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Posts posted by Jordann

  1. Please enlighten me then? Explain just how the numerous buses which leave towns across the country to go to glasgow every saturday aren't detrimental to the potential of the majority of clubs throughout Scotland?

    Why can Aberdeen sell out Celtic Park then? I guarantee if Motherwell were in a cup final they would sell there allocation easy! I also bet they have enough fans to fill out Fir Park easily as well. My opinion is probably due to prices/travel/work etc. The 'buses to Glasgow' isn't a reason for supporting us but I get what you're trying to say and don't disagree with it, but I don't believe it is detrimental. Motherwell have more than 5000 fans, I'm rather confident of that. So I can't accept that as a reason for your stadium being empty.

  2. Well this isnt going to happen anytime soon if your team continues to whore up the majority of the money in scottish football is it?

    Seriously? Motherwell have had the best chance to make money after us in the past couple of years. However, over the past 5 seasons your average home attendance has been 5500 give or take. Your stadium has 13000 seats roughly so you're not even filling half of it! You have finished 2nd in the league for 2 seasons and 3rd the season before, so you've been in Europe, you have had opportunities to make money through Europe. The league prize money isn't hugely different for the top 2. Our money comes from fans, sponsorship and Europe, as well as selling players for profit.

    Anyway, I didn't post here to debate about us making more money, I don't decide who makes what, all I wanted to see was whether or not they were signing shinnie still (because he'd be a great signing), continue to improve there squad and be more competitive! I'm a fan who wants Scottish football to improve. I also hope Motherwell and St. Johnstone do good in Europe as well.

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