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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. That's not an authentic Indian or Thai toilet. It's far too nice.
  2. It's not really that funny though, is it? What's genuinely funny is that, since 16th April 2016, every time you've closed your eyes to go to sleep, or to try try and shut out the image of your wife as you make love to her, all you've been able to see are these...
  3. I mean. I wouldn't fancy my own chances against him in a fistfight. Would you? He's a hard man AND a scholar. Your team have had plenty of the former, but I can't recall any of the latter. And a combination of the two?
  4. Finally got around to listening to Dinosaur Jr's new album. Phenomenal. They've somehow managed not to change a thing about their sound in the last 30 years, which is exactly how it should be.
  5. Good lord, the boys from Dundee Mandarins are having a good greet before the match has even started. The similarities between them and their Perth Tory Fermer cousins are far too conspicuous to be ignored.
  6. Not the target i'd be worrying about, if I were him. More like the hideous chequered monstrosity.
  7. It's all a bit 'look at me, look at me', isn't it? Which is bizarre when you support the two most massive, faceless teams in the league. It's a bit like saying, look everyone, I buy my coffee at Starbucks.
  8. Kicked through Burtons A world class defender AND a poet. Nothing riles the **** more .
  9. Now he's defending the plastic pitches. HAUD ME BACK.
  10. Celtic fans. Rangers fans. It's like watching George Galloway and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon bite each others' toenails with their teeth.
  11. What's he got to do with Boness United, my toly-hurling friend?
  12. You know as well as I do, that one will be overturned on appeal. Rangers know they're a shade of their former selves, and need to cheat it to win it. Sad state of affairs for Scotland's most racist fans
  13. Racism is a fucking awful thing. As is sectarianism. As is killing children in Iraq and Afghanistan. Agreed, Rangers comrades?
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