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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. After training yesterday, the tractor gate was open and I popped my head in. From my, totally uneducated on turf, option it’s looking really good.
  2. Just arrived home from tonight and she was absolutely unbelievable. After watching that, you just can’t help but love her.
  3. KR saying in the Stirling Observer that he will probably not sign any more players although there is space for one more. 3 of the youngsters that were given opportunities near the tail end of last season will be added to the First Team squad and that Max Wright is expected to sign on again for next season. I’ve said it before, like most supporters, I’m not sure what Wright has done to warrant a new deal, but he’s not the worst player to have about the First Team.
  4. You’ve got yourself another good player in Ross Kavanagh. I always thought he was more effective through the middle but he also played wide during his time at Forthbank. Wish him well with EK
  5. Would agree with The Phoenix and say 100% He most definitely deserves the chance to at least start the League Cup games and take it from there. The only question mark for me with him, is his distribution at times, but I do think he could go onto have a big future in the game......and he’s better than Jack Hamilton.
  6. Michael Herd was a Centre Midfielder for The Shire about 6 or 7 years ago from memory.
  7. He came to us on loan last season and Neilson sung his praises on the Arabs website, he came off the bench at Half Time as a sub in his first game (Queens Park) and then started the following game against Albion Rovers, only to be replaced at Half Time due to an injury, sadly for the lad, that was that. I remember him playing Centre Midfield and I remember him putting Darren Smith and Neil McLaughlin through with 2 great through balls but nothing other than that.
  8. Suppose it’s better than doing a Cowden, and resigning the same bunch of mid table League 2 jobbers to secure their mid table League 2 finish.......and give us all another year of laughing at the epitome of all things Cowdenbeath, Jordyn Sheerin[emoji23]
  9. Paul Willis signed for The Binos today, how was he for you guys last season?
  10. Just confirmed as signed Peternapper. How was he for you?
  11. I’m sure Barry Smith is like every other manager at this level and would rather have players tied up as early as possible, to give him enough time to work with them before the season kicks off. Being Part Time, pre season is vital as you don’t see enough of the players as it is. For whatever reason, Smith has not managed to do this, it might be he has been knocked back on targets, that he’s waiting on people getting back to him or that he’s struggling to identify players that he believes have the quality to achieve the aim of promotion. Whatever the reason is, it’s not ideal preparation and it’s understandable why a section of your support is concerned.
  12. How did we get on with the experience of them both?
  13. Peter MacDonald now leaving the club after talks with KR this morning. Best of luck in your next step Peaso.
  14. Watched EK 3 times last season, Longwortj played a full 90 minutes in 2 of them and was subbed with 10-15 minutes to go in the last one, and my honest opinion is that he is a shadow of the player who was able to play at this level a few years back. I was a big fan of his when he was at Queens but he didn’t appear to be that guy anymore. Surprised that Stenny released Ferry. I didn’t managed to get along to Ochilview last season (travelled a bit more with my Stirling free Saturday’s) however I thought he looked good for them the season previous, and played the ‘battler in the middle of the park’ role well.
  15. If Stranraer are signing the calibre of Jordan Allan and Mark Stewart then you have to fear for them next season. I like Lee Hamilton but is he worthy of a step up.....mmm, I’m not sure he is. Hamilton is a good player, he’s steady on the ball, Left footed and looks really comfortable as a Centre Back also, he just doesn’t really offer much in attack which is something you obviously look for in a Full Back. As I say, he’s a good player who has suffered with a fair amount of injuries, but I’m not convinced he is a League 1 player. Hope for his sake he has an injury free season and proves he is because he’ll give you everything, and can never be faulted for effort and desire. Mark Stewart was a total enigma for us. Dumbarton fans on here told us how poor he had been for them the season before, but we assumed that League 2 football and the fact that he had done well in scoring years before, that he’d be an asset for us, however we were wrong. He offered nothing and despite running about a lot, never seemed to be in a position to receive the ball or hurt the opposition. From memory he scored 1 goal, which was a 2 yard tap in against Peterhead when the game was gone and I think that was the only positive contribution I noticed in his 4 months at the club. I hate being harsh on players, but it spoke volumes when KR came in and afterwards Stewart was not long shown the door, despite having a 2 year deal. Fans were to believe he was injured, and that may have been the case, but the sceptic in me thinks it was more to do with the fact he would (probably) be one of our highest earners but had been absolutely rotten and KR wanted to free up wages.
  16. Interesting signing as well. Remember him scoring and playing well against us a few years back when he was at Forfar, but then I can’t remember him doing anything of note during the (home) Queens Park marches last season.
  17. Delighted to read this David, it means we are getting the player I thought we were, one I have admired for a few years and one that I was hoping we’d sign, as I can’t remember the last time we had someone like him. Don’t forget Jardine. I think we Nicol in there, we have lots of options to do the running for him......the only thing we don’t have is another Nicol for when he is suspended or injured. Well done KR, how about a couple of wide men now?
  18. Chuffed that Binnie has decided to stay on, I was unsure if he would or not, but ultimately he’s a good young keeper who still has many years in front of him. I’d still like to see him go on to be a Ross McGeachie type player within the club so hopefully it’ll be another positive season for the lad.
  19. Blair Currie is a hoofing signing, welcome to the club [emoji1319]
  20. Mackin re-signing is good news, chuffed with that. He worked off scraps last year but he’s good at getting onto things. Never thought I would see Creaney back at the club and he’s never stood out when we have played Annan, so that’s an interesting one, it would also be interesting to see what Annan fans thought of him and Wilson, and what type of player he is. At least 1 more to go today, hopefully saving the best until last [emoji1303]
  21. Just noticed this on Twitter, I’m honestly surprised he has made the jump up. Hope for your sake you are getting the player Elgin had an not the one we’ve just had to watch.
  22. Darren Smith leaves Stirling and will sign for a League 1 (or above) club over the next few days. Honestly gutted but obviously wish him well for the future. Deserves to be playing higher up if he can remain injury free. Really? Fair enough. No huge loss, but a player I would have liked to have kept. He’s not the most mobile, and he’s carrying a bit of weight now but he’s a battler and sets up chances from scraps.
  23. Interesting if true, another tall powerful Striker. If he signs and Mackin re-signs then it’s obvious how KR wants to play next season.
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