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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Yeah, I think that’s the repetitiveness of Scottish football right there, plus the fact that the cost is now so high. Have to admit that there are a number of places that fall into this category for me and I’m now at the stage, when Stirling are away, I’ll more likely be found at a LL/EOS/WOS game instead. PS- I hadn’t bought a pie at the football for years until this catering company came to Forthbank, our pies are simply fantastic!!
  2. I would say we fall into this category and looking at the photos at the time, I would have a guess that there was 30 odd people there when we met last season. It was slightly bigger in the first game as people "checked it out" but in general most fans just didn't bother, myself included.
  3. Wasn’t at the game last night, but you gotta be pleased, and slightly surprised, that we managed to get a comfortable draw against Hamilton. Maybury spoke about the positives in his after match interview against Raith, let’s hope this is another positive sign going into the season.
  4. To be honest, in his starts and sub appearances, I struggled to see how he actually improved the side and did wonder if he was another of those Youth players that were impressive but just couldn’t make the step up. However, for as much as I supported him, I also feel that Darren Young became too loyal to a number of players, of which, a couple probably played in Rudi’s position so maybe he did have more to offer but Darren held him back, I suppose we will never know and I do wish him all the best for the rest of his career and hope he goes on to be a success, but I do have my doubts.
  5. Christ, I actually forgot how much I hated…..but secretly admired, Alan Trouten. Some result Fife fans, well done
  6. Have to admit to being a wee bit surprised that Pabs hasn’t pulled in a couple of ex-Stirling players @NELLY 1. Most notable that is still without a club, is Kieran Moore, who would be an excellent signing. Travel is possibly the problem for the lads that are available as they are possibly west coast based.
  7. Taken from the fans Facebook group, both our strips are absolute belters!!
  8. …..and the winner of the best home kit competition
  9. I think it’s very much a wait and see squad so far, currently I think Clyde, Spartans and probably Elgin, look stronger, so maybe mid-table will be about right but we’ll not know until we start. What I would say, is that I think we’re got a scattering of players that are probably welcome in any squad at this level and we have others that are unknown and being given an opportunity to step up, so it’s going to be interesting.
  10. I’m lead to believe this is a friendly for our u20’s and no our First Team, hence the radio silence from the club
  11. Pains me to say it, but yip, that's a spot on article from the tory rag.
  12. Think their has been a bit of an over reaction on social media with regards to the QOS game moving. Does it really matter?? Were there that many people who had the game in the diary and were set to come along.....i'm not sure. The important thing with this game is getting minutes in the legs for the players and getting the squad to gel. We're short of numbers, so we can't fully achieve the second part of that aim but we can the first and those that are there will be starting to pull together hopefully. In actual fact, maybe a 4 hour round trip, in a bus, will help better with that....who knows, I just don't think it's that of a big deal. Assuming Davidson can pick up where he left off, he'll certainly be good in along with Crane, but I did think Ewen looked like a player in there, and I look forward to seeing more of him. Competition for places, that's a good thing, but Davidson has spent a lot of time out so I'm not going to hold my breath that the same player is going to return. Time will tell. As for positions to strengthen, we need to strengthen across the park, I said this on Saturday. We have the beginnings of a good core to the squad, without repeating myself fully, I thought the back 3 looked good, the 2 in Centre Mid and Carrick and McKinlay will link well up front, but ultimately it will grow. I actually thought Kieren Moore would have fitted in well with the way the team was set up on Saturday, can only suspect (if AM is sticking with Wing Backs) he just didn't see Moore as being strong enough defensively.
  13. I genuinely think we should be open for him to do so, I don't think we are in a position to turn our noses up at anyone who wants to play for the national team. What I would say though, is that I don't think Clarke will approach him, he'll need to do the crawling if it was to happen. Clarke was quite open and said that he was a young boy who needed to go away and take stalk of things (sure someone can did the interview up), that's not a man who has closed the door on him.
  14. That is a sweeping generalisation that one.......and quite frankly a load a rubbish. Yes, there are some supporters at every club (and for the national team) that just need to shut up and stop talking or typing, but just because someone has the job title as "Manager" or "Head Coach", it doesn't mean they necessarily know more than the person in the stand. Some times, it just means they have attended more courses and had the time and money to do so.
  15. If Dunfermline have real ambitions to push into a promotion slot, then I doubt either will be good enough.
  16. Offt, would definitely agree with you on that one
  17. £60 for an stadium gig these days is pretty reasonable I’d say, and considering the show she put on, I would say that it was more than justified mate.
  18. I know it’s plain and simple, but the home strip’s a belter BC
  19. Nice set up you have @Jordi1977 and I’ll be back over the course of the season. Thought your 20 looked lively when he came on. Just on a side note, you don’t happen to know where I can buy a Broxburn pin badge do you?? I looked on the desk when we first got in, but they didn’t have any.
  20. Has Thomas Reilly actually signed?? It was definitely him playing Left Wing Back, and he was named on Twitter but obviously there has been no announcement, unless I have missed something. Would certainly be a good signing if he has. Anyway, not long back from the game (1-1 draw with Broxburn). I try not to read too much into pre-season, but it was a bit of a mixed bag today, but plenty to be positive about. We’ll start with the negatives first, because they were glaringly obvious. We’re still well short of numbers, and today’s squad was without Davidson, Milne and Roy. Davidson was with the management team but was not stripped, so I assume is still a wee bit away from being fit. I overheard someone say that Milne picked up an injury in a closed door game and Roy was nowhere to be seen. None of the young lads looked ready to step up. A handful got the opportunity to come on and play their part but at that point, it became Man v Boys and Broxburn came into the game as a result. He was listed as a Trialist, but number 6, who was playing at Right Wing Back and was then moved into Centre Back, didn’t look like a player who would cut it at this level. Might be harsh on the lad, he might not be up too speed and he may get there, but on todays showing it would be a no from me. Anyway, onto the positive. Well the team lined up 3-5-2 and going by the First Half performance, are being encouraged to play more than we have probably seen under previous managers. There was a lot of building from the back and short sharp passing between the players. Very little was played long and I liked what I saw. It wasn’t totally there, but the early shoots of team building were good and we were well on top of the game, as you would expect. When Hilson scored, you expected it to be the first of many. Hilson looked lively in that little pocket of space just behind the front 2 and could have bagged another, or certainly create something else but seemed to over hit things in the final third, but he did well in there and looked comfortable. Talking of looking comfortable, I really liked the look of Harley Ewen in Centre Midfield, he looked comfortable on the ball and seemed to have a creative side to him. Partnered with Crane, I thought the 2 of them looked like a solid base and did well. Over the course of the match, Crane was probably our best player and covered every inch of plastic. At that back, Sula was in the middle, Geeks to the right and Denholm to the left. The 3 did well, Broxburn were direct and they dealt well with that but at the same time, the 3 wanted the ball and as I said above, they looked to build from the back. Gaston was very vocal throughout, didn’t have a save to make and looked comfortable before coming off. Reilly at Left Wing Back looked effective, got up and back and although he seemed to run out of steam, he put a shift in and did well in the role. Upfront, Carrick looked like Carrick, he looked sharp although his shooting was well off, and partnered with McKinlay, well they seemed to complement each other well. It was hard to judge McKinlay, he looked good off the ball and was very determined and mobile, won a few balls in the air and flick on’s, but sadly he never had any good service to see what he could do with it at his feet, except the occasional hold up. So that was about that then. After a goal mouth scramble where the ball crossed the line twice, with the officials missing each one, the game went a bit flat and both teams started to change things around. We brought on young lads and eventually Broxburn scored from a corner, where the young Goalkeeper seemed to be a little lost, as the Broxburn players were celebrating, the Full Time whistle blew. I think Maybury will be happy with the run out, as I said, he’ll not read too much into it either and he’ll know he needs to get numbers in, but we look ok but we look like a new team, let’s just hope it’s a new team that will get stronger, we’ll certainly try and play football however, and I like that.
  21. Good luck to Josh in his hope of getting a full time gig at Dunfermline, cracking club for him to join. I’m not sure if he is at that level but he can only try. Really felt for him last season and think Young had blinkers when it came to him. Sometimes in football, no matter what you do you just can’t change the managers opinion and I think there was an element of that. For most of the season, he did well but just couldn’t get in……which was surprising when Leitch looked so poor. Hope it works out for him, seems like a good lad and he is a good player.
  22. Not my normal style of music, but took the wife to see Pink at Hampden last night. What a singer, what a performer, what an entertainer and what an inspiration to young people. Absolutely brilliant performance that blew me away at times.
  23. That's actually a fair point, and one that I haven't considered. It's bonkers that we only have 3 or 4 of these type of complexes about. It's my view that every big town should have 1 of these, and that our big cities should at least have a couple. It's embarrassing that places such as Stirling, Dunfermline, Airdrie, Dundee, Perth etc etc do not have an Oriam/Ravenscriag/Toryglen type complex on their doorstep.
  24. Like the sound of Sula, seems like a "no-nonsense" type of defender going by the reports on here, with the occasional error in him. We've become used to that over the years with many Centre Back who have played for us. When Clyde were relegated from League 1, I remember a good number of their posters on here were delighted at the news that he was re-signing, so I'll take this as a good signing on the face of it.
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