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Posts posted by ChrisMFCfan1886

  1. Need to beat Wales and France now as a bare minimum in order to have had a respectable campaign. Basic errors eg Kinghorn dropping a high ball under no pressure, Jones fumbling it when he could have let it go out, and the mess between Seymour and maitland all led to losing points, and until we start to be as clinical as that we'll always be on the cusp of something special but not quite there. Really should be picking up a LBP as a minimum in every home game.



  2. This is very much about getting Hastings as much top level experience prior to the 6N & WC as possible incase Finn is injured, and as Finn is one of our best players making sure he gets a game. Very lightweight midfield, but then again its a very different Argentina to the days of old.
    Overall the team has a look of making sure everyone gets a game. I would have thought they would have capped Graham just for the giggles to ensure he cant play for England
    I reckon it's all part of the masterplan to cap Graham against England in the 6N for maximum seethe.
  3. I reckon Theresa May's going to try and get Laidlaw to announce the Brexit deal to parliament instead of her, in an attempt to assure us all that the situation is under control. We're privileged to live in the same time period as him. 

  4. A real shame for Glasgow as pyrgos was actually hitting quite a bit of good form in the latter half of last season. You can definitely tell which club is the priority for the SRU now

  5. 2 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:

    Nothing really. On our day we are far superior to Argentina

    For some reason I had got it into my head that most of our games against them were arm wrestles (might have been heavily influenced by the 2016 autumn test though) but I'm quite pleased that we're doing so well, next time wait until I'm ready to watch though! 

  6. 1 hour ago, Allan Jacobsen said:

    Leinster finished top despite their horsing. It's going to be either Scarlets or Cheetahs.

    The scarlets v Dragons commentary said that if scarlets got a bonus point they would finish top due to having an equal number of wins and Scarlets superior points difference. That'll teach me to listen to that irritating Welsh commentator ;)

  7. 2 hours ago, come on shire said:

    I recorded the Edinburgh game to go to Shire's game at Spartans. I then found out that Scarlets were fielding a development squad due to the play-offs and Europe so didn't bother watching it.

    I'd imagine Leinster did likewise though that's indeed a shock.

    They put out quite an impressive 23 including Carbery, McGrath and others which makes it look even more impressive. 

  8. 20 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    3 hours ago, ChrisMFCfan1886 said:
    I noticed hogg a couple of times when France were counter attacking, but he was jogging back, and in the first half in particular in my opinion he seemed a bit disinterested 

    Interesting enough Planet Rugby gave him 8/10; same as Jones and Laidlaw. I didn't think he was as good as that tbh but I thought he played OK unlike Russell. Perhaps we are just spoilt by him playing well so when he just plays ok he looks shite?

    Also saw a table of this years six nations with the players who made the most metres so far, and Hogg was the top player. That surprised me to be honest. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, John Lambies Doos said:
    41 minutes ago, ChrisMFCfan1886 said:
    Greig Laidlaw is a beautiful specimen of a man. Forwards, particularly Gilchrist were superb and didn't get bullied like they did in Paris, which was the most pleasing thing. Russell and hogg were both honking, everyone in the ground was screaming for him to be hooked after 10 minutes. He needs benched, maybe the Price/Laidlaw partnership which saw out the last 20 minutes is worth a go? 

    Hogg was not honking at all; Russell most certainly was. Why does Hogg not take the pens from hand in 22. Even when Russell does make his touch it only goes about 7M

    I noticed hogg a couple of times when France were counter attacking, but he was jogging back, and in the first half in particular in my opinion he seemed a bit disinterested 

  10. Greig Laidlaw is a beautiful specimen of a man. Forwards, particularly Gilchrist were superb and didn't get bullied like they did in Paris, which was the most pleasing thing. Russell and hogg were both honking, everyone in the ground was screaming for him to be hooked after 10 minutes. He needs benched, maybe the Price/Laidlaw partnership which saw out the last 20 minutes is worth a go? 

  11. 3 minutes ago, ajwffc said:

    Callum Gibbins also out for up to 12 weeks and Scott Cummings out for up to 8 weeks.

    Scotland have probably been the unluckiest rugby nation in terms of injuries since the world cup, the injury lists for Glasgow, Edinburgh and the national team are ridiculously long.

  12. Zander Fagerson ruled out for 2+ months, doesn't help the prop crisis at all and could potentially mean we get to see the wonderfully gifted Moray Low in action during the 6N. Marfo, Dell and Dickinson also looking doubtful.

  13. 50 minutes ago, Jeek said:

    Ah emoji106.png

    I think today will be another tight game.
    We seem to be FAIRLY consistent of late, so I suspect it'll be more to do with Glasgow's performance than ours.

    Having not watched much of Glasgow this year, what's the difference? Is it just not clicking or is there something more fundamental?

    I think its a failure to adapt to conditions and opponents who have us sussed. Too often the players think they are playing sevens and attempt miracle offloads which clearly aren't on. What has got the team to victory many times is a 15-20 minute spell where it has clicked and led to an unassailable lead. If the players can adapt to in-game conditions and change tactics to suit then Glasgow can be an outstanding side.

  14. I would recommend that nobody holds their breath waiting on the LibDems supporting this budget, the SNP could guarantee free travel on northern isles ferries, £200bn for mental health, unlimited funds for education, the least centralised police force possible and college places for everyone, and the LibDems would still vote against it. Believe me, I know these people, and that's why I'm seriously considering stopping my membership of the party.

  15. As much as I like George Horne, his game management was absolutely awful tonight, the number of times he tried to be a hero and go it alone was beyond a joke. Instead of the quick taps when none of your team mates are ready, why not kick for touch and gain more ground? Also, the atmosphere at Scotstoun tonight was largely non-existent, as it has been for the majority of the season, which is quite disappointing.

  16. Find it hilarious seeing Glasgow fans moan their faces off about poor performances when last year during the internationals (and even a couple of the pre and post matches) we were being pumped silly at home by the scarlets and ospreys, this season is absolutely night and day from those dark times. If this is what we are like when we play poorly then I'd better get the popcorn ready for when we actually play well because it will be an absolute delight to watch. Few points related to tonight and the season in general; I would keep Turner if possible beyond this season, he has a lot of potential if he gets his throwing right and practices his scrummaging, Vunisa looks like a beast of a player and Jackson has been an absolute star. Overall though, a pleasing win and some brilliant tries scored. (hopefully Glasgow are the only Scottish club to get ten in a row, if you know what I mean ;)

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