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Archie McSquackle

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Everything posted by Archie McSquackle

  1. He's got nice hair though. And calves, don't forget the nice calves.
  2. Thanks guys for the heads-up on the Lidl beer festival. I headed to my local shop at lunchtime today but because it's being renovated they didn't appear to be taking part and just had their usual collection. I did pick up a brochure though to see what I was missing. Anyway, enjoying this 'juicy lager' although it's a bit more like a IPA.
  3. And who was it directed to? Looking forward to my return to Fir Park on Sunday but I've just found out it will be from row C of the Cooper [emoji3064]
  4. I know you may well your tongue in your cheek but I'm not placing a lot of stock in 20 appearances in the second tier of the Irish league.
  5. Sitting through some black and white Polish arthouse film because it had a red triangle in the corner of the screen.
  6. That's the only vote I can remember on a one-off issue other than elections of board members. There was talk of there being a vote on some of the issues relating to ending the Covid season early but I don't think it got that far.
  7. If you're going by those criteria then you'd have Alexander, with over twice as many caps, above Davidson.
  8. I'm not on Twitter or Instagram but it looks as though they're mainly used for crazy stalking shit. I'll leave it up to you to decide whether I'm talking about Capt Oats or Tony Watt.
  9. Obviously there's been an assumption that all or part of the club's windfall was being used as a signing on fee but do the players get paid for playing at the Euros by the SFA or does all of the payment go to the club? I've heard he got a very substantial payment for playing at the Euros but have no idea whether that's from the club or SFA.
  10. So are we getting 4500 home fans in plus 2000 Hibs fans or is it 4500 total?
  11. There's a linked progression to 10k if that's what you want to do. Otherwise you can try to gradually improve your pace, find new routes and vary length of your runs e.g. 5, 6,7k depending on your mood. I'm not a serious runner and started with the C25k a few years ago and that's what I generally do. I have to admit, I really enjoy going for a run when on holiday as it gives you a different view of the place.
  12. Apologies for the poor quality photo but I went on a boat trip off the west coast recently and this is a young sea eagle sitting on the rocks.
  13. Couple of Croatian beers from Beer 52, both very nice.
  14. Fyne Ales is a lovely wee set up, shame I'm always driving. I popped in for a multipack of their classic selection a couple of weeks ago to accompany my break in Argyll.
  15. At least we're winning and Airdrie are losing but doesn't sound great from the radio.
  16. I've just got back from a bit of an all day pub crawl with the wife who told me Motherwell were on the TV inside the pub ( I forgot we are playing) only to find the radio has the Livi v Raith game on.
  17. I'd wondered about that. Only ever encountered it at Celtic and Rangers but not driven to either in ages (and generally don't go) - is it still a thing?
  18. Went on the B8024 Kilberry road in Argyll a few days ago - stunning ride. Started at Tarbert and up to the junction with the A83 (about 30 miles), took 2 cars as didn't fancy cycling down the A83 with the timber lorries. Had a bit of a fall on the last downhill, embarrassingly from a stationary position! Pulled over into a passing place for a car and when I went to start again my foot slipped forward and I went over on top of the bike. Bruises are coming up a treat but nothing like those above from @well fan for life
  19. Yes, Grey Gull and family just out of shot - don't think my wife would appreciate the dating site! Strangely mid-Argyll seems to have been badly hit by a lack of deliveries with the bar out of stock of a few drinks and the Co-op in Lochgilphead running low on beer and soft drinks, Tarbert Co-op even more so with lots of empty shelves. I don't know if this is a country-wide issue.
  20. A Singleton overlooking Loch Gilp with Arran looming in the background.
  21. Avalanche from Fyne Ales while overlooking Loch Fyne (Loch Gilp to be exact). Let's get this barbie started!
  22. This Belgian strawberry beer is delicious. Excuse theglass - just finished some red wine and couldn't be arsed getting another glass.
  23. An extended trial like this is great for the club to have a really good look at him but I still find it unusual, particularly from the player's perspective as it seems a bit eggs all in one basket.
  24. Doesn't sound very convincing if he's been on trial for 4 months and not been signed up yet.
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