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Posts posted by fuzzydunlop

  1. 15 hours ago, Todd_is_God said:

    It was caught by fans holding a flag

    aye saw it on the news this morning.

    Had to chuckle when the lads who caught tried to hold the f*cker up to show everyone it was ok(and probably show off them catching it). The little b*stard wasn't having any of it and proceeded to scratch f*ck oot them.  Good stuff.

  2. On 08/09/2021 at 20:54, Thorongil said:

    It’s brilliant, but even better is Ladhood, available on iplayer.

    I was just coming on here to post about Ladhood.  F*cking brilliant.... I'd see it appear on Iplayer menu but had a bad feeling about it so kept ignoring it...eventually I saw a trailer and gave it a go.

    I thought it was great and some brilliant scriptwriting and laugh out loud moments.

    I think i was worried it was the Beeb trying to do an Inbetweeners but I think its a lot more measured and not as OTT plus with the added dimension of the main character looking back at his adolescence its nice twist. 



  3. 4 hours ago, deej said:

    She's away with work for a while, and will almost always phone me on the way to/from work.


    Me "How are you"

    Her "Ok you?"

    "Yeah alright, up to much?"
    "On my way to work, you?"
    "nope nothing"










    Her "well if you're not gonna talk I might as well hang up"

    Me "cool bye"



    Honestly no idea why she phones half the time, and she then gets pissy at me if neither of us have anything to say. 


    She also phones me all the fucking time when I'm WFH for the most mundane shite, and gets annoyed when I say I'm working and need to go.

    Feel your pain on this one.

    I'm one of those folk who, if I have nothing to say, i dont say anything...a quiet bloke.  Missus and I have been together 15 years...so you would think she know the score...but no...

    She caught Covid last Thursday and I got symptoms on Saturday so both off work this week.   Mon/Tues I felt rubbish but Wednesday I was feeling better and as I was bored out my nut I decided to just 'go back' to work and as I'm mainly working from home now I thought I might as well crack on with work that wont get done when I'm off sick.

    Thursday afternoon she went off on one because I'd been buried in work all morning(catching up) and because I hadn't come downstairs for "a chat" all morning.    Bearing in mind I haven't seen anyone, spoken to anyone(outside of work), or had any other interactions where she hasn't been there -I have f*ck all to talk about....but despite me telling her this I  am ignorant.

    The chat would no doubt be her telling me a load of pish about what she's seen on facebook...

  4. off topic but after listening to the latest Walking Down Hope Street Podcast with Jimmy Gilmour(which is fcking cracking)  got into a bit of a youtube wormhole.

    I'd forgotten about this game and even spotted myself and a couple of mates I used to go to the games with in the early crowd shots...  ,

    Brockville as ever looking braw.


  5. clicked on an episode of 'Weegies' last night.

    Scottish comedy allegedly.  What a load of pish.   Couple of lines made me laugh but the majority of the acting and characters were terrible.

    I only watched the first one and that was enough so it may have got better but I seriously doubt it.

    Its a shame we cant have a good situation comedy in Scotland with young folk in it.  Most I watched just seem to over use the word "bawbag" to try and get cheap laughs and are far too obvious -all seemed to be aimed at folk who find Janey Godley funny.  

    Ireland seems to do a lot better at that sort of thing.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Back Post Misses said:

    We are still in August FFS. You don’t win anything at this time of the season. 
    The team on the pitch is doing well. They did appoint the manager but he was the second choice., and on the face of it, he is certainly turning out well. 
    I am merely pointing out the ying to the yang from an earlier post. 
    Feet on the ground and Keep the traps shut. Let results do the talking. 
    Let’s be honest though we are beating part time teams. If we win this weekend it will be the first FT team we have beaten since we beat Ross County the day we got relegated. We are where we are because of previous shocking decisions from this Board 

    agree with this 100%.

    We never seem to learn from getting ahead of ourselves.  I am enjoying the positivity and long may it continue but I'd rather wait til the first quarter is done before getting carried away..even then I personally probably won't..this is Falkirk after all.


  7. 32 minutes ago, Big chungus said:

    What’s the hype around Robbie Mutch? He wasn’t that great last season and has made a few costly mistakes. The red card against Forfar and the mistake against Arbroath springs to mind. After Paddy Martins incredible debut I would be tempted to put him in between the sticks on Saturday. 

    Its a fair point but I'd expect with the new manager coming in he won't be looking at what happened last season and judging players in training and what goes on the pitch during the games they oversee.  Means Mutch is kept on his toes knowing he's got someone breathing down his neck so hopefully win-win for us.

  8. 5 hours ago, Bigbrbairn said:

    I agree. The positive feel is refreshing. We all know that bad results are going to happen but from his interviews I think he has the personality and guile to sort things. We won't walk this league as all games are bruising but I think after the EK game we know that the depth is there. Too early to judge yet?

    yes, this is the boat I'm in.

    Been burnt too many times in the past so treading cautiously.  All the signs so far are good(apart from the absence of The Beatles White album track.... "no.9, No,9, No.9")

    The big thing for me is the football style changing.  That's a big thing for me personally as I really couldn't handle another season of hoofball. 

    But yeah, I think we need to judge things after the first quarter...or I will anyway.

  9. 4 hours ago, Meldrew said:

    they're getting there, muricans and middle and far east fans are all pretty new, but its the english kids, city have stolen a generation of fans from United, that will be telling in a decade or so

    aye exactly this....

    My wee nephew, 7 years old, lives in Falkirk... little dickhead....last season he gets a Liverpool top for his birthday(his Birthday in early May so handy for glory hunting), then this season I see a picture of him in a Man City top.   I was seething ("ye cannae change yer team!!!") until the wife reminded me he's just a wee boy.  

    To be fair I mentioned this on another thread today but when he was 5, his Gran got him a Falkirk top.  Being a lifelong Bairn I was looking forward to taking to him to his first game etc...but then last season I see pictures on Facebook of him in a Rangers top(my brother is an armchair h*n).  So aye, with the recent Falkirk seasons I cant really blame him but still depressing to see.

    Still time to turn him from the Dark Side but I fear the worst.  Still, hes now off my will.   


  10. 17 hours ago, Stainrod said:

    Small minds small brains probably small salaries jobs  and ambition . Both sides of that divide have nothing to do with football or community and the main reason they attach themselves to the bigot bros is to feel part of something powerful and successful because they realize they are destined for none of that on a personal level.Sad reflection on scottish culture and sport - get it up the lot of them ! 

    Spot on.

    Its an interesting thought though.   If you took away Sectarianism in Scotland, do you reckon people from outside the Glasgow area would still flock to Ibrox and Parkheid like they do? Or still be armchair supporters of those clubs just because they are successful?  Or do you think more people would support the local team?    Although I think more people would support the local team you will always get glory hunters(doesn't help when the local team is pish to be fair).

    Its really difficult thinking of Scotland without Sectarianism on any form.  Its been part of all our lives to some degree.  I lived in Glasgow for 10 years and moved to Leicester 13 years ago.  Its one thing I obviously don't miss.

    My wee nephew is a case in point.  The little c*nt got a Falkirk top bought for him when he was 5.  I tried to push him down the Good Path but last year, aged 8, he's kicking about with a Rangers top on(my brother is the classic Rangers fan from the central belt who has been to about 2 games at Ibrox in his 40 years on the planet but watches them on the telly, ken).  made me so angry but again didn't help Falkirk have been an embarrassment and a lot of kids that age are looking for glory. Still annoyed the f8ck out me though.   Still time for it to turn round but I doubt it.

    Going back to school days, I went to Larbert high, Proddy school...if you took say a class of 30 football fans I'd say 60% were probably Rangers fans, maybe 20% Falkirk fans and the rest made up of Hearts, Aberdeen, Stenny, and other randoms(had a Partick Thistle fan in my class).   Again, probably through a mixture of gloryhunting, sectarian values of their parents/siblings but if you took away the sectarian element I wonder what the mix would be.   Probably more akin to people from Bolton supporting Man Utd or something like that.


  11. anyone heard or seen the band Sweaty Palms?  Not sure of the name but I heard the tune 'Nice to be Nice' last week and it blew me away.  It appears to be about a bloke having some issues with holding the door open for people at his local shop. Bonkers but ace.

    Unfortunately can't find it on Youtube(its on Spotify though).   I'd never heard of them but seems they've been going for a few years.

    Again, I've honestly no affiliation with the band - I live down in England so sometimes miss out on new Scottish stuff but that tune certainly caught my ear! 

  12. Been working from home the past few weeks with the radio on,  normally have 6music on non-stop in the house but I only listen from about Steve Lamacq onwards.

    Is it me or has the daytime gone abolutely sh*te?   I must admit I am pretty much an old Indie kid but I do appreciate all types of music.

    However, whoever they have in for Lauren Laverne today, then Mary Ann Hobbs - have been playing utter pish.  Its almost like an leftfield radio show and lots of obscure dance stuff that just doesn't do it for me.   I guess at 46 I might not be the demographic and again I don't mind hearing new things.  But have they completely given up on guitar music?  Even any of the old stuff they've played has been funk and soul -which is fine but certainly seems to have shifted in its type of music.   

    Appreciate Shaun Keveny and Lamacq tend to veer towards the indie kids but would prefer a bigger mix all round.  

    They got rid of Liz Kershaw on a  Saturday as well(I didn't like her as a dj but she did play a good mix of classics).   

    I think its probably my age but it just feels 6Music are going up their own arse somewhat during the day.

  13. 12 hours ago, FFC 1876 said:

    Our striking department at the moment wouldn't even get a game for @latapythelegend's Sunday team. We need someone who plays like Andy Nelson just not Andy Nelson. He comes with too much baggage off the park and injury wise, little white bags according to Dundee fans. 

    This late on we're most likely going to have to rely on a loan which is hard to take especially when as some have said on here you've got a director of football and the best he's came up with on that front was Jaime Wilson and John Robertson. We need a miracle out the blue signing. Has Farid not got any young Moroccan mates? 

    Still hoping for someone to come in, even on loan with a  bit of 'wow factor'. I doubt it but gotta dream!

    The thing for me is I know there the argument that players don't want to be playing in league One.  However i was thinking about this at the weekend and if anyone at the club has any sense they would be  sweet talking potential players who have their doubts about dropping down,  and using the many past examples where players who have done well for us have gone to bigger things. 

    If I was a player, and assuming the wages were suitable, I would have no issue dropping down a league or two.  If you are confident in your ability then you could be scoring for fun, making a name for yourself and getting interest (as well as the praise from the fans). 

    I guess the negative side is if you fail and are found out to be pish, then yer days are numbered as a player....but I'd have thought there would be more players in the former camp. 

  14. 1 hour ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    It was a tip, But it was our tip, It was Brockville  and I miss it dearly.

    Great pic that!  Funny how you remember things slightly differently in your head...been a while and those of who remember it aren't getting any younger!

    Started going to games when is was 14, so around 1988.   First visit to Brockville was my dad getting us tickets for Andy Nicols testimonial. I think it was through his work as my old man isnt a football fan -we were in the main stand.   I must have caught some sort of bug(not via the pies I don't think) and I started going with some mates from Larbert High the following season(so 88-89 I think) .

    Entering the ground from the Terraced side for the first time I'll never forget...pitch looked amazing.    From then on I moved in towards the choir area, which was my spot until we stopped playing at Brockville. 

    We were still pretty much under the drinking age so no point going to the boozer before the game so we'd get down early to get a decent spot,  around the middle of the terrace, near the segregation fence but with the crush barrier behind us so we were leaning on it...it was a great spot.  Loved the atmosphere building and then all the older lads(ladz) coming in and the songs starting, the smell of booze and the odd bit of pogoing.   

    I do think, now I'm older if I'd change where I'd stand if I were ever to go back.  Not sure I would to be honest - still good to rile up the away fans!  Its the main thing I think TFS misses.  You just dont get that banter which although sometimes was quite childish, was mostly pretty funny.  

    There were some scary moments...The Partick Thistle midweek cup game I remember being seriously over crowded(what a game though)...I remember folk spilling onto the park at the end and stewards/polis pushing folk back in.

    Also remember an Aberdeen game where before the game kicked off we all noticed some unfamiliar faces standing near us.  Just as kick off there was a chorus of "Aberdeen Aberdeen" and then it was fists and legs flying as it was clear some Dons fans in with us.   Fair play to them(Danny Dyer voice) for doing it.  

    The big thing that I remember always getting goose bumps was, you'd spend all match singing in the Choir...then from out of nowhere, usually if we were winning, the main stand would start singing, then Hope Street End ...always gave me goose bumps!

  15. 5 minutes ago, Sherrif John Bunnell said:

    Jim White is having a great time trolling Danny Murphy and Simon Jordan on Talksport right now. Murphy is desperately trying to defend the behaviour of the England fans yesterday.

    ha I'm listening too..Jim White is  a fanny but loving his work this morning... Talksport must be regretting having Super Sally on first thing and now Jim White...

  16. 11 minutes ago, Gordon EF said:

    I lived in England between 2013-2017. Now it helped that they were utter mince during those years but most of the folk I knew down there were absolutely sound. I watched games with them and there was a part of me that genuinely wanted them to do well because it would have been a good laugh and they'd have enjoyed it. My brother in law's English. Really good guy, genuine football guy. Was chatting to him last week and he hates all the shite element of the English media and fans. He was just talking about how amazing it's been for him to see England get to a final, etc. It actually made me think I wouldn't mind if they won it, there were even moments when I thought maybe I'd like to see them do it....

    Then I see pundits and clips of their fans and think nah, f**k them.

    again, absolutely spot on.....

    I honestly wasn't bothered up until watching the semi final v Denmark when lee Dixon said "15 minutes to go and its coming home"(er no...) and then Sam Matterface or whatever he's called started his speech.... that put my over the edge. ..save that for when you win it but they just never learn... 

  17. 7 minutes ago, Doonhame Buddie said:

    Not sure about that. Take away the minority who are mindless, racist thugs and I expect the majority of England supporters are like every other football  fan around the world: passionate about their team and desperate for them to win. 
    I think it’s the English media that makes the team unlikeable. I detest the narrow-mindedness and sense of entitlement their media perpetuates. 

    This...  I live and work in England.  The mates I have down here are all sound football fans who just want their team to do well like any football fan would.... and none of the say 20-30 folk I know(including work mates) were overly confident in winning it...they were just enjoying the 'ride'..... 

    But then there is the media and the 'other' deluded fans.  On Friday I was in the office having a bit banter in the canteen at lunchtime with a  few folk.  Someone asked me who i was supporting in the final.   When I wasn't committing to saying England..(I made a sh*te joke about getting the pizza and peroni in)...  Some wee p***k started having a go at me with some anti-Scottish shite and when I mentioned "England couldnt beat us and that was the main thing" it triggered him and he started ranting about letting us draw with them and utter bullsh*t before going into full on Eng-er-lund coming home pish.  Even the other guys in the room look embarrassed.  When I had a chance to get a word in after his seething mess,  all I said was "and thats why I'm supporting Italy" .   But that was a group of about 8 folk, one ars*hole... and although I don't excuse the racist c*nts who make up a large amount of he support..its not everyone.

  18. my pet hate at the moment is this.

    Currently still working from home.  I get a call from one of the salesguys I look after.

    Him -  "are you able to spare some time to go through the Terms and conditions of this contract?"

    Me - Yes, just going to grab some lunch but will be free in about 45 mins 

    Him - jeez alright for some, being able to have time for lunch


    It wouldnt be so bad but for some reason this c*nt always rings me around lunchtime (i assume he is stopping for lunch) and his other retorts in similar situations have been

    "whats lunch?"

    "you are always on lunch"(said in a jokey way)

    It wouldn't get to me so much but I generally take about 30 mins....

    to be fair hes the same type of guy who does the classic phoning you up five minutes after he's sent you an email to see if you got said email...




  19. Just now, still_game said:

    Czechs bringing on an 18 yr old. Only Scotland doesnt play their young players, preferring to stick with the tried and tested.

    was thinking this exactly yesterday when England brought on that young lad.   Ok they were ahead but not by a big margin but they still gave him a go.

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