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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. That's good to know @Clyde_MM, thank you. Although, like you said, the £19 is still high, £24 is an affordable price I'd be happy to pay for both of us to come to be fair, and I most likely will. Thank you
  2. Have to say that I am with the majority on this one and that £19 is too high. I remember when East Fife did the same 2 seasons ago and I raised the point then that it was too high for me personally and that I would boycott going through. A large number of their posters laughed and I got " but it's only £2 more than you charge", however that doesn't make it right and it doesn't make it affordable. Over the years, as my sons Saturday morning football becomes later and later and longer and longer, I can't physically get to a lot of Stirling's away games due to the location, so I'll go to games all across the central belt. If a club like Clyde charge £19 for an adult and say £12 for concessions, there's £31 just for us to get in. Inevitably we'll be looking for food, so stopping at a bakers/supermarket meal deal or getting food at the ground, you can be easily another £10-15, so your day is sitting at £41. Then there's the fuel/supporters bus cost on top so a day at the football is way over £50 for a father and son, my disposable income for the month is only a couple of hundred pound, if every club does the same then that's my money pretty much wiped out going to an away game every second week. Clyde lose out on this because at the end of the day, I am a consumer and as much as football fans don't like to admit it, we all are. I start picking and choosing my away games (which I now do), it means less income for Clyde. Simple. Floating fans like myself are also less likely to come and I'm probably in the majority now, where fans just don't attend way games through cost. The biggest teams who will benefit out of this is your Lowland League, WOS/EOS football clubs. As I said above, I'll always go to the football but in the last 4 years, when Stirling have been in Peterhead, Stranraer, Elgin, Dumfries etc etc. I've regularly gone to watch Linlithgow, Bo'ness, Cumbernauld Colts, Caledonian Braves, Dunipace, Camelon, Cumbernauld United etc etc everyone of which, a day out in total might only cost me about £20-25. A lot of people are doing the same now and are going to football which is affordable. So whilst the countries 42 big clubs, price fans out, these smaller clubs are starting to thrive because they are affordable and community focused. Linlithgow and Bo'ness are regularly pulling in more than 400 a week and I have seen Dunipace and Camelon also pull in around about that number (higher when they play each other), that's only going to continue as clubs like Clyde (And inevitably Stirling) continue to raise prices when the working classes are having to watch their spend more and more closely.
  3. I keep reading this about Jack, but I can't see it, he's a player that (when fit) Clarke has traditionally liked and backed. I think Jack is ok, not as good as others in the squad, however a number of years ago he did form a good partnership with McGregor in the middle of the park and I think Clarke still hangs onto that. I think others will be dropped before him. As for Simon Murray, he's my kind of striker, forces errors and finishes chances, someone that has always done that throughout his years and should have probably been involved in squads before now. I see him as that Anya sort of player, that's just a pest. I don't know if taking him to the Euros is the place to giving him his chance, but I certainly hope he gets it at some point. As for Friday's game, auch, it's just very much meh for me. I'll go as I always do, but I don't get too up nor down with friendlies and apart from the Spain game, the atmosphere and "the Hampden Roar" has long left the stadium...certainly from my seats in the South Stand, but I hope it's a positive performance and a good night, but we will see.
  4. Totally agree with all of this, and would very much like the 4 players mentioned to re-sign
  5. I think you have said it all @Beepee67, well said. However, I like to put myself into other people's shoes and if I was Maybury, I would be looking at everything above (with regards to Coaching and Playing staff) as a positive and I would relish it. He basically has a blank canvas to work with. He has quite possibly the leagues best Goalkeeper in the door, and a Striker that pretty much every club in this league would want and, someone you know if you can get the balls too in the right areas, will score regularly. That's 2 huge plus points that a lot of managers coming in to these squads won't have. He also has a very capable player in Crane to work with, and hopefully a rejuvenated Davidson who (I assume) will be itching to get back amongst it after a horrendous season with injury and will be out to enjoy his football again and show what he can do. You've also got Hilson & Milne, 2 players that under-performed last season and who will know themselves that they didn't hit the levels that they were probably expecting themselves, but it's a clean slate and it's time to go again. Knuckle down, they both have the ability to go on and have a right good season and play a huge part in it. I never got the impression from anyone at the club that any of these players were "bad eggs", so plenty of positives for Maybury to take from that. Then finally McKinley, an unknown quantity at this level but with an impressive scoring record in the Lowland League who will be eager to go and prove himself, can he or will he, I don't know but I doubt there will be much risk in him so lets find out. Then, well I'm not sure from the out of contract players who will want to realistically stay and who won't have good offers from elsewhere, so I'll not go too much into that, but if he can maybe even get 2 or 3 of them to remain, then we're actually starting to look like a half decent squad, and he'll have hit contacts, targets and "I'll take a pop on him" lists and can do whatever he wants. If it was me, I'd sooner have that than walk into a club and be told "that's what you have to work with and that's it". As for Coaches, Kitman etc etc, then he can bring in his own people again. Nothing has been said about Bud, so I'm assuming we still have a GK Coach but if not then he'll have his own people that he'll want to work with anyway, it's just getting the contracts done etc etc. Again, if it was me and then I'd want an Assistant and Coaches that I knew and could rely on. As for Doctors, Physios and Kitman, he might have contacts, if not then it's the job of other people to fill those roles anyway is it not?? We have an abundance of physios across Central Scotland, it shouldn't be too difficult to find one willing to make an extra couple of quid via professional football and a Kitman, again, someone must know someone, if not then why not advertise the position and see who comes forward. I'm sure someone will, had I been in a different stage of my life then it's something I would consider. It's easy to look at the negatives but without knowing AM, I can bet you he is not looking at that. He'll look at this as a huge opportunity to make his mark on a club and get it right and he'll back himself for doing it.
  6. ‘Dunny’ will be a cracking signing for you, without being flamboyant. He is solid and reliable and a battler who will chip in with the odd goal but in general he’s your steady 6 or 7 out of 10 player that you’ll all warm too pretty quickly.
  7. Confirmation now that Dunny is also away (joined Cowdenbeath). Probably no surprise after going on loan to Bonnyrigg last season . Wish him well in Fife
  8. Although firmly in the “Darren Young shouldn’t have been sacked” camp, I think we move on from it and I’m happy with the Maybury appointment. He has an impressive playing and coaching CV and did an excellent job with Edinburgh, and I remember being surprised when he left there. Welcome to the club Alan, look forward to seeing who he signs and where he takes us.
  9. Well here we are, back to stench out the League 2 forum with our off field dramas once again……wonderful
  10. This is my view, and the view of the vast majority of fans!
  11. Interesting mate…..next time I see you I’ll genuinely ask why. No, his name didn’t start with J. What I would say @Red Watch, is that the club should speak to people away from Forthbank, you never know who is standing around The Peak car park when they are inviting people in for a chat……maybe there’s a few fans still standing around, still waiting to take Eddie Ferns up on his offer
  12. I’ll not be renewing, first time ever, I’ve decided to vote with my feet, however it will make no difference at all. I totally get what you mean, but Trust member after Trust member comes and goes and yet nothing changes. Sadly, as a fanbase, we’ll never be united enough for change. The most exciting thing that ever happened off field was Colin Rowley’s initial plans and we couldn’t even get enough people united to get that through, then…..well we all know what happened with boards during the chapter after that.
  13. I live in hope, wasn’t that long ago the Daily Record announced Mick Kennedy as being set to be Clyde Manager, only for them to appoint Ian McCall.
  14. Even a politician couldn’t spin this as a good appointment, at this stage, mate. 2nd bottom with Kilwinning Rangers…..great!!
  15. These are things that I haven't heard, however it seems that all is not well behind the scenes again. More fans need to hear what these rumours are, as the majority are in the dark like me. As for renewing my Trust membership, I'll not be now. I've always been a Trust member but I am fed up paying my money for nothing. I know it's not a lot but I may as well make a donation to a well worth charity than give it to the Trust.
  16. Looking at the names, you probably wouldn't want too
  17. Having watched him over the last season and a bit, I would be surprised if he joins another club above the Lowland League if i'm being honest. East Fife would suit him for location but in League 1&2, he has been pretty ineffective for about 5 or 6 years now and I can't see someone like Campbell coming in for him again personally.
  18. Very quiet, however the latest statement from the board states that there have been "a significant number of applicants" and that they are interviewing 4 of those candidates this week and it's hoped an appointment would be made "swiftly thereafter"....so hopefully we will hear something over the next few days. As for any names getting thrown about, nothing that I have heard. There's been a bit of guessing by a couple of supporters but nothing that has really stuck. I think in general, Darren Young hadn't lost the support, so there's no fan clamber for any one person, more an attitude of "ok, show us it was worth while" and we await in anticipation. A big rebuild is needed now, yip, but an experienced man would probably enjoy that. He has the room to bring in his own staff and his own players, and with the 6 or 7 players that we do have signed up, he has a good foundation to start from. It's very much, wait and see
  19. Read a comment on Facebook that Kyle Banner has also used his own Twitter to announce that he has left also!
  20. Would love to be able to answer that….but I’m just a mere supporter, who is left in the dark to get old, and grow moss, and to punt hospitality packages too.
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