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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Another impressive signing for the club, it has to be said. I was very impressed with him 2 seasons ago and remember him scoring a couple against us that year as well. It’s always important to get goals from Midfield, I’m not suggesting he’d get 12 again, but when was the last time we had a thread like that coming from that position?
  2. Would love this to be true and would love to see Callumn back at The Binos, the most exciting player I have seen at this level for many a year. I’m sure he will have other offers though, the lad is a talent and I’m not sure how he has never really truly broken through at Hearts Christ that would be sexual, Morrison on one side, Bikey on the other and Ryan through the middle gets me excited [emoji7]
  3. Yes depending on his recovery from injury. I posted about it earlier in this thread mate [emoji1303]
  4. Looked poor, lost his position to James Creaney (who Annan fans will obviously know) got injured and never came back from that. I was really excited about him signing, but is a shadow of the player that won the league with Arbroath, which Clyde and Elgin fans warned us about. Good luck to the lad though, he’s had a horrendous time of it with injuries and it wasn’t that long ago that he was probably the best Left Back in League 1 & 2.
  5. Swanson would be a huge coup for the club and would be an excellent signing. Really hope KR can pull it off if true.
  6. Incredibly harsh on O’Donnell, I’ve never been convinced he is the answer at International level but he is definitely good enough to play at the top end of League 1 or a lower Championship side.
  7. I think the early part was, I don’t remember Lennon playing him (or Weah) when he became manager.
  8. The media have linked him with Arsenal, Everton, Newcastle and Celtic but nothing in concrete just yet.
  9. Think it was a move that was always going to happen, your manager worked with him at Hibs and tried to sign him last summer, so as soon as it looked like he wasn’t coming back to Forthbank, I think everyone knew where he would end up. I think the change will do Danny good, he was outstanding and showed a lot of promise when Dave Mackay was manager, playing more freely but he just never really influenced games or seemed to do enough in KR’s more ridged system. Whether this was because he was out wide and not played through the middle, I don’t know. If you can get him playing in the free role that he was playing in a couple of seasons ago then he’ll be a big player for you, he’s a good lad that the fans will warm to and I’m sure everyone at the Albion will wish him well when he is not playing against us.
  10. To be fair, that was Luke Dowling the Sporting Director that came out and said that, Slaven Bilic was more coy and said he would assess Burke and all the other players coming back from loan, when they returned to pre-season training, it was from there that the decision to send him out on loan came from. Bilic was asked recently if he still had a future at the club and he said that time was running out for him and that it could be best for both parties to look for a move elsewhere. He pointed at a couple of players who he felt had successful loans and Burke wasn’t named in that list. In the same interview he alluded to the fact it was an attitude problem with Burke and he said something along the lines of “how can you fit into a team structure when you won’t learn your role within that structure?”, it was after that line that he said time was running out for Burke.
  11. Think I’ve given my opinion on last seasons signings quite a few times on this thread, so I’ll try and not repeat myself, but yes you are right, to many of them simply didn’t cut it and youngsters who were given the opportunity after being released elsewhere, didn’t take the opportunity. We were fortunate however that KR managed to sort the Defence out and by and large those signings worked. Our Defence has been a problem for years. He said in a Zoom Meet The Manager Night that he got about 50% of last season right and reading between the lines and looking at the squad retention list for the coming season, that was the Defence. Rodger and Lowden apart (who were both pretty much injured) the Defensive signings would have been in the running for any Player of the Year awards that would have been run, had the season not ended as it did. KR said the signings this season have got to be better, I’ve got to admit that so far, Andy Ryan is the only player that I really know, but going by the feedback on here, it seems we have signed 4 really good players, so let’s hope that is true and the other few that come in will also be of good quality. Ferrie is a really good Goalkeeper and a I would even go as far as to say he really is a gem. Try and erase his 1 appearance last season and don’t judge him on that, as there is no doubt in my mind that he deserves a crack at First Team football within the Championship and I would honestly say that, in time, he will go on to be a good steady Scottish Premiership Goalkeeper. As has been mentioned, he was the highlight of a poor season the year he was at Forthbank and I was delighted for him when he picked up both Player and Young Player of the Year awards. As a shot stopper, his reactions and positioning is good, he’s comfortable with crosses within his 6-8 yard area. His decision making is also very good, I can’t remember seeing him being caught in no-mans land at any point, so in terms of actual Goalkeeping, he really can’t be faulted and is a safe pair of hands. If I was being pernickety, I would say his weakness is his distribution, but it’s not bad and it would certainly not be a cause for concern. I have no doubt if James McPake decided to go with him, the Dundee fans would see a very competent player. I was secretly keeping my fingers crossed that he would return, but it’s obviously not to be. I know EK have signed some fantastic players, in fact every one of them and their manager are to good for that level and playing in front of crowds of over 100, but I can’t help feel that Darren has let himself down a little as he really should be playing somewhere in League 1 or 2. Wish him well though and hope the long term plans at EK come to fruition, it’s great to see a small club with ambition.
  12. Would have to second this and back up the above from a Stirling Albion perspective also.
  13. Jack Hendry has been farmed out on loan to KV Oostende in the Belgium leagues, actually forgot all about him because if he is playing regularly, then it’s another player under consideration.
  14. He’s a very good player, can play as a Left Back or in Centre Defence. Is handy going forward and solid at the back, the downside is his injuries sadly. I’m a firm believer that Hamilton is one of the best all round Defenders at this level who deserves a chance at a higher level but injuries just keep setting him back and he just doesn’t seem to be able to get a good run of things, keep him fit and you have a very good player on your hands.
  15. He has another 3 years but Billic has been vocal in the fact he wants to move him on next season, whether that be permanently or on loan. He’s been a huge disappointment at The Hawthorns and is regarded as our worst signing ever by many.
  16. What absolute piffle. Many a Tartan Army favourite was born in England and/or played for Rangers. Plus I know many a Scotland fan that are also season ticket holders at Ibrox. ......and in his 9 caps this far, how many times has he shown any of these attributes?? He simply hasn’t, which is why the Tartan Army haven’t taken to him. He’s young, he has time on his side and he could yet win the majority of them over, but let’s not make out he has been anything but anonymous in his appearances for us.
  17. Thanks for that airdrieman as I have to be honest and say that Roberts is an unknown player to me and when I saw the news on Twitter, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Going by what you have posted above, it would seem to be a positive signing for the club, and he certainly has the attributes that we missed from the middle of the park last season, in my opinion. It bodes well for us because all the signings so far have had a positive reaction and long may that continue. As for Truesdale, there is definitely a player there, you could see that in the Development games and there were flashes of it at times, when he came off the bench for the First Team. He was limited in appearances for us, but he was probably a victim of the fact that we really were good Defensively and our Captain also happened to play the same position as him. I wouldn’t be to shocked to see him sign for a Lowland League side, and make his way back up from there.
  18. We’ve all done silly things in our lives but this kind of sums up his attitude for me. He’s not my kind of player and he’s not really my kind of human being to be honest. His fans will point to Leigh Griffiths and say “what about him” and that’s probably a fair comparison, but at least Griffiths produced on the park and was pretty humbling about his mistakes, can the same be said about McBurnie? I don’t think so.
  19. Hmmmmm, didn’t get the impression last season that “his legs have (pretty much) gone” if I’m honest. It’s a good signing for Stranraer and with good service he’ll get goals. His service at Stirling was null and void quite often last season sadly.
  20. Good signing.....I’d say that’s an awesome signing for this level. That’s him, did well with us last year and should do well for you again this season.
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