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Everything posted by BB_Bino

  1. Would have to pretty much agree with this but would also like to throw Callum Ferrie into the mix. The lad was on loan from Dundee last season and looked like he was on his way to establishing himself as a good Championship Goalkeeper, pretty disappointing to see him not being given a chance at Dundee over the course of last season, but he was certainly too drawer for us. Had it not been for unhurt, I was pretty impressed with Blair Currie this season as well, looking forward to seeing more of him when he is back fit. Mark Foden was horrendous, even as a L3 Goalkeeping Coach I could pick the faults in his game from a mile away, so I’m stunned he was even playing at the level he did or that people with a good track record in the game actually thought he was worth of a chance. Callum Reidford was also pretty bobbins, as was Greig Paterson but the Defence they had in front of them didn’t help and exposed each of their weaknesses.
  2. That’s the thing that really gets to me when people slag off Stuart (it’s never the board collectively, just Stuart), to my knowledge they have done a great job in giving managers competitive budgets and that’s really all we can ask of them to do, what managers like KR do with that budget is up them. I have no idea what players are on at the club, but I would suggest that some of the current squad and various players that have left, do not come cheap. There will always be the cheap options that balance the books, but the point remains.
  3. Queen - Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
  4. What are Brechin’s fans thoughts on Wilson? Is he part of the reason you finished bottom and not worthy of the chance to try again next year, or do you genuinely believe he was dealt a raw deal and you saw enough to suggest he can get you back on track?
  5. Total out of touch with the going-on of football at the moment and in truth, I don’t care as there are more important things going on, however just listened to the David Cox interview on Lower League Ramblings and just want to say that I really enjoyed it. I think I state the obvious when I say that Cox is the sort of player that winds up opposition fans, but actually he’s someone I secretly admired, but to hear him talk so openly about his battles and the abuse he has had to take from rival players and supporters, it’s simply not right. He mentioned Stirling a couple of times and I heard and watched him, Jim McInally and Co run into the stand to confront the person in hospitality that shouted what they did, and my heart went out to the lad when I heard that. I really hope, but doubt, that some supporters take a look at their own conduct and what they are saying to players when they here this, regardless of they have history of poor mental health or not. Anyway, good listening if you haven’t already heard it.
  6. I personally couldn’t care less how reconstruction happens, as long as it does. 10 teams at this level is just dull, I know the talk is only of adding another 2 in but for me, that’s better than we currently have although 14 would probably be my ideal number. I get what people say about this league structure but it’s simply repetitive. The fact Budge is the figure head of the committee proves how much self preservation and corruption runs through our game.
  7. Wow.....there are more people dying in the UK than anywhere else in Europe, we are in lock down with peoples jobs and health on the line. Football has (quite rightly) taken a back seat as people try and survive, who knows if and when it will start again.......and yet some “supporters” still want to stick the boot into Stuart Brown because he’s showing no ambition because we had a nats baw hair chance of finishing 4th. You couldn’t make it up. That’s what worries me and it’s something I have commented on a number of times over the years. Attendances really are dropping to poor levels now and continue to fall. The age of those attending seem to get older as well, which is especially surprising when you consider the size of the academy that’s attached to the club and the fact that kids are allowed in for free. The simple fact is that the paying supporter is now absolutely scunnered with the footballl over the years, probably since Moore left....can you actually blame people for no longer coming? I can’t think of a single home game that I have enjoyed this season, and I’m struggling to think of one last either, that’s the truth. The football has been turgid with the odd period of flair at best. As for us going backwards on the pitch, I have to agree with that as well. I really like KR, as I have said before, he comes across as one of life’s good guys and I really bought into him originally, but like McLaren and like Mackay, who were also nice guys, he has shown nothing to suggest he will get us out of this league and back to competing at the top end of League 1. Whenever football resumes, I suspect the club will continue to go backwards or stay stagnant on the field which will mean the adverse effect of bums on seats will continue for a bit longer.
  8. Skerryvore & Friends - Every Day Heroes (Charity Song For NHS Workers)
  9. The Avalanches - Frontier Psychiatrist
  10. It’s funny you should mention “Red Ed” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-52187354
  11. Ok, so with the big changes in London, where does this leave Scottish Labour? Regardless of who was replacing Corbyn, the Scottish arm of the party was always needing serious review, but it never seemed to happen. Will it happen now or will the “nothing to see here” attitude continue? Murphy, Dugdale and Leonard have guided the party through a continued downward spiral, at a rate of knots and that’s been represented in every General, Scottish, EU and Council election over the last couple of years.
  12. Tide Lines - The Dreams We Never Lost
  13. Na that’s not true. Corbyn polled well in the North of England throughout his run and held many rallies in the North of England and they were always well attended, in fact there was a real hero worshipping of him in the north of England until the brexit debacle. That really was his undoing in the North of England and ultimately he was between a rock and a hard place because he campaigned to leave the EU throughout his political career, yet it was Labour’s stance to remain and really, they had no plan going into the last election, a lot of the constituencies that he represented simply voted last time round, to “get Brexit done”.
  14. The Head And The Heart - See You Through My Eyes
  15. Not having a dig at you here Bully Wee Villa, I am genuinely curious. If you don’t see Starmer as a centre-right politician who has had the Blairite or Red Tory label thrown at him by many, then where do you see him sit on the slide? I definitely see him looking to shift the party over in that direction in time.
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