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The Other Foot

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Everything posted by The Other Foot

  1. I see that WHO is now asking developed countries to temporarily halt vaccinations once they've given them to their most vulnerable citizens, and allow the current stockpiles to be distributed to developing countries. Which is what I suggested on this forum a couple weeks ago. Coincidence?
  2. Actually, there's been a lot of minging foot issues lately. They think it may have to do with sedentary WFH lifestyles. Peeling skin, chillblains, toenail issues etc.
  3. Unfortunately, I only got to watch the first half of the game - but I think Rooney was the one who scored? If so, fantastic goal. Very well-taken header. Porteous didn't have a clue what was happening until it was too late. On a wider note, very well done to St Johnstone. Hope you enjoy the final. Look at this folks - the three teams left in the mix are St Johnstone, St Mirren and Livi. Wish we saw this sort of thing more often in the Scottish game.
  4. As someone who has been living in Ireland for years, I can assure you that the average Irishman is well aware of: a) The pain that the Catholic Church has inflicted on his nation, and b) The increasing cringeworthiness of Celtic Football Club. Both institutions being abandoned mercilessly over here.
  5. Can't work that London Hearts website out for the life of me. This must be why Hearts fans become accountants, and Hibs fans become poets.
  6. One wonders how entertaining it would be to back-date the Hot Potato to the beginnings of Scottish footballing history. Someone should do it. Bagsy not me though.
  7. It's actually one of the better photos I've seen of Lennon in recent years.
  8. Some great points there. Clearly, refusing a vaccine in Europe doesn't make one pop up in Africa - but I suppose from a standpoint of personal reflection, it might seem a bit 'off' if you were to look back on this moment in the future in the full and certain knowledge that you took a vaccine while others weren't able. Of course, this ties in with the point that a couple of other folk have made, re. we also have running water, electricity etc. which some people do not have access to. I suppose my point is that these issues are deeply ingrained in economic and political reality, whereas the vaccine distribution is something that can be sorted right now - or perhaps we're past that point already. Covax is surely the answer, and I'd suggest that the UK has done a hell of a lot more than other countries in that respect. Still not enough, unfortunately. So here's a twist on the original hypothesis - if the UK government were to say to you, "We are now out of the original batch and looking to order more, but would like to offer you the chance to donate your vaccine to someone in Africa" ...what would you say?
  9. P&Bers, just a little thought I've had for a while (and one which has resurfaced since a BBC article came out this morning)... Is it morally wrong to refuse the vaccine, for the time being, on the basis that you are shocked at how little of the supply has been extended to the developing world so far? Is it wrong that I would be getting the vaccine so much faster than someone my age in Malawi, for example? Covax is undoubtedly a fantastic initiative, but it's not doing nearly enough. It's looking increasingly likely that we're going to have a world where the developed world is sufficiently immunized, but vast swathes of Africa and Asia are still cowering in fear. Just a thought, as I say. I haven't made up my mind yet.
  10. Al no' be gettin' the vaccine. You've nae idea what's in it.
  11. The only reasonable outcome is to have no relegations this year and, subsequently, no promotions from the Championship.
  12. Do we really think he's a Rangers fan? Sorry, a bear. shudder
  13. I'm not even angry. A victory for Leith's proudest son is a victory for all of Leith.
  14. Just out of curiosity, chaps - have any of you tried referring to yourselves as 'bears' in the US of A?
  15. I have to say, I'm very impressed that so many people remember names and posts, and remember which posts were submitted by which names, and so on and so forth. I only remember posters if they really make an impression. One such poster has to be 8GamesToGo, who I am nominating as 2020's best. Despite hanging on to a myth as tenaciously as the most ardent of religiously-inspired suicide bombers, you really have to admire his consistency and integrity. Also, if the rumours are true and he was, once upon a time, Jet Paedo, you have to admit that he has grown in fluency and all-round fishing capability.
  16. I thought he had dropped the charade a few years ago, and was now openly identifying as ***? I think the 'coming-out' announcement tied in with something momentous...I don't know...perhaps the *** returning to the Premiership?
  17. Actually had quite a lot to do this afternoon, but you've just thrown me head-first down a nostalgia tunnel. Started off with How2... I'm now at Bucky O'Hare, having travelled via Byker Grove and Sharky& George
  18. Sweet lord, I hope it's not Urban VI that you've put on the bench. Wouldn't like to be in your shoes when he finds out...
  19. Folk who do this need the Pinochet helicopter treatment.
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