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Everything posted by Maslow

  1. Just a thought, if you could mould the best of Moussa and Beaker into one player you would have a striker who can hold the ball up and run around a lot....and not score. This is a no from me to either.
  2. Hello All, just passing through. Could someone point me in the direction of The Big Dundee team thread ?
  3. He could always come over and sit with us in the south enclosure. I imagine that would go well...
  4. Spud, Can we at least agree that, at the moment he is head and shoulders a better, more worthwhile contributor to Dundee than Spence ?
  5. Can't really disagree too much with this. However, the 97th minute winner assist against Hamilton suggests otherwise. We do require a central midfield ball winner in the Bommer or Thompson or Cammy Fraser mould. That would free up Kamara and wait for it McGowan to play their natural game and produce.
  6. No Chick, sorry Spud, to my eternal shame for the first time this season, I wasn't. For that reason, I felt commenting on your assertion that Spence is a better option than Kamara is nonsense. For example, when can you remember Kamara giving a pass to one of our defenders as bad as Spencer's to Waddel last week resulting in a goal against us ? We're you perchance at Fir Park earlier this season where Spence after 60 minutes good play eventually ran out of steam and dropped a ball to the Jags attack resulting in... guess what? I don't think Spence is a bad player, far from it. In fact he has the potential to be a great player, but let's be honest here, Kamara has become a full international whilst with US while Spence is still a 'bit' player (not that if he fulfils his potential he won't do this) Kamara, as far as I can recall had a dreadful match at Pittodrie. He is probably one of the cleanest tacklers I've seen in over 40 years and his ability to run with his head up and see a pass is superb. I don't have a stiffy for him. He has to the best of my recollection never had a shot at goal in a Dundee top. Let that sink in. Probably the most gifted ball player we have in our team, to my recollection has never had a shot at goal.... I did not intend to have a go at You personally Spud. My issue was with your (probably exasperated) comment regarding Spence and Kamara
  7. And your Boss is happy for you to write this during work hours? #pray for your job
  8. Let's step up to the challenges Steven faces,and the supporters rehabilitation too. Too many times in here have we heard of sections of the support getting on the backs of certain players the moment a pass goes awry or things don't go to plan. We have a player here who in the normal scheme of things would ordinarily grace Dens only in a pre season friendly. He has issues and the Boss has sold him on the idea that playing for us can help him overcome these and bring him to a point of finally reaching his potential. My fear is that WE, the supporters behave in typical troglodyte fashion and get on his case. Please, if you haven't, take the time to read the Guardian article and spread the word. Who knows by helping Steven put to bed his demons we may actually assist in conquering our own (COXY AND SECTIONS OF SOUTH ENCLOSURE TAKE NOTE)
  9. Believe he played 90 minutes for Hibs today (possibly subbed late on) only going on the interview on the radio while going home from Dens today. Interview went somewhere along the lines of. "Scott Allen was tremendous today Neil?" "Aye, and we got him fer fuxx all. Dundee...what are they like, Jeez"
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/GintoSmfc/status/957316578453934083/video/1
  11. Totally agree. As a 30 yo central defender ODea should be able to read the game and anticipate what his move should be. A consequence of not being able to do this has resulted in a horrendous amount of yellow/red cards and the goals conceded because of these.
  12. This. O'Dea really boiled my piss there. If ever a man should have held up his hand and apologised for his error it was there. What did O'Dea do ? Ripped Parish a new one in some poor attempt to cover for his own dickery. Pathetic.
  13. Time to let the cat out of the bag. Day after the Rangers match I flew to Dublin. On that mornings flight were a number of Dundee players (and some St Johnstone ones)(although not together with the heroes) Bain ended sitting on his own at the back of the flight (TBF. Another Dee was sitting on his own so...) can't help getting the feeling that the other players were not too chuffed he was there. 'Course this could be sh... and I'm just stirring it. Sent a text to a few mates with a scenario... Named the Dees on the flight, suggested a Munich type disaster and assumed I'd survive. Question, who should I save from the Dundee players ? Deliberately haven't given any other names but the errant goalie ( It may have been out with the knowledge or permission of the boss). So assuming whoever you want on that flight. Who should I have saved, or not?
  14. Not yet. I felt Holt was one of our best players (again) yesterday. He still has more than his fair share of boo boys though. I felt physically defiled leaving Firhill yesterday. Like Hamilton away at the start of the season, if we don't take our chances then there's always a chance of a dry bumming in the end.
  15. If part of the long term plan is the future sell on of home reared talent that has the facilities to flourish at Nou Campie then clearly long term that would realise Keys Capital's ambition. If you build it, they will come...
  16. Wouldn't want one. This is just fodder to the Jobby sleeves that say some Dees are more interested in them than their own team. Just like the dayglo post a couple before you . Get over it guys, They are an irrelevance to Dundee F.C. And I for one hope it stays that way for many years. Would hate to see anyone arrested for wearing this. Now about the game on Saturday...
  17. Your posts are the written equivalent of your Jobby sleeved shirt... They hurt my eyes. Stop plunking skail and get an ejukashun sunny (sic).
  18. Why all ticket for the South enclosure. Utterly baffling. Got to the gate at quarter to 3 only to then limp around on my gimpy leg to the shop. Guy at the ticket counter then blames me for arriving too late to the football and says "it's been all ticket for these games for the last 5 years" Yeah, but why ? Was this going to be a sell out ? Raith were able to allow us to pay at the gate, Cowdenbeath will be the same. Only at Dens can we make an absolute crunt of it. p.s. Why was the Bolton friendly not all ticket ? Seething [emoji36]
  19. And your point is caller ? I would merely prefer that I didn't have this man sitting anywhere close to me at Dens (since I don't know him this is a possibility) My feelings towards him are similar to my feelings towards a DAB therefore I would prefer he sat with them. However as this is a football forum, I try not to get too excited by the banter and I would suggest you try the same. After all I was one of the duped and if I can be pragmatic about this and not too upset....
  20. Full body minter shouldn't cover it. You were a regular poster and then chose to disappear for a year with our money. I would rather the money goes to Dens youth than receive anymore communication with you. If you want a little more, why not register yourself as a charity and get gift aid from my contribution ! Now that would be REAL scamming. As I suggest, Tannadice is the place for you.
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