turning it around. FWIW i still don't think he's all that but he's a better player now than what he was with us at least pre Arbroath.
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