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  1. The only Issues I have are of 'What Car' magazine. You seem unable to answer a direct question towards a 'anti-black' anti-catholic' organisation. Come clean and repentance.
  2. Perhaps the reason why they now control the council. A far cry from the shite the floundering Labour council have subjected on the City of Glasgow come Saturday. Moi I will be in Perthshire on a 4 x 4 weekend.
  3. The White order still unable to defend their internal decision to make it a albino anti-Catholic recorder club. Scum merchants to a man - praise the good lord the SNP will win Glasgow council next year and this shite will only fester in backwards places like Shotts.
  4. I'm not a celtic fan. I see you are a diet Rangers man. I bide in a semi, I like the new Cadbury's puddles and I often wear Lynx Africa.
  5. I never brought up the subject. There are black associates with the KKK, there's black members of Chelsea's X1. We're only asking about the OO. Why not answer the question with a factual response?
  6. Please don't pull the race card, when it's a perfectly acceptable question. Is there even 1 black OO member in Scotland ? What about Asians?
  7. Can you not see the link. Blacks are not welcome in these places.
  8. My mate was black and he wanted to join the OO, and he was rejected because he was and is currently gayer. He's since joined the catholic church and Greenburn GC and he's going to enrol to West Lothian college to study farrierism, but he doesn't like horses! lols.
  9. Can we have 20 names of Black OO members in Scotland.
  10. Is there any Black people in the Orange Order ? I've never seen one.
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