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Posts posted by Anonapersona

  1. 10 hours ago, bigmarv said:

    You think America is mental enough to elect a recently convicted criminal? 

    Or do you reckon Trump will be acquitted in all 91 criminal counts against him? 

    All Trump has to do is wave a bible around a few times. His supporters are a cult.

    I don't think he'll serve jail time, regardless of the verdicts. But even if he does, he can apparently still be president from prison.

    I blame the two-party system.

  2. 10 minutes ago, ScotiaNostra said:

    Im sure people will list reasons why hes not good but I quite like Blinken. He comes across as measured, knows what hes talking about. A throwback to a politician of old in a good way.

    I really want someone younger and more energetic next election but he's a massive improvement over that Trump idiot, or any republican.

  3. 3 minutes ago, orfc said:

    She nearly got Brexit binned by pointing out Johnson sending parliament into recess was illegal and got the supreme court to back her. If Sturgeon and her fellow gobshite Corbyn had fought Brexit as hard it may not have happened.

    The fact she's a successful QC/KC must have helped in this case, but was also a backhanded reminder to Sturgeon that she got chased out of a law firm for fucking up her cases pursuing the same career - that can't have enamoured her to Nicola and her fans


    Are you saying that Sturgeon carries some blame for Brexit?

  4. 9 minutes ago, MazzyStar said:

    This isn’t the red states in America.

    No, Scotland isn't anything like the red states.

    But given that Forbes has said she would use her religion as a political weapon then it's important that Scotland doesn't drift towards that nonsense.

  5. 3 hours ago, Salt n Vinegar said:

    Taking that approach, and extending "has killed" to include both by action and inaction, gets really awkward for the religious when you consider the implications of miscarriage and the non-implantation of fertilised eggs. 

    I find it baffling that the entity who created the universe just by thinking about it, also thought it was a good idea to drown the world's infants.

  6. 13 hours ago, Elixir said:

    Yeah: who needs transparency in a democratic society. 🥴

    Remember the SNP calls for an election because the public never voted for either Truss or Sunak? Will they be making the same calls for Sturgeon's replacement?

    Black and white cases like this can't be argued with. It is pathetic, rank hypocrisy.

    Somehow I don't think the Telegraph and their ilk would make a massive outrage if the tories had a media blackout.

  7. 40 minutes ago, CarrbridgeSaintee said:

    Of course she does.  She believes children should be conceived within a marriage.

    What’s wrong with that?

    There's nothing wrong with saying that.

    There's also nothing wrong in saying she's totally out of touch and doesn't deserve the support of the 21st century individual.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Rod1877 said:

    Everyone falls back on their beliefs for guidance.  Everyone has a worldview.  Nobody is neutral.  

    I meant religious beliefs and how they may affect political decisions.

    I agree about worldviews and neutrality but those things weren't in my post.


  9. The problem with overly religious people is that they tend to fall back on their beliefs for guidance. She might say that she'll keep her faith out of politics, and it might actually be true at the time.

    At the end of the day it will interfere in her capability to make fair decisions.

    I see these people every day.

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