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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. Another insightful contribution, Mazzles.
  2. Well now if you’d taken me up on my offer of setting up a separate thread, we could have discussed how thinking people see the early twentieth century far right/far left dyad as being significantly different than the current iteration. Thus the compete idiocy of labelling modern right wingers as ‘fascist’ or modern left wingers as ‘communist’. Your hero Lenin was far more similar to Mussolini, for example, than Le Pen is to Melenchon. Happy to explore this further in a separate thread, Mazzy darling.
  3. Never in doubt. Honestly don’t understand how people seem to get amnesia every French election. National Front win first round then get pumped out in second. Every single time.
  4. You’ve smoked all the drugs. There are no drugs left.
  5. No one mentioned France 98 yet which shows you’re not footballing folk like I are. Possibly the best World Cup in history. Followed two years later by the best Euros. South Africa was ok if you kept the telly on mute. It’s already been said, but the ridiculously long domestic season plus Champions League/Europa competitions has led to overtired players. Simple as. Even the Guardiolaball would have been more dynamic if the players had legs left
  6. Tomorrow mate. Get this tournament done, dusted and in the ocean.
  7. Wednesday til the semi? Have tournaments always been dragged out like this, or does this one just seem longer on account of its utter mediocrity?
  8. Another bollock thwack for Gakpo there. He’s covered in sweat already, and none his own
  9. Neither of these teams are good enough to beat the jammy fuckers, I’m afraid
  10. That could have been true of every player in the tournament, and we’d still have had a remarkably blood-free couple of weeks
  11. Every time I see Shaqiri, it’s like his breadth has eaten a bit more of his height
  12. My wife wondering why I’m pissing myself laughing. She doesn’t get it
  13. Can only imagine the folk saying this is boring didn’t watch the France Portugal game last night. Compared to that, this is moderately entertaining. Also nice to see Bellingham doing some twirls and such. And mounting people.
  14. No it’s not that Ian Murray, it’s the other one
  15. These things are always nonsense. Wouldn’t be putting much faith in past success. Lichtman and his pal, the World Cup octopus, have rode upon a wave of good luck.
  16. Lads, be serious. It’s over. I’d have been delighted if it weren’t the case, but the prospect of independence has vanished now and won’t return for 30-40 years minimum. There’s a fine line between reality and fantasy. Time to focus on other things.
  17. We’ve been deprived the chance to see Farage and George Galloway in the same debating chamber, so I for one feel cheated and shan’t be watching the new season.
  18. Our new away shirt. Doesn’t make up for the home shirt, but very reasonable I’d say
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