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Dog: A Bounty Hunter

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Posts posted by Dog: A Bounty Hunter

  1. I also agree it is looking good for Murray next year. I don't think people realised just how long takes get back from a serious injury.


    There was an article in the late summer from Richard Krajicek, praising Murray's year performance, whilst pretty much everyone was getting agitated and extremely worried about his performances. He found it remarkable that Murray was even able to play, let alone manage to be in the top 10 less than a year after having the surgery

    There was never any doubt whatsoever that Murray would/will get back to his 2013 form eventually. The status quo will be restored after the Australian Open

  2. Most haircuts are fucking shite. You either grow it to neck-length, or shave it off.

    At least you can excuse this shaved at the side and long on top nonsense as being the current trend.

    This mod pish has no excuse. Imagine modeling your look on Liam Gallacher, and offering up Bradley Wiggins and Leighton Baines as proponent of the style. That's a riddy. Get it chopped off jama m8.


  3. We live in the age of shit haircuts. People look at Cristiano Ronaldo, Brad Pitt, David Beckham, or some other celebrity and say "I really want a haircut like that, even though I'll probably end up looking like Phil from Rugrats or that c**t Macklemore". Now some people can pull off that haircut but most can't.

    Here's Craig Reid as an example.


    He's an insufferable c**t. The haircut matches really.

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