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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. How do you know? Not every Englishman who chooses to play for Scotland ends up like Matt Ritchie.
  2. Daryl Duffy Danny Jardine Josh Peters Max Wright Paul Willis Jordan Lowdon Kevin Nicoll Craig Truesdale Fraser Scott Owen Stott All, unsurprisingly, leave the club it has been announced.
  3. Surprised that things haven’t quite worked out for him at Clyde. It goes without saying that I would love to see him back at Forthbank, injuries aside, Stirling has always seemed a good fit for him.
  4. Wheeler Walker - I Sucked Another Dick Last Night
  5. I think with there being a Full Time team in the league, going for the title will always be a nigh on impossibility, however it doesn’t mean you can’t try. The aim is to get out of the league, but I think most fans knew that last seasons squad wasn’t going to cut it, without a ball even being kicked, but what was a surprise to many was the laboured style of play that followed. Looking at the squad so far, I think KR has retained well in the Defensive areas, where were were really strong last season and has decided to rip the attacking side up and start again. Whether the signings so far are the ones he referred to or not, but he did state that he was talking to 4 players who would really excite the fans and pull standards up, but whether he would get all 4, time would tell. I’m sure Andy Ryan would be one of those, and with what Queens Park and Albion Rovers fans have said about the other signings, it’s sounding a bit more positive than last year. Of those retained, a couple raised eyebrows, yes, but it depends how they are used. I would say he hasn’t kept any howlers though. As for those who look to have left. I have addressed the Bikey, Lowden and Duffy situation a post or two above, so move past them. I’m not to bothered about losing Danny Jardine, if indeed he has left. He has hardly influenced a game I have watched since KR come in. You can argue he is not a Right Winger and I would say that is true, but if he can’t play the role that KR wants him to then why keep him? He’s did show a few seasons back that he is a good player, and he’s a really good young guy, but he doesn’t score goals and he doesn’t make things happen as much as you would be hoping he could, but I really really hope he does well wherever he ends up. As for Peters, yeah he’ll be a miss but only if we can’t recruit better, I think we can. Max Wright, good riddance along with Paul Willis. Craig Truesdale and Fraser Scott were youngsters realised by Airdrie given another opportunity and never really took it and Kevin Nicoll was simply done and past his best and didn’t really do the same job here as he did at Clyde. As for KR, well he admitted that he got 50% of it right last season and also mentioned he is probably still lucky to be in a job, he wouldn’t be at some other clubs. The fans took to him very quickly as he is a quirky, likeable lad but many have turned and are now questioning why he is still in place. The board remain keen on him, have backed him well and are sure he is the man to take us up, I’m not 100% certain but I’m willing to give him more time in the hope that he can, but I can’t help but think if he starts next season like he did last season then the fans aren’t going to be as patient as last season. There have been a few more changes behind the scenes as well, we now have a proper scouting and coaching network and we are told that we have an analysis team that’s up there with the best in the country, so as I have said, the board have backed him well. It’s far to early to predict how next season is going to go, but I am pleased that the squad is starting to take shape and I’m sure there will be a few surprises before we kick off....whenever that will be.
  6. As was explained in the Zoom Meet The Manager session, there is a possibility that Darryl Duffy and Dylan Bikey could return. Duffy is struggling with the travel from Troon along with his work and family life, but KR said he chats to him nearly every day and that he is hopeful they can sort something out. Apparently Duffy is happy at the club and does want to stay, just finding things a bit tough and is caught in limbo. Dylan Bikey is keen to return and KR said that “any team at this level would want a player like Dylan in the team” but sadly he needs an op which could rule him out until the end of the season, so it’s very much a case of “wait and see”. It would also appear that Jordan Lowden is still in the managers plans and he is working with Kenny Crichton, so I don’t think the door is closed on him. You’ve missed Kevin Nicol from the list above but he has signed for Cumbernauld United.
  7. Queen - It’s A Kind Of Magic
  8. Steve Earle - Johnny Come Lately
  9. How was Allan for you? He looked a cracking player for Elgin but was another one who was poor at us and just never looked like the player we saw against us. Raises a few eyebrows, at the time, that he managed to move up a level. Surprised he has dropped down to that level but Darvel really are the big spenders and have already signed a few impressive players for that level (and a few fair Ex-Binos), so good luck to him. They’re not Junior mate, they are West of Scotland, which sits just below the Lowland League now. Any word on Lee Hamilton? A player I’ve always wanted to see do well.
  10. Laura Marling - Blues Run The Game
  11. If Snodgrass is available to be called up and Steve Clarke thinks he can fit into his plans and is amongst one of his preferred choices to play a role, then he comes in. Simple.
  12. Has just signed a 5 year contract extension at Manchester United. This can only surely be a positive thing for the national team that he is going to continue playing at that level.
  13. Less Than Jake - All My Best Friends Are Metalheads
  14. Ok, I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong and big enough to put my hands up and say so. My original comment on the matter was based on a few soundbites that the BBC had posted on Facebook or Twitter (can’t remember which one) but having now listened to the full podcast, it was obviously selective editing on the BBC’s part. I got it wrong folks, my mistake and I totally retract my earlier post, good to hear someone on a national platform, defend clubs in the lower leagues.
  15. Thank you and that’s pleasing to hear. Have to say that I don’t remember him from last season but then that means nothing. Looking forward to seeing what he can do [emoji1303]
  16. No, and to be honest, I wouldn’t have thought we would be the highest spenders in League 2 either. KR spoke on a zoom meet the manager session and said that some players are looking for security it the moment and for a lot of them money isn’t the driving factor. He also said he was hoping to attract 4 or 5 impressive names to the club, that would probably wouldn’t have been afforded before but with the offer of security and the things that the club can offer in terms of location and facilities might just sway it........maybe Ryan falls into this category. Not from our point, long story cut short but all the money we raise through this will be donated to a Gambian village that one of our supporters does a lot to help out .
  17. Totally disagree, the lad has shown a tremendous attitude since joining the club, he has obviously been promised a big move once the window opens, and doesn’t want to jeopardise it by getting injured or catching COVID, honestly can’t say I blame the lad and good luck to him.
  18. I’m not seeing “more folk through the gates” in fact I would say by and large numbers appear to be falling at this level. Certainly that can be said with regards to the numbers of Away Support as people pick and choose games. Also, the biggest leagues in the world are big leagues in size as well, but they manage to attract people to these “meaningless games”, in some cases like the English Premier League, at astronomical prices. Why can we do that with our leagues (eventually)? I suppose these are the debates that have been had at the top and they still can’t get to a decision because everyone has different opinions and I respect people’s opinions but for me personally, I think 3 leagues of 14 gives us the happy medium and a good balance to the problem.
  19. If the South East of England does indeed fund the whole of the UK (let’s just roll with that for a minute)like stated in those tweets......and I lived down there for 12 years and would question that, but as I say, let’s go with it......then surely this pin points a huge problem on how the UK is run as a whole? It strikes me as a case of “eggs in the same basket”. Also, if that is true, then maybe it shows why there is such a division north of London and to it’s West if we are all poverty stricken peasants whilst the South Coasters are living it up like hooray Henries making all this money. I can’t believe someone like him actually buys this Daily Mail pish.
  20. Sorted it for you mate. I absolutely detest the 10 team structure we have to endure. It’s bloody awful and repetitive playing the same teams again and again and again. The only positive is that leagues can be tight and a couple of wins on the bounce tend to bring you back into things if you are chasing Play Offs, Titles or whatever, but the league structure certainly is not exciting and never has been in my eyes.
  21. Andy Ryan set time join the club, according to The Sun. This would be some coup for the club if true.
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