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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. ... Should also wash their hands. And old sock won't stop you from getting a lady pregnant if you shake her hand, with jizz on it, then she has a wee scratch.
  2. I think that sanitation probably plays a bigger part than individual hygiene practices. Having sewage mainly safely dealt with away from sources of drinking water, rather than brushing your teeth in your neighbours' diarrhoea probably has a far bigger impact than rinsing trace amounts of nob cheese off your hands. On a precautionary basis and as part of a suite of measures to reduce cross contamination, hand washing makes sense.
  3. I disagree. I think Brexit will be harmful but less so than Osborne's cutting of public spending in a recession. It's just that a largely technical debate about economic policy generated less media/public interest. Also, there are strong arguments that austerity caused brexit. The current demagogue is just bungling the implementation.
  4. Quick rinse for after a pish, soap and water for after a shite. I am brave enough to open the toilet door. I hadn't realised that that made me a wild man survivalist type.
  5. Postmodern irony, I like it. Or a total minter, in which case I also like it. It's someone less senior you need, unless you particularly need to hear wibble about stakeholder engagement and key deliverables.
  6. I assumed that the relevance was that the pic is of a signing target of yours? That you missed out on to lower league diddies?
  7. I was going to make a joke earlier about them getting the likes of Wighton on loan, wish I had now.
  8. It was Tommy Wright in a last ditch attempt to get a striker budget.
  9. There was one in Aberdeen that stole a packet of cool original doritos from the same shop every day after figuring out the automatic door. Iirc it was in the early days of social media and was an early viral video. He would have got on I'm a celebrity nowadays and been one of the clever ones.
  10. I like the green background and white writing. Reminds me of when I was wee and would only use the red and white stripy straws in the cafe. I misread the second paragraph first time and construed "contempt" as being "seriousness" and "offended" as being "offending". The extraordinary whataboutery in the last sentence made me engage and realise I wasn't reading a standard bit of pr guff. What the f**k is wrong with these people?
  11. How would they impose tariffs as required by the WTO? The WTO doesn't require the UK to impose (or more pertinently enforce) tarrifs on Irish imports. It just requires that imports from all other members are treated equally. That means we have to let stuff from, for example, China, Columbia, Congo or Afghanistan through with a remote declaration and no check at the border. So we can do all that stuff at the Irish border so long as we don't have any other real borders. No probs.
  12. Pretty sure that the uk government just said we don’t need a hard border because of technology. The EU said there is no suitable technology and we said there will be. I think the EU will get back to us once they’ve stopped laughing.
  13. I’m backing that over cooked chicken to score as many as May this season, for you lot anyway.
  14. I can’t wait til they find out we’re staying in the ECHR.
  15. Sakes, i’d just bought an AR 15 for my rampage as well. Well done to the bbc for giving ammunition* to the modern day green ink brigade. Not sure what that info graphic would have added to anyone’s understanding of the issues even if correct. As it is, zoomers will trot out the “you can’t believe them when they say people die from being shot in the head” bollocks. I understand that the actual rate for the AR15 is 700-900 but that’s on the automatic setting. Seems someone quoted this in Congress a couple of massacres ago. I would feel much better only getting shot 11 times a second than 20. *see what I did there?
  16. McKenna not off to England then? Minimum of £10m if he’s moving to a rival.
  17. Strictly they have a choice. That is whether to have a customs union or not. If they want one, it needs a border. Taking the EUs customs union as a given, there is no option but to put a border in Ireland, or across the Irish Sea.
  18. 1-4 sound like acceptable inevitable small talk. No 5 does my nut in and always feels like a thinly veiled accusation that i’ve Committed the cardinal sin of bringing in lunch that people can smell. They get offended by some pretty bland odours like egg or tuna, and my chicken sriracha sannie will often provoke thinly veiled hostile interrogation. I’m guessing IT? The standard lad chat at my work is premiership football and associated betting gimmicks, followed by cricket.
  19. Our government can still charge tarrifs on sugar imports, yes, but we lose the cost advantage in our largest export markets. Things that are called "free trade policies" are often nothing of the sort, and tend to be more about opening capital markets. They're generally a stitch up by the old Bretton woods institutes for the benefit of two western protectionist trading blocs. Don't confuse the economic theory with the spin.
  20. Apologies, I don't know what your issues are. I was referring to the silver cities dour greyness, that's all.
  21. I take it I shouldn't make any plans to visit Aberdeen any time soon? Not if you're easily depressed
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