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Everything posted by renton

  1. My link Rovers release third kit styled on the Munich strip from the good ol' days. Will definitely be getting this, wasn't so enamoured with the home kit this year, but that is just a little bit different. edited to add: Well, different for us anyway, I liked the same style of kit as we ahd in 94/95. After all, this is basically the template used for the Pars top by Puma with different colours.
  2. For those courses you'd be far better at Heriot Watt.
  3. Got a bit of mass that laddie, plus the hair is some fucked up sentient mutant from a sci-fi B-movie all of itself, you wouldnae mess like.
  4. In other words McGlynn has found someone to play wide as an out and out winger type.
  5. My new favourite player, he's gonna score hunners and hunners! In all honesty, this is one of those mcGlynn out of left field signings that seem to come from no where.
  6. Honest to god, I just happened onto a theme in my head and I'm riding with it for the moment. Working in the cleanroom does it to me.
  7. You've got him on the ropes now, finish him!
  8. Yeh, luckily I'm funded through to march so can afford to dump the teaching, not really a natural at it anyway.
  9. Still teaching in your third year? I've culled my stuff teaching stuff massively. Finally got most, if not all, of my stuff working now, just a case of getting enough results together to form a paper - should ahve enough seperate material for two or three papers and hopefully done by january. On the down side, a side project I've been playing with and not touched in about a month and a bit* and currently paying a wee bit more attention to, realised I've royally fucked something up, trying to rectify quickly on my day off. * In my defnece, it's a project with another lecturer who took it on through a company, they don't need it until next april, and the two guys form the company involved both moved on - so it's reasonable to assume it's on the backburner for them I'd guess.
  10. Manic Street Preachers on the 2nd October, and then Mudhoney on the 16th.
  11. Personally wasn't an issue, got a flat with the guys I was mates with in halls, so it really wasn't an issue, if nothing else it was better since I was in town and not on the outskirts (Heriot Watt)
  12. I suppose it depends on the course, but form what I've noticed over the years, first to second is a piece of shit - second to third will have people dropping like flies.
  13. In the latter scenario, the US, not russia is the more important ally due to thier industrial capabilities, replacing shipping tonnage during the BoA was important, in the end it was a battle they lost on tehcnical merits as the RN became adept at sub hunting, submarine technology would not be mature until nuclear reactors became the norm, only then could huge numbers make a massively telling difference. On the former, it's just very difficult to see how Germany manages to produce enough stuff in a short period of time. Bare in mind that the gemrans did not adopt a proper war economy until 43/44. It's very liekly that they owuld ahve sought an armistice rather than f**k their economy - they'd built their entire armed forces on the idea of short wars on land. They just didn't ahve the capacity for taking us on, on our own patch. I think you would have seen some form of cold war between the two later. However, Hitler was always going to go east. It's just worng to imagine that the events of 1940/1941 had no baring on the overall result, indeed, not only did they save the UK, but continued British resistance delayed the start of Barbarrosa to the point where eventually the Germans ran out of good weather and got bogged down outside of Moscow.
  14. Held out against what? Remember we went on to win the Battle of the Atlantic and thus a blockade to starve Britain out wouldn't have worked either. The thing about the alliance that you should remember is that no one nation could win it on it's own, left to ourselves there would have been stalemate and eventually somekind of armistice with Britain as a sovereign nation but unable to wrest control of europe form the nazis and them unable to invade us. The soviets needed lend lease to keep going, that materiale was made in the US and shipped to Russia by the Royal Navy, without the UK their could be no succesful invasion of western europe by the US. Essentially Britain can't win the war on it's own but the others can't win it without us, or they themselves either.
  15. Again it's not that simple. It would have taken them years to build a naval force that could go toe to toe with the RN, it takes three years to build a capital ship and they would have to build around 100 of them to match the RN ship to ship, asusming the British don't maintian their own building programmes. At the time Raeder said that his navy wouldn't be ready for hostilities until 1942 - and that wasn't even reckoning for building a force capable of amthcing the RN, try sometime around 1947 before the germans can close the gap.
  16. The Luftwaffe threw everythign it had at the UK in 1940, and still hadn't recovered when it attacked the soviet union. This is not a question of numbers solely, but doctrine and equipment. The luftwaffe ahd been engineered as a close support force for the army, not waging strategic warfare with a maritime foe. It's bombers were two engined with little bomb loading capacity and it's fighters ahd only enough fuel for ten minutes combat over london form french airbases, it's leadership was disorganised and amateur and it found itsef up against a professional ofrce boasting the most advanced command and control and early warning facilities on the planet - backed up by modern equipment in the form of the Spitfire and the Hurricane. By ocntrast the Russian air force was obliterated on the ground beucase everyone was either on holiday or hungover.
  17. Invading across the ukranian steppes with your army and an amphibious invasion are two totally different scenarios, and Germany never had the navy, or the air force, to pull the latter off.
  18. Those 4.5 million axis troops loaded up on flat bottomed river barges, escorted by an anemic kreigsmarine, sailing into a channel defended by the Royal navy home fleet, backed up by RAF fighter command unbowed by Luftwaffe attacks? They'd be picking German corpses off of the french beaches for months. The fac tof the matter is that britain did repel invasion because it beat the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain, and even if fighter command had been decimated in that fight, the royal navy could still have steamed into the channel, taken a kicking off the Luftwaffe and overpower the invasion fleet by sheer force of numbers. A German invasion of the UK in 1940 was dodgy at best and rendered completely impractical by RAF victory in september 1940.
  19. It's very rarely acknowledged because it is complete bollocks.
  20. I would've been in the same boat as you but I got my funding extended to March (or so I hope, that's what the boss said but you never can tell). A good thing to, as I need the time to really get a decent set of results, will probably be able to publish a couple of journal papers and get my lit. review done by christmas. I don't envy you and am truly thankful for DTA funding, god knows what'll happen if my boss has fucked up
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