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Everything posted by sureiknow

  1. Well i did a search on who was on tonight. It showed the voting of those on.
  2. If you are not in you can't win.
  3. Yes i can count. Only to 17.4 million though. About the same number that voted leave. Freedom!
  4. We have recieved with great respect and appreciation from the message of support from the British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn. From Hamas. A Terrorist group who swear to kill all Jews. Says a lot? What other U.K. Party member has recieved a message like this from a Terrorist group?
  5. 4 to 1 Remainers on the panel. Usual Brussels Broadcasting Company. Won't work, we are still leaving the E.U. Empire Soon .....
  6. Is this about the day the over 50 terrorists, admitted by both Hamas and Islamic Jihad were killed?
  7. Dont get it We ( the Jury ) were selected then sent out into a room. Called back and told we won't be needed as he had pled guilty. I was looking foreward to it too.
  8. Have the UN condemmed the War Crimes against Israel? Firing on civilans intentionally is a war crime. Hamas do this. Not a word from the U.N. The U.N.? Which has 70 members who criminazlie same sex relationships.
  9. Was on a Jury but the guy pled guilty before we sat. Robbed a Mobile Shop.
  10. Yes. Firing missisles that Hamas have no idea were they are going to land is good enough.
  11. Have a look at the photos of those poor Wheelchair folks that died. Hamas have released them. All suited and booted in Millatery Uniforms. Poor pets.
  12. Israeli Schools etc are not heavily armoured. Hamas firing indiscriminatly into Israel will cause a respose.
  13. 690 rockets fired at Israel i reckon.
  14. Killed by a Hamas weapon that fell short. Hamas have already admitted this. And it's not often i believe terrorists.
  15. And tonight in Israel there was the Funeral of Ziad Al - Hamamda an Israeli Muslim killed in the terrorist attacks. R.I.P.
  16. In what way as i have not read it as yet? I know Israel have responded by hitting terrorist targets in response to 600 missiles being launched at them and killing a number of people. Hamas's rockets are indiscriminate. Israel's are targeted at terrorists.
  17. Outstanding. Showed his true colours in the aftermath too. Would you not? Throw a Milk Shake over someone with Balls and see what happens.
  18. Someone throws an egg at a Politican and gets 15 months in Jail. Tommy Robinson ( not his real name ) gets attacked three times in one day and the Police take no action. And people on here will support those Fascists who did it.
  19. Doris Roberts who played the Mum on Everyone loves Raymond dead aged 90.
  20. Tommy Robinson ( not his real name ) standing for election as an M.E.P.
  21. Could be a good appointment, a young Manager.
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