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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Rizzle Kicks - Mama Do The Hump
  2. Absolutely superb
  3. Tide Lines - The Dreams We Never Lost
  4. I didn’t know that about the Christian Party however if memory serves me right, a lot of candidates who were going to stand under RISE pulled out weeks before the election and many went on to either stand as Solidarity or Independent candidates, the SSP contingent decided not to stand, so ultimately, come the day of the races, there were very few candidates across Scotland to actually vote for.
  5. I come from a Left persuasion and I suppose you need to firstly understand where you sit on things politically before knowing what to read. If Left reading is something of an interest then I would say The Guardian & Morning Star are good reads, in both you will read plenty that the main stream media don’t report. I buy both ever day and the are expensive but I like to support them and I tend to read them all over the week. From a more Scottish political perspective I occasionally buy The National on a Sunday to keep my finger on what is happening in Hollyrood. I’m not a huge fan of the paper but their articles can be interesting. As for books, I can highly recommended Richie Venton’s Break The Chains, it’s about 6 years old but is still relevant. Weekly wise, The Socialist Worker is good for my union role but again is very English dominated and Private Eye is also good for a giggle and a bit of Tory bashing.
  6. Ross McGeachie, David Wilson and Cammy Thomson sign on for another season. Delighted with the news, personally. For me, Ross McGeachie is everything you wanted in a club Captain and is amongst the best Defenders in the league. Div Wilson may have been a bit hit and miss last season but there is no doubt that he is a player that can turn a game. Cammy Thomson also looks to have a decent future in the game and is progressing just lovely.
  7. A left resurgence in England will never be enough to put a Left party in power, once the penny dropped for me, that was the point where I started to believe in Scottish independence. I’ll be 40 later this year and I genuinely think the only hope I ever have of living under a Leftist or even a Centralist government is in an independent Scotland.
  8. I said it before and I’ll say it again, RISE should have worked, but sadly too many egos got in the way and as always the Left couldn’t unite and it belly flopped. Not sure if some have gone back to Labour but there are certainly a lot who have went into Radical Independence and back to the SSP, sad really because fundamentally RISE should have been a success.
  9. There is: https://scottishsocialistparty.org
  10. Fallout Boy - Alone Together
  11. Paolo Nutini - Jenny Don’t Be Hasty
  12. Bear McCreary - Rupert Is Next https://youtu.be/OddIrCHHF3k PS - I have my Mum to thank for that one [emoji23]
  13. Yeah, like Mr Beeno has said, they have been used a few times. Jobs last season, the Rangers game and when we played Inverness in the Scottish Cup in 2006 from memory. The Inverness game is the only time I’ve stood in the terrace, then Chairman Peter McKenzie came out and apologised to the support that day because there was nothing open. Don’t remember the view being too great if I’m honest.
  14. Oasis - Sunday Morning Call
  15. Frank Turner - England Curse
  16. The Airborne Toxic Event - Bride And Groom
  17. Really happy with the new album, the main standout tracks have all been released on singles and EPs before the album, but it’s worthy of it’s midweek UK chart position of 3rd, if not higher.
  18. Ed Sheeran - Castle On The Hill
  19. Our Lady Peace - Superman’s Dead
  20. Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun
  21. You don’t have to look to far to see where my political allegiances lie, so I was made up to see this poll yesterday, and not before time. The formation of RISE and the Sheridan scandal have played havoc with the party and a few poor decisions have been made since we last had an MSP, in my opinion, and during all this, the Left as a whole have failed to have a voice. At the last national conference, the party were positive that we would get a few seats via the list vote, and I think we will and it’s just reward for a lot of hard work that has gone on over the last few years, however the real hard work has just started and I hope people with Left leanings give the party a chance, and those who are pro-independence and SNP voters back us, as they have done with the Greens when it’s come to list votes, because I think the more pro-independence voices in Hollyrood, can only be good for the cause.
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