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Everything posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. 100% agree. If folk get a chance, check out the Walking Down Hope Street Road Podcast with JJ, emotional stuff - his story telling of how he managed to sign Stainrod gave me shivers if only becuase if he hadn't pulled it off, how different my Falkirk supporting life would have been.
  2. ha exactly the same as me. Grangemouth Rugby club came round my primary school when I was about 9. (Around the time Scotland were doing ok in the 5 nations 1984-86?) to get kids to come along an join their youth team. I took the flyer thing home but had no intention of going, but as a stupid wee c*nt I put it behind a chest of drawers thinking no one would find it. . My mum managed to find it and as shes one of those folk who gets caught up in any Scottish sporting moment she decided I was going. So without me even playing the game in my life or knowing what was going on she'd bought me the full kit(w*nker) and boots and I was standing in a field on a Sunday morning wondering what the f*ck I was supposed to do. She still tells the hilarious story about me running away from the ball and how my kit was cleaner than it was after playing. I f*cking hated it but even more because I had no idea what was going on and had some ars*hole shouting at me various commands that I hadn't been explained. I lasted about a month and then thankfully my mum realised it was a lost cause. I would say, even back then, I remember thinking that the folk who frequented the rugby club were f*cking ars*holes(quite literally knowing some of the stuff rugby players get upto).
  3. is this when we start talking about Hookers and oddly shaped balls
  4. funnily enough thats another one I've wondered about...i kinda thought there must be loads of Beer tents to get pished to make it fun...can't understand the appeal otherwise.
  5. Yeah I was the same. I had a hard drive full of mp3s, and my itunes was set up with hunners of playlists. Then the f*cking hard drive went kaput and although managed to save the majority of the mp3s I lost all the playlists. So, moved onto Spotify and haven't really looked back. I still buy LPS and I collect 7" vinyl(mostly 1960s garage and psych) but never buy cds anymore. Still feel a bit 'sore' about the whole cd thing. I was one of those folk in the 90s who spent the majority of their wages on cds. Thousands of them. I'd buy all the music mags and buy anything that sounded good in the reviews section(even though most of it turned out sh*te). Also used to buy all my singles CD1 and CD2 so I didnt msis out that all important Fatboy Slim remix. Few years ago i was mega skint so listed a load on Music magpie. It was heartbreaking seeing cds I bought for £15 from Tower Records go for £2(and that was a good price). Still got quite a few up the loft but wouldn't bother buying any now. Well I say that, I do buy the odd one at live gigs but inevitably it sits unlistened.
  6. fair enough, but to me that feels bit like going to a live music gig at Hampden and watching it on the big screen.
  7. ok this one might go under work colleagues, and again sorry if mentioned before, but this has happened just now(again) so sharing here... A couple of times a week when I'm in the office I nip out for lunch and inevitably go for the Sainsburys/Asda etc lunch deal. So you get a 500ml bottle of juice or whatever. Everytime I come back into the office some c*nt will say "dunno why you waste your money on that, you can get a 2 litre bottle for the same price", as if I'm going to come back from lunch with a massive bottle of juice, stick it on my desk and guzzle my way through it, or wander about the office carrying it. Same goes for the vending machine in our canteen. Yes I know you can get a 5 pack of Kit Kats for a £1 at the shops, and one single Kit Kat costs 70p out the machine...but I'm not at the f*cking shops am I, and its my money!
  8. Genuine question here as I've never attended a live Rugby match. When you are watching the live game from the stands, how much of the action can you see? I've watched the odd game on TV and there appears to be long period of folk just jumping on top of each other adn then the ball suddenly appears, gets a bit exciting for abit and then theres more pile -ons. Even on TV with the benefit of multiple camera angles, i struggle to follow. If you are actually at the game can you see anything thats happening? Seems like a loada sh*te to me.
  9. I'm going tonight and really looking forward to it. I'm pretty much obsessed by the whole 'Counter Culture' in the US around 1966-70, music, films, art etc so i'm hoping the style over substance won't be an issue too much for me, but can see why it would for others.
  10. had something similar with an old boss of mine. He was always drinking out the same evian water bottle and his moods would suddenly change. Lots of working lunches with the sales guys down the local Indian restaurant where we'd hear he'd been running up a bar bill. But he'd still manage to run the company. However his mood swings were awful. He'd go from acting like the nicest boss in the world to coming and in ripping you a new one in front of everyone for nothing. It didnt help he was a massive Rangers fan with all the trimmings. So I quickly built up a resentment. To be fair looking back i was bit of a sh*t employee and deserved some of the abuse...typical last in, first out type. He eventually got done for drink driving and banned. However for a few months he got the workshop supervisor(another bigot) to be his chauffeur and drive him to meetings/pick him up if he needed. This lasted a couple of months then head office got a tip off(not from me!) and HR got involved and he was given the boot. Oh how I laughed.
  11. ha this is what I was saying to my mate last week. He's opened himself up for every daftie in Falkirk to bombard him full bullsh*t ( full expect to see a "whurs oor Primark oan the high street?!"). He's certainly set himself up for a twitter bombardment if things do go sour by being so responsive.
  12. did I? some memory cos i can't remember doing it.
  13. CC was on twitter once upon a time fair enough. Did he respond/interact? This guy has answered a fair few questions so far, someone asked about his failing the Due Diligence at Swansea and Sunderland? Which hes denied involvement with Swansea and said he didnt fail it at Sunderland. Again, trying to be positive here but appreciate its early days.
  14. 100%. I'm checking his Twitter and although I am under no illusion it could be a load of wind and pish, he seems to be already be interacting with the fans more than any of thoe other c*nts ever did. Whether not it backfires and he'll have aload of Falkirk keyboard warriors on his back calling him a liar in a few weeks is another thing. But in the (very) limited time so far the signs are he is open to discussions and its positive.
  15. exactly this. I'm not as informed as most so reading the statement about Campbell (although i will believe it when i see it), it still gives me a wee bit of joy thats been missing for so long. Got mates texting me asking if I've heard about the takeover and theres a genuine optimism coming through. so if folk are going to piss on the chips with genuine reason then I've no issue, but would like to know why...
  16. i think his followers have doubled in the past hour....so if it isnt him hes in for some abuse..
  17. added with folk already trying to baffle with with witting local dialect to prove their scottishness. Looks like hes in Falkirk on Monday and looking to meet up with folk..is this legit? He'll regret that when gets dragged down Grahams road on a pub crawl..
  18. will need to give it a listen. Excellent series. Just finished the Jim Jeffries one. I know theres a lot of folk still see him as a Judas, but what he did for the club in his time here was amazing. He did come across as still genuiniely caring about the club. Loved the story of him signing Stainrod. Also him and Billy Brown getting the car after training and driving down to England to scout players. It didn't end great for us(even that sounded messy)but my best time watching the club so forever grateful for that. series has been great so far so will have a listen to the Taiwo one today.
  19. as one who who was fairly negative, I didnt mean it to come out the way it did. I must say in all my years of supproting the club I can probably count on one hand the amount of times I've booed one in our own jersey..its just not my style. Certainly not one of the folk constant looking to moan..quite the opposite. I guess my point was really that the past two seasons I've got carried away pre-season about what we are going to achieve. Then through last season fully expecting us to cruise out of the relegation zone has made me a bit more cautious than I normally would be, or have been in the past. I full expect and hope we go back up. I just worry that Ray hasn't shown much in how to break down teams and put them to the sword as much as I'd like. Only managed one of the Leage cup games and enjoyed what i saw. But just hoping we go for it in the way we have done so far and not panic when things dont go our way. Grangemouth Bairn has basically summed up what I was trying to say. I really hope the answer is yes to questions 1,3 and 4 above but I won't assume it will be until a few games in - whereas last year at this point I was talking to a Partick Thistle fan I knew pretty much talking us both to be up at the top come the end of the season -see how wrong that went.
  20. yeah I'm afraid i'm also in this camp. Add to the fact you'll find a lot of teams will probably sit in, try and get a result rathern going for the jugular...which added to our cautious approach will be frustrating to watch. I've got this bad feeling its going to be like last season n some ways performance wise...games we should win, we'll throw away
  21. does anyone have folk in their office who repeat the same stories over and over? In this case I'm not talking about random stories about their personal life. I'm talking about stories that have happened in work or maybe on works nights out concerning the people they work with? We've had two lassies in my old office who used to constantly bring banal things up and then go on and on about them. "remember that time Dave sang '500 Miles on the karaoke". Yes I do remember, it wasn't funny at the time so reminiscing about it doesn't make it any funnier. The thing is there have been some gernally funny/embarrassing/stupid things that had happened in my ten years working in there that they would bring up from time to time and take great pleasure in mocking the individual who was part of it. However if anyone ever mentioned or laughed about any of the stupid/embarrassing things they'd done, the atnosphere would change and they'd go in the huff. A few years ago when I was the supervisor I was in charge of ordering the stationery. Not really reading the catalog correctly I ordered 50 packs of Post-it notes not realising there was 10 in each pack. So as you can imagine much hilarity in the office when this big box arrives. I took it on the chin, but this lassie then decided to take a picture and plaster it all over social media. Again, I can take a joke but suddenly got a bit paraniod about a silly mistake becoming more known throughout the company as she was one of them folk who adds every c*nt in the company as a facebook friend(we've got around 850 employees) not to mention my mates seeing it as she obviously tagged me in!) So few years after it gets brought up again by this lassie, to which i replied, "well at least I didnt take the wing mirror off one of the directors cars when coming into the car aprk on the wrong side of the road" - this it appears was not a laughing matter...she didn't speak to me for about 2 weeks afterwards!
  22. People say this, however, can you explain how this would work? Full time players train during the day, whereas, part time players more than likely train at night. How would that even work? I don't think it would. I was listening to Talk Sport today and they had an interview with one of the players from Connahs Quay. He said they currently had a full time squad of around 16 with 6 part-time players making up the rest of the squad. So must work somehow for them. Said team got back at 5am on Friday morning after the game and some of the part-time lads had to go into work. Again, not saying its the way to go but it can be done. Did Baptie not train with Hamilton when he played for us? Appreciate different days mind you..
  23. aye was sad to see him go . Although in saying that possibly becuase his two goals against Ayr were the few highlights of last season -especialy at home..
  24. I went last Friday and felt exactly the same. Great idea and always good hearing Dem Beatles loud! I also liked the fact that it tackled the fact that with the way music moves so fast these days, the 'meh' reaction he got from some people. Especially the scene with his parents/neighbour -that was pretty spot on. If someone did write something as good today would anyone realsie it or would we all be too quick to criticise/ignore? But I did feel there could have been more. My wife thinks its because i'm such a big Beatles fan I was probably looking for more than most. Wasn't keen on Sheeran getting involved at every opportunity but I guess it wouldn't have worked if he wasn't. Just uneasy he got so many of his songs in there too.
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