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Posts posted by a9north

  1. It’s beginning to sound a bit better.
    I share everyone’s frustration at the lack of detail but given that we were led up the garden path by Gardiner et al about the car parks and the battery farm etc, I will grit my teeth and wait for the board to do their work and only announce developments when and only when they are 100% concrete. 
    Morrison and Kelty are gone and Gardiner is going , the team will be focused on local talent  , so most of the objectives have been achieved but unless we do buy our season tickets and our strips it just won’t work. 
    I suspect there will be more hard days to come as we try and dig ourselves out of this hole but as somebody who stood on the railway sleepers back in the olden days it just might be worth it.

  2. 4 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

    That's pure speculation, a definition of the word 'should' is;

    "used to say or suggest that something is the proper, reasonable, or best thing to do"

    Billy got his two years plain and simple.


    Yep it’s speculation, that’s why I used the words “Could mean “ As far as being , proper, reasonable or the best thing to do , none of those mean it will happen either  they mean that it’s the best outcome . I’d be delighted if you were right and I was wrong but I just have a nagging doubt. Maybe we can have this discussion same time next year and see what the story is.


  3. 16 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:

    Yes Bell is our highest scorer with 6 goals I believe but part of my post was the poor strike rate of Baird and Oakley, Bell has acquitted himself well since Geneva but he is still coming to terms with the more physical Scottish game, however I feel he will a great asset for us if he stays.

    You mention that 32 year old Baird was brought in to contribute 10 goals, having scored three in 22 appearances I cannot foresee him attaining anywhere near the ten in the remaining  dozen or so league games. As I said,  running around the park at defenders is not what he is paid to do however much that may appeal to some, he should always be in a position to receive the ball and make inroads with it towards the goal not running wide against a left or right back. Old School maybe but that's how it works.

    I know that pre season friendlies do not give a full account of a players ability but for me Elbouzedi was a stand out last summer so I was disappointed when he got injured, now that his month's loan to Elgin is finished  I can't wait to see him back in the team.

    Many young players manage to combine and juggle studies with a professional football career so I don't for  minute  see that being a problem for Daniel McKay, I really want to see him  on the pitch more.

    I also stand by my belief that we would struggle against lower premier opposition, go back to the RC friendly at Dingwall this season where we fielded a full first team, which included Elbouzedi, and we were well beaten and we really did look second best.


    For me I think that it is inevitable that we will be in the Championship next season, and hopefully when he will have more time than he did t the start of this season John Robertson can bring us a couple of experienced strikers. and Oakley can do better. Running around and going wide pulls defenders out of position  and creates space for others to exploit. Oakley is better as a target man and holding the ball up than Baird.  So they both do different jobs for the team. Given our current resources, my starters would be Oakley and Bell backed up with Dorian and Tremarco to provide the width and pace  required  in today's game. We both want a20 goal a season centre forward, but so does every club and with our budget we won't get one quickly or easily. 

    I too want to see more of young Mckay but as an impact sub for 20 minutes so that he has the time to mature physically and emotionally. Who knows what Elbouzedi can do but Id like to find out soon. 


    16 hours ago, SandyCromarty said:



    I seem to have made a complete mess of my reply and mixed in up with

  4. Baird was never going to be , or ever has been a 20 goal a season striker , he was brought in to contribute about 10 and also runaround a lot and be generally annoying to the oppositions back four. Bell is quoted as our high scorer in some papers so why did he not feature in the discussion. We also have Austin who looks like a new " Ted McMinn " given that he doesn't look like he knows what he is going to do next so how a defender would is anybodies guess. Given that Daniel McKay is still at school ! and is probably studying for his highers as we speak he is not the answer.  Doran , Oakley and Bell are the best we have currently , if and when Tremarco returns things will get better, if and when Mulraney sorts his sh-t out and contributes , things will get better , if and when Elbouzedi challenges for a place, things will get better, if and when our class midfielders manage to go without getting booked for more than 45 minutes , things will get better. Playoffs are the goal this season, I would love to see us there but I have my doubts and yes I would put us up against  Hamilton, County and the other Thistle any day of the week.

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