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Posts posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. Just now, TheScarf said:

    Mel C's.

    Shes the sporty one so logically her's would have the most fibre in it.

    yeah my brother usually goes with Ginger Spice.."cos it has a bit of Ginger Spice in it...ye get me?"

    or "Posh spice, becuase ye cannae beat a posh slap up meal..ye get me?"

    my brother, if you were in any doubt, supports one of the Old Firm...

  2. Just now, Shodwall cat said:

    They're both as horrible as each other. Just depends on who you happen to be playing at that point in time.

    aye, agreed on that. but if you had to choose,  appreciate a similar pub question to "which of the Spice Girls sh*te would you rather eat?" Or other such random questions that my brother seesm to come up with from time to time.

  3. 8 minutes ago, Rizzo said:

    My main memory from the 2009 cup final was leaving in the bus and wishing the driver would mow down a few of the royal blue gits that decided to saunter across the road in front of us.  

    The 2009 Cup final made the Blue side of Glasgow edge ahead of the Green in my own personal 'Who do I hate most contest?"  

    I was staying with a mate in Glasgow so we went to a city centre pub after the game. Got talking to some Rangers fans(first mistake) and it was quite civil at first until they wouldn't accept in any shape or form that Falkirk were the better team.  I stupidly rose to the bait and ended up getting told by the barman I wasnt getting served any more and subsequently left the pub with them cheering.  I'm annoyed now even typing this about how I reacted to them.

    To be fair I'd never really had any problems in my Falkirk supporting life(with Celtic apart from that Remembrance Sunday minutes silence thing....but even then I didnt have the same rage as others about that.   Apart from that the only time I had any sort of run-ins was when we used to wait for the Elliots bus and given the Celtic supporters up at the Drookit Duck(I think) some absue for waiting for their supporters bus).

    I'm probably just lucky.  Not sure if other folk have the same experiences? Probably not. But everytime I used to go to Ibrox, it was a nightmare.   

    Before folk suggest otherwise I'm not religious in any way and have no time for Secteransim. I went to a Proddy school but that meant nothing to me or my family.    Most Bairns I know are the same.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Senor Bairn said:



    Agreed, my auld man still thinks that was his best chance at seeing us lift the cup in his lifetime. Which is quite shite considering he’s only in his mid 50s.

    I’ve been fairly lucky considering Falkirk have been to 3 Scottish cup finals since I was born. Senor Bairn Senior had to wait till he was in his 30s for his first one emoji1.png

    Anytime I see big Peters goal, the noise gives me shivers, utter class.


    Yeah three for me too...

    1st one v Killie, i was young, didn't really think about it too much, was also quite pished.  Was disappointed but it didn't affect me too much

    2nd one against that lot, didn't expect anything.  Thought we were unlucky but dealt with it

    3rd one -I'm a wee bit older  , the nature of the defeat - still haunts me.

  5. Just now, PipoIsABairn said:

    I watch to that point, then I stop watching as the gut sinking realisation kicks in "JUST FUCKING FOUL HIM DAVID, RUGBY TACKLE HIM"

    yep exactly this.  I also have that feeling of I'll never get a chance as good as that to see us win a major trophy.  

    Its also similar to that Scotland -England game a few years ago when Leigh Griffiths scored the free kicks but they equalised at the end - although admitedly I don't care too much about Scotland Internationals these days but living down in England I did get sucked into the emotion of that moment before we f*cked that up as well.

    That all too brief moment of feeling something is going to go in our favour for once, is inevitabley shattered..

  6. On ‎20‎/‎06‎/‎2019 at 09:16, Northboy said:

    I flicked on to Family Brain Games on BBC2 last night and tolerated it for 10 minutes - what a bunch of smarmy c@#ts.

    i got drawn into watching this last week whilst channel hopping.   Think it was a Scottish family that won it - who in fairness werent as bad as some of the other familes I'm glad to say.

    I did get a telling off from my (English) wife for supporting the Scottish family.  Not really because they were Scottish, that was just coincidence. My reasoning was that the other family were over celebtraing everytime they got a question right...espeically one of the wee kids.  

    So when they got beat, me shouting "get it right f*cking up ye, ya wee dick" to the TV was deemed as me taking it too  serious.

  7. 19 hours ago, MixuFixit said:

    Boo Radleys were great but I think it's a stretch to put them in britpop.


    PS your comments on Shed Seven cannot go unpunished and I will see you on Ruel Street.


    i think 'Wake Up Boo' would probably be the reason folk think of them as Britpop.  But Giant Steps in 1993 was a phenomanal album.

    I moved to Glasgow in 1994 and was living round the corner from King Tuts. Used to be in there a couple nights a week(it felt like) watching bands from 94-99.   There was a great run of gigs at Tuts circa 1995 when (I think) Shed 7 headlined and Supergrass supported...few weeks later Supergrass headlined with Bluetones supported...then few weeks later Bluetones headlined and I think Heavy Stereo supported...

    I did see Oasis at the old cathouse in Glasgow(anyone ever go to that down by the Clyde?) in December 1993.  They were supporting Verve and as Verve were givign the first couple of hundred folka  free flexi single we got down mega early, Oasis first band on...i thought they were alright, my mate loved them and bought a t-shirt. The band on after them, Acetone, I liked better!

  8. 9 minutes ago, BairnNecessity said:

    You are though it's all about selling the fact they are going to play football. Realistically we aim to be down here for 1 season the players aren't stupid they all fully expect us to be up in the championship next year which is why they're all signing 2 year deals. You offer a youngster the chance of regular first team football and a 2 year deal when they've just been released from a premier league club then I highly doubt they'll bother about the difference between league 1 and the championship. If they are that good they should stick out like a sore thumb in league 1 and maybe even get themselves a deal after that year. 

    exactly this.  I know for a fact this was also the case with Charlie Telfer as his dad is a friend of our family(my old mans originally from Lanark).  Telfer said the stadium, facilities and support were a big factor in him moving to Falkirk..he had a few offers(nothing concrete though) from teams in Championship but he didn't think it was an issue we were are in league one. 

    Appreciate he isn't Premier League quality you are talking about but just highlighting the fact that League standing isn't always the big factor many see to think.  Obviously if we're stuck down here next year then it might be, but for now I don't think many players will be counting us out of their future plans if offered the chance.

  9. probably been covered elsewhere but Diet Nazis(not to be confused with Skinny Hitlers).

    Saw Scarlett Moffat on some TV programme last night. She had put ona bit of weight...no issue with that, couldn't give a f*ck either way.  However it was the fact that a few years ago she was putting out keep fit videos and telling everyone how they can stay trim.  Either do it or don't.

    One of my ex's was always on some sort of diet and to take great delight in telling me how unhealthy the stuff was i ate - like I thought chips and cheese was the healthy option.  Then a few weeks later the diet would be binned and she'd be ordering the pizza like the rest of us.

    This also could go under the "c*nts at work" same as above. lassies at work trying to outdo each other on what diet they are on and the whole "i'm being good". You have to listen to them going into great details about this new diet, giving everyone a guilt trip then a few weeks later you see them in the canteen at lunchtime with a McDonalds.

  10. 4 hours ago, ICTChris said:

    I don’t speak Dutch but think I get what this thread is all about.

    this just depresses the f*ck out of me it really does... The fact that in this day and age c*nts can't accept the colour of a shops logo is the same as their rivals..and can't deal with it even though all over the world(i think) people just get on with it.   What a f*cking sh*te state of affairs.  

    I honestly wish my life was so stress free  that all I had to lose sleep at night over was the colour of a shop sign...then again maybe I don't.

  11. sorry if mentioned already but for some reasons, the phrase, "we go again" is pissing me off at the moment. I keep seeing it relating to footballers tweets or messages. e.g"We got hammered 6-0 at the weekend BUT we go again next Saturday"

    Of course you "go again" you p***k, am I supposed to feel reassured just because of that phrase?

  12. sorry if this has been posted elsewhere but I've really enjoyed the past two Rip It Up Scottish Music documentaries. As I'm down in England I wasn't sure when they were on but I found them on Iplayer.  I'd watched the mains eries a few months ago so was great they'd done extended shows on some of the stuff featured on the main programme.

    The Chemikal Underground was great and as I was living in Glasgow mid 90s to mid 2000s it was really intersting to me to watch how Chemikal Underground developed -they really didn't know what they were doing at the start! 

    The other episode centred around B&S, Franz Ferdinand, KT Tunstall and Frightened Rabbit was great too, although ultimately with Scott, heartbreaking -especially with the interview two weeks before he died.   I was also on the Stow College class that signed B&S and recorded so was interesting to see it from that point of view.

  13. On ‎18‎/‎04‎/‎2019 at 07:53, Silverton End said:

    Back to Life, BBC1 10.35pm, in the old Fleabag slot on Monday night was pretty good. Woman returns home after being locked up for 18 years, no reveal of what she did in her past yet. Some nice dark humour in it.

    Trust Me, BBC 1 Tuesday's at 9pm, a paraplegic soldier is moved to a hospital injuries unit somewhere in Scotland, he's also being probed about his mission back in the warzone going tits up & there is some sinister stuff going on with patients snuffing it on the ward. One nurse is a pill head, another is shagging the creepy heid doctor, played by John Hannah.

    Decent enough so far, sticking with it.

    been watching both these as well.

    Back to life I watched all episodes on iplayer in one afternoon. Really good. Some pretty funny parts even when covering quite a dark subject. The women next door was class with some of her swearing!

    Trust Me - Wasn't sure of at first but its dragged me in.   That wee Sci-Fi guys Scottish accent was doing my head in though!

  14. todays for me. Went online to try and order some shirts and trousers for work as I cant deal with actually going into shops.

    Went onto one high street website where I normally get stuff from.  Found stuff I wanted but nearly every single item was sold out of the popular sizes.  This happens all the time, surely if such demand they should have enough in stock..i understand its maybe different if youa re shopping in person but if tis coming from a main warehosue I'd have thought someone would be thinking..ok these shirts are getting low in stock, lets get the sweat shops workers in Indonesia to work twice as hard...



  15. 20 hours ago, ayrshire_nomad said:
    22 hours ago, fuzzydunlop said:

    This doesn’t count as in England(yep worst pbs in England for this pish.., but thought I’d mention anyway).


    After about a few weeks of moving down here(Leicester) one Saturday afternoon me the g/f had a massive argument about something stupid as usual.


    I stormed out the hoose and with nowhere really to go, I decided a pint was in order at the nearest boozer.  Despite living here for a few weeks and visiting numerous times before I moved,  I hadn’t been to the nearest boozer to the house as the g/f had never been keen.   It hadn't bothered me as despite being closest, it was in the opposite direction to town, so never really had the notion of popping in.  So now I had an ideal opportunity to check out my new local.


    Saturday 2pm and the place was mental. As I walked to the entrance two women were having a full on scrap.  Well I say ‘scrap’ both grabbing onto each other and trying to push each other over.

    At that point I should have turned and left but was already in a mood and you had a big walk up through to car park to get to the entrance so would have looked like a shitebag if I’d turned round. (Please note when I first moved to England I had this inbuilt thing where I thought being Scottish I could handle anything here.  For example, I once walked through a so called ‘rough’ part of the Leicester unaware that it was a bad part of town. When I told my missus what route I’d taken she was genuinely worried/shocked. Obviously I replied “ach it was nothing, you’ve never been to Possil”(in my best Begbie/Scheme voice) – not sure if any other P&B’rs who have spent time down here have experienced this weird reaction to living outside Scotland..as if to say “everything is much shitter in Scotland” was some sort of thing to be proud of).


    Anyway, back to the pub.. Inside wasn’t much better. Some dodgy dance music was blaring from the P.A.  

    I went for a p*ss and there was a queue in the Gents for the only mens cubicle with a bunch of young cokeheads waiting in line for their go.  Rows of urinals free, but massive cue at the cubicle.  As I’m having a slash one of them tells me he’d just got out of Strangeways so is celebrating.


    Then when I ordered at the bar, the guy next to me asked the barman for two eccies, which were duly produced and money exchanged in full view.   It was pretty much the closest I’ve come to the pub out of Shameless. 

    The rest of the clientele were either wide boys or complete freaks.  The women were a mix of complete and utter tramps or those council estate birds that you wid but then regret it immediately when you had to visit the doctor or you find out that their boyfriend Dean is after you.


    Luckily the pub was quite big so I could get away from the mayhem and hide away at the back and watch the scores coming in but then the afternoon karaoke started and some p*shed woman was up wailing along to Alanis Morrisette – pint was finished sharpish and I was out of there. Much rather face the wrath of the missus!

    Place closed down about a month later. Now bulldozed and in its place a Lidl.


    Maybe not the worst pub but definitely one of the worst pub experiences I’ve had.


    Your breaking point was Alanis Morissette

    aye...i'd say it was

  16. This doesn’t count as in England(yep worst pbs in England for this pish.., but thought I’d mention anyway).


    After about a few weeks of moving down here(Leicester) one Saturday afternoon me the g/f had a massive argument about something stupid as usual.


    I stormed out the hoose and with nowhere really to go, I decided a pint was in order at the nearest boozer.  Despite living here for a few weeks and visiting numerous times before I moved,  I hadn’t been to the nearest boozer to the house as the g/f had never been keen.   It hadn't bothered me as despite being closest, it was in the opposite direction to town, so never really had the notion of popping in.  So now I had an ideal opportunity to check out my new local.


    Saturday 2pm and the place was mental. As I walked to the entrance two women were having a full on scrap.  Well I say ‘scrap’ both grabbing onto each other and trying to push each other over.

    At that point I should have turned and left but was already in a mood and you had a big walk up through to car park to get to the entrance so would have looked like a shitebag if I’d turned round. (Please note when I first moved to England I had this inbuilt thing where I thought being Scottish I could handle anything here.  For example, I once walked through a so called ‘rough’ part of the Leicester unaware that it was a bad part of town. When I told my missus what route I’d taken she was genuinely worried/shocked. Obviously I replied “ach it was nothing, you’ve never been to Possil”(in my best Begbie/Scheme voice) – not sure if any other P&B’rs who have spent time down here have experienced this weird reaction to living outside Scotland..as if to say “everything is much shitter in Scotland” was some sort of thing to be proud of).


    Anyway, back to the pub.. Inside wasn’t much better. Some dodgy dance music was blaring from the P.A.  

    I went for a p*ss and there was a queue in the Gents for the only mens cubicle with a bunch of young cokeheads waiting in line for their go.  Rows of urinals free, but massive cue at the cubicle.  As I’m having a slash one of them tells me he’d just got out of Strangeways so is celebrating.


    Then when I ordered at the bar, the guy next to me asked the barman for two eccies, which were duly produced and money exchanged in full view.   It was pretty much the closest I’ve come to the pub out of Shameless. 

    The rest of the clientele were either wide boys or complete freaks.  The women were a mix of complete and utter tramps or those council estate birds that you wid but then regret it immediately when you had to visit the doctor or you find out that their boyfriend Dean is after you.


    Luckily the pub was quite big so I could get away from the mayhem and hide away at the back and watch the scores coming in but then the afternoon karaoke started and some p*shed woman was up wailing along to Alanis Morrisette – pint was finished sharpish and I was out of there. Much rather face the wrath of the missus!

    Place closed down about a month later. Now bulldozed and in its place a Lidl.


    Maybe not the worst pub but definitely one of the worst pub experiences I’ve had.


  17. Oh yeah another one….

    About a year after the day trip event , the Director came to me with an ‘Employee of the Month’ scheme where someone would get a token £25 for doing the best in various areas.  Initially I felt a bit lousy about it due to the relatively low amount but due to company policy getting any sort of reward was something.


    So for the first month I concocted this elaborate points system to prove that a certain person was employee of the month so it could be seen in black and white.   I knew I couldn’t just give it someone that I ‘perceived’ to be employee of the month as it would cause folk to moan so  I took ages making sure the figures stacked up. Typical call centre type b*llshit. Number of calls taken, lateness, etc.


    After awarding the first month to one of the girls who rightly deserved it,  I happened to go out the room after announcing it.  In my absence I found out that these two tw*ts started dissecting all the results, right in front of this girl who had won the £25 to try and prove I’d somehow got it wrong.  It was £25 ffs!


    I was told afterwards and was f*cking livid.  So much so I decided to that I couldn’t be ars*d with the whole thing and it wouldn’t be happening again.  Told the Director why and he agreed.  Felt a bit bad for the other folk in the team in hindsight.


    The irony of it was I’d decided in my head that I would fix it so each month so everyone would get a month where they won it as I didn’t think people would scrutinise it after a few months  especially  for the sake of £25 I didn’t think people would be so bothered!

  18. 20 hours ago, UsedToGoToCentralPark said:
    On ‎02‎/‎04‎/‎2019 at 14:54, fuzzydunlop said:

    Heres another one for you…

    Again my old department.   Essentially the team I looked after were support/admin for a large salesteam.  The sales guys are out on patch trying to win orders and hit their targets.  As the salesguys have pretty heavy targets they also get some pretty sweet rewards, commission, company paid holidays etc 


    The team I managed were based in an office dealing with After Sales customer enquiries but on a salary only.


    This as you can imagine riles up the office team who feel they also do a good job and deserve an extra reward.  At every appraisal I did with them they would moan about not getting ‘perks’.  I’d remind them that they did not have targets or the risk of working in sales where guys are given the sack regularly for not hitting targets. Also if people want to do that type of work they should apply instead of working in admin. 


    However a couple of girls in the office were going great guns all the time about not getting any rewards so eventually I took the request to one of my managers meetings with our Directors and suggested it might help morale to give them something and after a particularly good year a few years ago there was some money in the budget to be used as a reward.


    I think due to taxes and maybe terms of employment the team weren’t allowed to be just given money in their wages as reward.   However, and this is where it got interesting.  The Director responsible for my department sent an email out saying “in light of a great year, please keep this date free for a day trip”.     However the day of this trip was to be a Saturday as we couldn’t do it in work time.  No one was told what the trip was, just to keep the day free and to let him know if they could attend.   Now I’m not one for any works events during my own time.  However, we were given plenty of notice and it was intriguing so I was up for it.   I was sure booze would be involved with it being a Saturday so decided I’d give it a go.


    The other two girls who had done the lions share of the moaning quickly dismissed it and said they weren’t giving up their weekend(they didn’t have kids either) to do something work related.  Leading upto the event there was rumours of what it would be and these two cows kept laughing at everyone else and making snide comments about doing something crap like going bowling or paintballing.  At any opportunity they would say things to the rest of the team like “can’t believe you are going to spend free time at work”.  When they were corrected that it wasn’t actually “work” they would respond with “well it might as well be”.


    The day before it at work we were told to meet at the Train Station early the following morning so it immediately took a more interesting turn.  You could also see the two that had decided not to go were already regretting their decision and started asking lots of questions as if we knew what it was. “remember text us as soon as you know”…


    So the few of us who decided to go met at the station the next day. Turns out we got first class train tickets to London. Met the Director who got us p*ssed in a few pubs. He then took us for lunch up the Shard(oh yes Kenneth!) for a slap up meal in a private room.  Everyone was then given £250 gift vouchers.   Few pubs after it and then back on the train and home for 6pm(I should say I live in Leicester). Turned out to be a great day out.


    Monday morning back at work, everyone who had gone was buzzing and the two who hadn’t gone were visibly livid.  The only let down was they were give then £250 vouchers as well which I think they had been raging about since the Saturday as they had been texted to say we’d all got them.

    Brilliant, I thought the ending was going to be people trying to claim OT for it as well.

    ha to be fair i wouldn't have put it passed them!

  19. Heres another one for you…

    Again my old department.   Essentially the team I looked after were support/admin for a large salesteam.  The sales guys are out on patch trying to win orders and hit their targets.  As the salesguys have pretty heavy targets they also get some pretty sweet rewards, commission, company paid holidays etc 


    The team I managed were based in an office dealing with After Sales customer enquiries but on a salary only.


    This as you can imagine riles up the office team who feel they also do a good job and deserve an extra reward.  At every appraisal I did with them they would moan about not getting ‘perks’.  I’d remind them that they did not have targets or the risk of working in sales where guys are given the sack regularly for not hitting targets. Also if people want to do that type of work they should apply instead of working in admin. 


    However a couple of girls in the office were going great guns all the time about not getting any rewards so eventually I took the request to one of my managers meetings with our Directors and suggested it might help morale to give them something and after a particularly good year a few years ago there was some money in the budget to be used as a reward.


    I think due to taxes and maybe terms of employment the team weren’t allowed to be just given money in their wages as reward.   However, and this is where it got interesting.  The Director responsible for my department sent an email out saying “in light of a great year, please keep this date free for a day trip”.     However the day of this trip was to be a Saturday as we couldn’t do it in work time.  No one was told what the trip was, just to keep the day free and to let him know if they could attend.   Now I’m not one for any works events during my own time.  However, we were given plenty of notice and it was intriguing so I was up for it.   I was sure booze would be involved with it being a Saturday so decided I’d give it a go.


    The other two girls who had done the lions share of the moaning quickly dismissed it and said they weren’t giving up their weekend(they didn’t have kids either) to do something work related.  Leading upto the event there was rumours of what it would be and these two cows kept laughing at everyone else and making snide comments about doing something crap like going bowling or paintballing.  At any opportunity they would say things to the rest of the team like “can’t believe you are going to spend free time at work”.  When they were corrected that it wasn’t actually “work” they would respond with “well it might as well be”.


    The day before it at work we were told to meet at the Train Station early the following morning so it immediately took a more interesting turn.  You could also see the two that had decided not to go were already regretting their decision and started asking lots of questions as if we knew what it was. “remember text us as soon as you know”…


    So the few of us who decided to go met at the station the next day. Turns out we got first class train tickets to London. Met the Director who got us p*ssed in a few pubs. He then took us for lunch up the Shard(oh yes Kenneth!) for a slap up meal in a private room.  Everyone was then given £250 gift vouchers.   Few pubs after it and then back on the train and home for 6pm(I should say I live in Leicester). Turned out to be a great day out.


    Monday morning back at work, everyone who had gone was buzzing and the two who hadn’t gone were visibly livid.  The only let down was they were give then £250 vouchers as well which I think they had been raging about since the Saturday as they had been texted to say we’d all got them.

  20. On ‎27‎/‎03‎/‎2019 at 18:37, Savage Henry said:

    Watched a documentary called The Miami Showband Massacre, about a cross-Irish band that was the victim of an MI5 plot. Pretty fascinating stuff.

    watched this as well...scary stuff. I'd actually heard about this ages ago on some Irsih music doc but just thought it was a 'wrong place at wrong time' situation. Hweoever didn't realise how deep rooted it all was....recommended watch.

  21. 34 minutes ago, mathematics said:

    I always thought the term was “skin flint”. Clearly “skint flint” makes much more sense. f**k sake. Nearly 40 as still thick as shit.


    edited to add: ignore this, turns out I was right.

    ha, never thought about it before...so yeah i'm over 40 and still thick as sh*t

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