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Posts posted by NewDouglasPark

  1. On 22/05/2021 at 11:38, jacobsladder said:

    Teams in the Championship next season 

    Killie/Dundee, Accies, Raith Rovers, Dunfermline, Inverness Caley, Queen of the South, Arbroath, Ayr, Morton and Partick Thistle 

    Not sure if we will even make the playoffs to be honest





    Can't see us finishing above mid table tbh. Could be a long season. Will be interesting to see what level of player is acquired in the summer (if any).

  2. On 20/08/2020 at 02:27, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

    So are 99.9% of us lot from across The Clyde.

    Our recruitment has been abysmal and we have a midfield which would struggle at League One level allied to a defence which is good for a goal a game and that is without taking account of Rikki Fulton in goals.

    We do have goals in the team though -not Moyo or Winter- but Templeton,Ogympoe and the new lad Tunde  but none of them are  100% fit.

    No one to create any chances though and badly missing Gogic to protect the defence.

    Some of our fans laughed at losing Gogic-well those of us who could see what a pivotal player he was in protecting the defence have been proven to be correct...sadly so as an out of sorts Scott Martin,Callachan and Trafford are not up to the job.

    Normally I am a glass half full kind of guy but this team looks dung meat and even a flukey result here won't change this;only decent quality signings will do this.

    Missing it anyway due to a Christening,so will turn off all Media until Sportscene awaiting the inevitable.






    Ps. "Rikki" was MOM

  3. On 20/08/2020 at 02:27, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

    So are 99.9% of us lot from across The Clyde.

    Our recruitment has been abysmal and we have a midfield which would struggle at League One level allied to a defence which is good for a goal a game and that is without taking account of Rikki Fulton in goals.

    We do have goals in the team though -not Moyo or Winter- but Templeton,Ogympoe and the new lad Tunde  but none of them are  100% fit.

    No one to create any chances though and badly missing Gogic to protect the defence.

    Some of our fans laughed at losing Gogic-well those of us who could see what a pivotal player he was in protecting the defence have been proven to be correct...sadly so as an out of sorts Scott Martin,Callachan and Trafford are not up to the job.

    Normally I am a glass half full kind of guy but this team looks dung meat and even a flukey result here won't change this;only decent quality signings will do this.

    Missing it anyway due to a Christening,so will turn off all Media until Sportscene awaiting the inevitable.






    Can't believe nobody ever calls you out on this negative sh*t. Yes, we all miss Gogic but some of the young players coming through look promising. It's been happening for 6 years now, you have been saying the same at start of those years, maybe time to start believing?? Or at least supporting??


  4. 5 minutes ago, Bert Raccoon said:


    No offence, but f**k all this "punching above our weight" pish. We're where we are because we deserve it. I was there when we're were rock bottom and were nearly bust so appreciate how far we've came but we have to realise, we can achieve so much more, teams like Inverness and Ross County have thrived in the last 10 years and although they may not be established Premier teams with a huge fan base, neither of them back down or have a small club mentality and both those teams have won domestic cups whilst we treat cup competition as an inconvenience. 


    So yes, we are a small club but we will never grow with the negative attitude some fans and the people in charge of the club have.

    I agree that we should always be looking to grow as a club, don't have a problem with that. But a sense of perspective is necessary too. You talk about negative attitude from fans. I agree with that too, that is precisely my point. Admittedly, I'm not on here very often but when perusing other posts I find our fans the most critical of them all. Not really sure what we are expecting. If you think of the quality of player which we continue to lose to bigger clubs (McCarthy, MacArthur, Neil, Andreu, McGovern, etc) and the constant struggle to replace them i don't think we're doing too badly.


  5. 1 hour ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Fantastic? Really?

    I just don't see what it is that others see about him, including his managers. I've never seen a player give away the ball as much as he does. Game of opinions and all that...

    No, you're yet to send me a PM on the subject, so not a Gillespie fan boy yet ;)

    Ok, maybe not fantastic. Is undervalued a better adjective??? Despite his critics, he has helped us win a lot of games from defensive midfield. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but as you admit yourself, every Accies manager from Reid through to Canning has valued him.....they all can't be wrong.

    I haven't PM'd you mate. Don't spend a lot of time on here due to the constant negativity. (Not necessarily yourself, but the majority). I remember the old second and third division days not that long ago. When we made it to the first division (or Championship as it is now) under Maitland, our sole focus was survival. We have the smallest fan base in the top flight and i'm assuming the smallest budget too. We are performing something of a small miracle in starting our 3rd year here but the abuse both managers/players take on here is incredible.

    Next week we are playing Sevco in front of a sell out 50,000  or whatever on Sky Sports in the top league in our country, There are many bigger clubs in the Championship who would bite your hands off to do that. We have earned that opportunity. Let's enjoy it.

    Btw, no doubt I'll be called a happy clapper but i would just like a little bit of positivity.  

  6. 3 minutes ago, Patrick Bateman said:

    Careful, you'll have the Gillespie fan boys after you ;)

    He's mildly effective on his day in midfield, but those days are few and far between. One of the most over rated players I can remember at Accies.

    In saying that though, 3 managers have all had him in their starting line ups, so what do I know?

    Ok, i must be a Gillespie fan boy but i have to disagree about his effectiveness from midfield. He is fantastic in that position, and although maybe understated, has been responsible for many a result in the past couple of seasons by winning that midfield battle and allowing Crawford, Imrie, etc, the chance to play.

    But, i totally agree, he's always been wasted at right back. We need two full backs desperately. And maybe another centre half and forward.

    Any word about getting big Carlton back on loan again?? He was coming on to some game before he left.


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