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North Terrace Gazza

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Everything posted by North Terrace Gazza

  1. This reminds me of our demise at Auchinleck but at least we weren’t at home
  2. Murdoch looks like he’s running with a deep sea diver suit on
  3. Well that was crap took 15 minutes to log in and missed the first 5 minutes of the game.
  4. Sibbald is a member of first team squad and Drinan broke into the Ipswich town first team so I don’t see either coming to us on loan
  5. Really?? Watch some of the old 70’s games on YouTube and look at the mud bath that they used to play on.
  6. Why show a replay when there is another corner coming in
  7. I wish the commentators would just shut up. It’s like listening to a pair of drunks in a local Arbroath boozer.
  8. I agree with most of this but you have to include Stevenson into the mix.
  9. Raith as a new team to the league may or may not make the top 4 but one thing is for sure they ain’t going down. Be worried QOS, Arbroath, Alloa and Morton.
  10. Jesus Christ the last time we played against you guys Vaughan was injured which was years ago. Is he still injury prone? The guy had lot of potential way back in 2017.
  11. He’s played 41 times for us and hasn’t scored a single goal. I don’t think you need worry about Kerr sinking your title challenge by scoring
  12. I always thought Ayr and McCall were a good fit for each other. I believed given the right backing and a little luck he may have taken us up to the Premiership. However, I get the pull of Thistle and their potential higher resources but I really think this is going to end badly for him. COVID certainly didn’t help his cause by ending the season but I think he may struggle to get them promoted this season.
  13. Your the one talking rubbish mate. I travel to Spain every month bars have never been shut.
  14. Tbf soap and water are pretty alien things to the good people of Kirkcaldy.
  15. Spanish bars have been open since June. Fans were back in France, Germany, Spain and even Belgium in September and October. My “news” on Spanish bars comes from my own experience not the internet like some people.
  16. Last month most of Europe was allowing limited fans in, we weren’t. Bars in many European countries have not closed unlike here.
  17. Pressure might mount but there is not a hope in hell that this Scottish Government will allow fans back this season.
  18. Comfortable win today. Thought we always looked in control without being brilliant. I worry for Alloa but then again QOS look terrible
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