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Posts posted by Njord

  1. Sorry Russell , can't quote so that's the post you need I think. Maya Max is a mediatek chip, so above should work, or at least get you in with minor menu differences. It'll hopefully help increase volume. **'mtk tools' is available on play store from memory, but that just does the same but from an app....

  2. On 10/09/2016 at 12:46, Njord said:

    Cleaning the hoose and came across the instructions for doing the volume change via the engineers mode so I'll stick it here in case anyone else does buy the Super, or indeed any other mediatek phone .


    Open the dialer as if making a call, and dial




    Scroll right - hardware testing- audio-normal mode - media.

    For audio, audio&headset & headset, ramp the volume to '160' (do it for each of the 3), no need to save or anything, it'll remain thus unless you factory reset/flash a ROM.


  3. Yes patchy at moment, but , certainly with 3, you don't get access to even the data unless you have a VoLTE capable phone with network support. Ie a handful. EE is meant to be the same but rumours of folk being allowed on for data, but as it is still being tested (the big December launch not happened yet) who knows? *ysym better call quality yada yada, and yes you'll still get on the other bands of 4g with 3, just not the 800mhz one....

  4. Mr X , only problem with that site, is that it tells you phone 'can' do it, not that it will. As stated, network support re VoLTE is needed for 3, perhaps EE, and no cunto cares re O2 or Voda. If you have a 800mhz VoLTE capable phone on 3, it will not connect. Unless spyphone, couple of Samsung's, an LG, perhaps the new over priced ones 'that they sell'.

  5. ^^^ battery saving apps to zilch...

    Right... (Still no newlines on here Div ya cunto unless in edit). .... Mate that got Umi Z is still treating it with kid gloves until his Samsung piece of shit dies completely, but first impressions are positive. There's a new Z as well, twin back camera set up...

    Also got another review on the Diamond , Great, apparently. No charger provided was main gripe, but for @ £90 you can't complain.

    Also took X's advice on Liquid Glass .....£5.70 ffs. Get rid of your screen protectors. Better protection, but you can't see it. Videos etc look so much better etc. And after today where I had copious water, dust, blood and grease on it, I didn't even need to wipe the screen for more than a second. Well worth it...


  6. Stan gone....lol. Next jimmy + j Stewart please. It'll happen ... Feel sorry for Tedi being hounded, in the main for being an unrepentant two faced ***, but that would see no sevconian allowed to post. The kindr stuff has been well latched onto by the usual brown nosers, but notice how I didn't mention Ruggy? That's because the block function makes this place so much better. Grimbo however...will be back...even if the price if petrol is creeping up.

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