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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. Get that VAR pish on a fucking bus, and drive the bus into a big gully with jaggy spikes at the bottom.
  2. The only thing more emblematic of thuggish cowardice would be rifling your finger up your own back passage and hurling a jobby at your mate in the changing room.
  3. I see the Tory Fermer banter train is still in top gear, after hurtling quickly out of the Hibs game thread.
  4. Have to admit. I used to think that St Johnstone fans were just big fat jolly Perthshire Tory farmers, but some of the chat on this thread makes me wonder if they're not actually that jolly.
  5. Urrrggghhh. Uuuuuuuurrrrrrgggghhhh. UUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Splat.
  6. Aberdeen have been moulded into the collective shape of Scott Brown, and are now, therefore, past it.
  7. I don't know Valentino. It's a good question. You could ask the same thing about curry scented condoms. I'm not saying the two markets are related, but I know I've dabbled in both.
  8. I think I mentioned it on here once, but back in the olden days when Spoony was at Hibs and I had a season ticket, I once took a giant inflatable spoon to a game. Me and my mate were in Section 43 and didn't have any other pals in the area. The spoon didn't help matters. I have no regrets. If any St Johnstone fans want to borrow my idea, I won't be angry. In fact I will be proud. If push comes to shove, you could even torch it at the next Hibs game in a pointed insult at the 'spoon-burners' in the other stand. I'm keeping my one though, so you can't borrow it. In case Spoony returns, or in case my wife cooks me a giant bowl of soup.
  9. The laws of probability state that we will beat St Johnstone again, at some point in the future. I hope my great, great grandchildren are happy.
  10. Watching the highlights there, and I see there was some top class wind-uppery from goalscorers Allan and Boyle towards the seething tangerine hordes. Continuing the fine tradition of #HiDee brotherhood and amicability.
  11. Not surprised he rails at the 'last minute' culture. I love the tactical wheeling-and-dealing that occurs in the transfer market for the duration of the American sporting season, and is such a far cry from the 'wait until the last day and try to sneak a good deal' mentality.
  12. Aghast. Fantastic. Love it when you're reading through a fairly normal post and then someone throws a curveball. Have a green dot.
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