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Posts posted by David2515

  1. Funnily enough there was probably more Candy supporters at the Petershill v Shettleston game tonight than there were Town fans.

    I wonder if David2515 made it along.

    I'll be certainly be interested to read his eye witness blow by blow account of the game.

    He could maybe give me the raffle numbers.

    Unfortunately I couldn't attend tonight as I was working until after kick off so therefor I can't give you a blow by blow account or the raffle numbers. If you're that interested then why don't you ask on the Shettleston or Petershill Twitter and I'm sure they will inform you.

    Take your fishing rod elsewhere.

  2. If you say so, calling me a liar is easier than admitting what happened. No sense even continuing this conversation you obviously made up your mind.

    If you read through my posts over the last 2 pages then where have I not admitted anything? I told you why the players asked for a fight you clearly don't want to believe that or they've said it started like that but that wasn't the case at all. If not lied to justify anything that happened yesterday so why would I now?

  3. You keep going on aboutp players wanting to fight with fans, if you were getting called a paedophile and a ****** b**tard would you not bite. I would have took great offense to either. Paying to abuse players that are doing it for love of the game. These boys bust their arse and give up their time to play football and you expect them to takethis sort of abuse without reacting.

    The abuse was given to the ones that were giving it out not the players. I've stated the reason as to why the players started so go have a read at that instead of justifying it with bullshit.

  4. Infact the thing with the players started when the goalie got called fat, something that was said several times in the first half and looked to be taking in good spirits as he laughed and lifted his top and one of the players thought he was talking to him and went off his head, that's when the goalie and your number 7 started aswell.

  5. Even if that was the case your actually condoning the players doing it? As I said your fans were every bit as bad yesterday so don't try and make shettleston out to be completely in the wrong here. One of the staff from St Rochs actually told one of the group your referring to that they knew fine well it was banter.

  6. Who said I wasn't there and what exactly have I got to worry about? It was the St Rochs fans, a guy in a hat that was standing at the start of the railing at the stand that turned it into a Rangers/Celtic thing as I said previously. Now if you know your fans you should maybe go ask him why he went down that route instead of slating Shettleston fans. People in glass houses and all that....

  7. Are you going to completely ignore the fact that 3 of your players wanted to fight with fans aswell? You seem to have a lot to say about Shettleston but are completely ignoring it when you are questioned. What was the racism aswell because I don't recall hearing any racial abuse.

    Infact when the boy on the bench started getting mouthy in the first half one of the boys actually went down the the dug out and spoke to someone and said that we weren't talking to him and that he had pick us up wrong. We were infact shouting at a shettleston player.

  8. Your talking nonsense kids at 2 shouting give me a break listen there was shouting from both ends granted but about fernando ricksen and Simon Weston don't think so. Shettleston are a good club great set up but maybe 4-5 fans put a dampener on the day

    Give you a break? The key word is think, you don't know for certain but I'm telling you as a fact that Both of they names were brought up and the kid did do that. See before you come on slating us then make sure you've got your facts right about your own fans first!

  9. Was at the game both teams played well deserved victory for shettleston 4-1 but a section of the shettleston fans were disgusting, racism,sectarian chants kids women there a total disgrace

    What about the St Rochs fans that were slagging people like Fernando Ricksen and Simon Weston, absolutely uncalled for. What about the 3 of your players wanting to fight with fans? St Rochs fans were just as bad as anyone yesterday. It was actually your fans that brought up the whole Rangers/Celtic thing up. Kids and woman there? But its ok for your fans to laugh when a child about 2 ran down to shout?

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