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Posts posted by BissigWelpen

  1. Exodus, Gods and Kings.

    I am a big Ridley Scott fan and it was good fun, but God does kill a lot of people and animals in it, which isn't good because I am a human and a vegetarian.

    Thank goodness it is just a made up story.

    Joel Edgerton was fantastic as Ramses, acted Christian Bale off the screen.

    And María Valverde is stunning.


  2. Have you watched Life Is Beautiful yet?

    Wonderful movie.

    Last film I saw was Gone Girl.

    Steaming pile of pants.

    It was as if a bunch of aliens had been absorbing our culture for years from our TV broadcasts and decided to make a film with all the things we humans love. Talk shows, murder, sex, murder during sex, sexual abuse, plot twists, deus ex machina, comedy, alcohol, press intrusion, wisecracking cops, Ben Afflek's penis, missing person appeals, video games, sex in public (libraries), snappy unbelievable dialogue, CCTV, Woody Allen, breasts, underage sex, sex talk, John Grisham lawyers and swearing. Fukkin abysmal.

    And it was so bloody long. My arse was killing me, much like Ben Afflek's wife who bangs herself with a bottle.

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