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Everything posted by coprolite

  1. Recently discovered that work’s resident fantasist is a level 7 google reviewer. He specialises in budget shops and fast food outlets (although he has reviewed a car park too). Some of the reviews are accompanied by photos, in case you wondered what the veg racks in Aldi look like. Apparently some of the stock in poundstretcher is “low quality”. He apparently answered over 7000 questions too. A colleague looked them up and apparently they mostly say “not sure” or “you should phone up”. It may be some sort of post modern Dave Gorman style comedy project or he could be a fucking lunatic.
  2. Already suggested Dylan Mcgeough. Marvin Johnson also fits the bill of proven SPL standard with limited success in England. I would like to see us fishing in different ponds for a change as well. I also have a baseless hunch that we might go for McHugh from Well.
  3. Your argument would be credible if you could, hand on heart, say you never exceed the speed limit or go through a light that's just gone red or stop on a box. And if you'd typed "cyclists'" instead of "cyclists".
  4. They're better than electric scooters or those segway thingies.
  5. Not all drivers are c***s. Everyone that says that all cyclists are c***s is a c**t though. They aren't just c***s to cyclists. These are the same dicks that risk a motorway pile up by driving an inch from the car in front or undertaking if they have to slow down from 90. And they tuck their jumpers in.
  6. Ironically, I belive that an original Dam busters Elvis clock of Tuttenkhammen will set you back proper cash.
  7. I'm sure that was inspired by the dangermouse episode of the intergalactic 147. Dangermouse moved the earth out of the cueball's way by arranging everybody on one side of the world to jump and land as everyone on the other side was jumping. Modern repeats have been savagely cut to remove depictions of Africans and chinese which may offend modern sensibilities. Due to an absence of Clare Grogan, dm concedes the frame.
  8. Fuckin commies. I'll be getting the commemorative plate and the limited edition coin. They will be worth a fortune in years to come.
  9. My fold-up has been in the garage since Xmas. You dicks have inspired me to dust it off tomorrow for the commute. I hope you get stuck behind me, go screaming off at the first opportunity like a proper premature ejaculating gammon (ideally in a BMW or audi) and then I toddle past you at the lights, straight through a red. Do you like that? Yeah, you like that, don't you?
  10. Just finished Brookmyres latest. Felt almost like an Ian Banks book because of the set up, but clearly Brookmyres style. Some good ranty asides and some genuinely unsettling and emotional serious bits. Very grown up and probably his best written book yet. Plotwise though, it would be nice to have some more self decapitating henchmen and OTT megalomaniacs like in the olden days.
  11. Completely agree with the ideas being better than the writing in general. He couldn't do characters. That can work in some stories where the character is incidental. A Scanner Darkly for example works because the environment removes any individuality.
  12. 300k to his employer for "labour" over 48 weeks is a contribution to wages whatever it's called.
  13. The whole thing is hugely value laden and pre judged. A degree in History of art is not a higher level of education than 4 years apprenticeship in a trade. It is a different type of education but not "over". You could argue that a pointless degree is a lower level than something vocational or practical. I wonder how many engineering graduates work as waiters?
  14. Not enough room here. It's of infinite size. Presumably that means that the gravity is also infinite. I don't know what a singularity is going to do to your friction co-efficient.
  15. Fifa have compensation rules. There is a "loophole" where these don't apply if the transfer is to a category 4 club. Apparently these are meant to be amateur or part time. The local Association gets to categorise. Surely neither the SFA nor St J are Diddy enough for this to apply? Fifa rules don't have the dev fee backstop though. Maybe a tribunal without this deminimis is more likely to agree a zero fee?
  16. The compensation doesn't have a formula, but takes into account a number of factors: age, years at club, first team appearances, offer on table from existing club and substantiated interest from other clubs. This only applies if an agreement can't be reached between clubs. There is a development fee that uses a time based formula and effectively gives a minimum for the compensation. For Cadden, for example, this would be about £180k. Somebody earlier extrapolated from Telfer and Fergusson tribunals based on Cadden's length of service at well. I don't think it's that simple and age may count against Motherwell here as he can walk for nothing next season.
  17. My Granny's wake was at the Purple Cat. I'd walked past loads of times as a child and always assumed it was a public toilet due to the brutalist exterior tile-work. A blocked porcelain bowl and a stench of piss would have added a bit of class and atmosphere.
  18. I'm hoping for a gig in the championship myself. I'm not fussy like, happy to go in goals if needed.
  19. I must have missed Eduoards trial by sportscene for whatever he did on the touchline, and Ajer's for the judo style marking of Cosgrove. But poor Celtic. They would have been criticised if they'd done any fouls, or something.
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