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The Saintee

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Everything posted by The Saintee

  1. Wonder how many Bears,Joey will end up blocking on twitter tonight?
  2. I know that and have already posted that. But after the War they seemingly retreated to the Land of Always Winter. They can't cross The Wall yet because of the magic used to build it apparently. When we first see a Wight no magic is explicitly used. Royce simply dies fighting one. This is the same for Othor who rises to attack Mormont. The point you raise about Tormunds son is a good one. He dies North of The Wall. Not in combat with a Walker and not raised directly by a Walker or presumably Tormund would have mentioned it. The only Wights we see are people/animals who have died on the Northern side of the Wall. So it takes the influence of the Walkers to raise Wights. It is maybe a good clue that an unnatural cold caused by the presence of The Others killed Torwyn. That's what I mean. They can't leave yet and are most powerful North of The Wall.
  3. The Others come from beyond The Wall and are currently most powerful in that realm. They can't, as yet, cross The Wall. They can resurrect people/animals as Wights directly. People who die North of The Wall generally seem to rise as Wights due to the presence of The Others in the region which is why the Wildlings burn their dead. The Ranger that attacked Mormont died beyond The Wall and was one of Benjens men. Now we know that they were attacked by The Others. The men who died in battle at Winterfell are not near The Others or their magic so haven't risen as Wights.
  4. And he died beyond The Wall. It's also a proximity thing for where The Others are.
  5. How many nights next week will be devoted to "the aftermath".
  6. It's standard for the Wildling dead to be burned. Because they have lots of experience of seeing resurrection and they fear it happening.
  7. Hartson is correct. Burke should be testing himself in the Old Firm goldfish bowl imo.
  8. Not sure it qualifies as journalism really but has anybody heard the Dean Saunders story about Brian Clough that went viral? Totally made up apparently.
  9. He was on as a guest(about Andy Murray obviously) and they were seeing if an American knew about the OF. It was a scientific study to gauge the global appeal/knowledge of the OF.
  10. Also said that he's desperate for Scotland to qualify so he can go as a fan with his "tammy and scarf". Imagine finding yourself standing beside that old bawbag. It's worth not qualifying if that's the risk.
  11. Granpaw Broon on yesterday talking about Malta not having any star players anymore and that they "used" to have a guy called Michael Mifsud who had scored more international goals than Law and Dalglish but that they didn't have him anymore. Cue the 89th minute substitution............
  12. And now onto Edinburgh! What actually was the injury that Russell had?
  13. Hogg has a lot of trouble with his hamstrings.
  14. Dunno. Wish someone would mention it.
  15. Brilliant! Get into them. Like the look of Sarto.
  16. Is Willie Miller the only person in Scotland who doesn't know Rory McAllister is a plumber?
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