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Everything posted by sureiknow

  1. Well, I don't know what percentage of white compared to non white there is in America but I would think about 80% of people are white. So this figure shows a disposanal number of non whites are killed as opposed to white people. Ad in if you are non white you are more likely to be killed by a Police Officer.
  2. I see that in 2015 nearly half of the killings by the Police in America of people who are non white.
  3. Am planning to see it with my Daughter and Grandson.Last I seen with them was the Jungle Book, which I thought was excellent.
  4. Seems Kinder Eggs are notoriously used to smuggle drugs into Prison.Be hard to fit an assault rifle into one never mind up your arse.
  5. I have a pension from Royal Mail. Getting it now as I left through illness. Helps a good bit.
  6. Had £20 on Leicester to draw with both scoring at 7/2 Big bet for me, usually fiver or so most I bet.
  7. Pre funeral story. Friend of mine died and the undertaker sent the body of a woman who had died from a street away to his parents house. His body was sent to the woman's house.
  8. Seen the new Jungle Book with daughter and Grandson. Very good though if anyone has seen it and remembers the original, I would say the original was that bit better My Grandson is 9 so anyone with kids around that age, it is well worth seeing.
  9. Maybe she's getting ready to do a dance on the pole. Probably not.
  10. Met her once, can't say I smelt anything. Pension yes, she's also a retired Bank Manager. Smell cash, I think so!!
  11. Getting chatted up by a woman I sort of know on Facebook whose is 69. I'm 57. Trying to decide if this is a reason to be cheerful or not! Opinions welcome 😀
  12. Tories can still vote it through though according to the papers the Lords will reject the bill.
  13. No expert but that is a bit realistic, just! Ok you will lose a lot in the short term, maybe 40 lbs in the first 3 months. Then I'm sure you know after that it will slow. Exercise my man seems to be the connection with weight lose. Do it and push yourself through that pain barrier. Looking forward to your updates on your progress.
  14. Good luck Glenn, will be a long hard slog. Did you see the guy on that program A year to save my Life? He came down from 400 lbs to about 185lb. He looked amazing so it can be done. Though to lose that, and most importantly keep it off has to beyond most people in a year. Look at it long term, maybe a 2-3 year target.
  15. Derby, the 3Rd team on a patent. How can they let 3 goals in in the last ten minutes.
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