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Stephen Malkmus

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Everything posted by Stephen Malkmus

  1. Updated. Hopefully there's a wee surge in our sales with the Cup touring the city this week.
  2. These are the areas which I think have been sold so far (Falkirk = purple, ICT = red, Neutral = yellow). Falkirk was a guess as I couldn't get access to their e-ticketing site without registering.
  3. Vincent was really good tonight, he has so much energy. Food for thought.
  4. Ah yes, can't wait to see Graeme Shinnie hoist the fabled solid gold Scottish Cup above his head at the end of the month... I bought some of the guys stickers for 60p and they were utterly shite. The size of a postage stamp and so blurred you couldn't even see the writing.
  5. We technically have a third kit (our away kit from either last season or two seasons ago) which is white. We wore it against Dundee at Dens.
  6. The middle one is usually the cleanest and well-stocked with bog roll as people are too scared to use it in fear of being labelled a cockwomble.
  7. We could've still won 3-2. Devine and Draper would be our likely centre back pairing.
  8. The ICT twitter account has favourited seven tweets, including an anti-SNP cartoon and a photo of Jason Cummings doing "the 5-1".
  9. "Yer da" jokes, especially from non-Glaswegians who don't even refer to their fathers as "da".
  10. It doesn't really get that much attention though, does it? The BBC show much more of the likes of bowls, snooker and darts than they do women's football. The barely-veiled sexism on show here is pretty embarrassing.
  11. Early Scottish rap battle: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Flyting_of_Dumbar_and_Kennedie
  12. Sent from India to the Scottish lower leagues by a gambling ring to rig every match he plays in imo
  13. f**k that, invest in the stock market or something.
  14. Anyone wearing bootcut jeans should f**k off back to the 90s. Regular-fit jeans are are just about ok though.
  15. Last night the band Interpol asked me if I wanted to tour with them as a 5th member of the group. I eventually said no as, even though they had parts for me to play, I didn't want to cramp their style. Then lead singer Paul Banks jumped off the side of a corrie, followed by the rest of the band, in an attempt to reach their plane which was sitting on the snow covered rocks below. I changed my mind and decided I wanted to join them. I tried to take the safe way down to the plane, but then someone I haven't seen since school pushed me over the edge of the corrie. I banged my head on a rock then woke up.
  16. Octopus eats crab: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2015/02/150224-octopus-predators-prey-crabs-attacks-animals-science/?utm_source=Facebook&utm_medium=Social&utm_content=link_fb20150224news-octopuscrab&utm_campaign=Content&sf7641877=1
  17. Definitely in the "blatant rip off" category: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOStqtwmD6s As is Elastica - Connection and Wire - Three Girl Rhumba.
  18. Over It In a Jar Feel the Pain Tarpit Watch the Corners
  19. I highly doubt that that story is going to hold up in court.
  20. He's trying to sleep but he just can't get comfortable. Shame.
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