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Posts posted by NM_1919

  1. Nothing odd about it.

    I am not suggesting for a minute that I want Queens to copy the Livvy off field model. I don’t think anybody would.

    I am talking about a club that had pitiful crowd income, a very low wage budget and no financial resources to speak off to make any big signings.

    That is a mirror image of our situation so surely that comparison is a valid one?

    Livingston got to January in a good position, then decided to be bold and back there manager. A superb decision, as I hope we do if in same boat
  2. It’s nice to have a bit of confidence on here, but let’s be realistic football. A point at home to Ross county and away to Inverness are good points, regardless of what RJC thinks football doesn’t just pan out the way we want and think it should. We have a threadbare squad that are competing very well in a tight division, with teams with huge budgets and squads compared to ours. The starting 11 is decent our bench is okay will be further strengthened on fordyce return. We need to stay in the mix till January and take it from there, this is a league where everyone can beat anyone so as long as we do our bit by winning majority of home games and nick points every other away game we should be fine. Partick was disappointing, but the knicker wetting due to goals can be pushed to side, giving we reacted superbly keeping a clean sheet up there yesterday. Now it’s vital we back it up with a win next week, in what again will be a difficult game.

    We’re doing fine, we are there or there abouts. It’s important we stay within touching distance of play offs till January for me, then strengthen where needs be.

  3. After listening to a very good interview with Soccer FM and hearing Stephen Dobbie saying he is currently looking for another years contract at Queens I think it's time the board sat down and give him an extension thru to the end of next season. He has proved he is fitter than ever and is still scoring goals for fun.  The younger players must learn so much from him, he is a model pro and brings so much to the club on and off the pitch. 

    Never stop wanting [emoji85][emoji23] sure it’s all in hand
  4. Saturday really will be a marker for us, hopefully we’ll prove Saturdays goals against we’re just a blip. We’ve looked relatively solid against Falkirk and Ayr.

    I really think we’re onto something with the formation, we’ve generally good balance about the side as well, and although brief cameo from both i thought Frizzell and Norman look to have something. With fordyce hopefully not far away he’ll have to settle for the bench for me, Doyle and Semple by and large have been impressive together, but as I say Saturday coming will be a big test for them, and the rest of the team.

  5. McBurnie is fine for back up, Griffiths is first choice and only player ready to play. McNulty being talked about and I wouldn’t be against him getting in the mix, albeit he was at Coventry last year but he looked good. And we don’t have a hell of a lot of options.

  6. Surely we should be having a look at Liam Lindsay who done well last year despite relegation and has started season well, linked with move to premiership and to Brescia last weekend. Liam Cooper surely deserves a proper chance too, captaining a Leeds team that’s flying. John Soutar as talked about should be in the mix too.

  7. Callachan is a big Jambo who got his dream move to Tynie - suspect that he will not be keen to move anywhere unless it has been made crystal clear to him that "the games up".

    I would have thought that bigger clubs than us would hold more appeal but you never know.

    Been told his game time will be limited, he wants regular first team football. Was reported in paper last week.
  8. Rumours in Edinburgh That Queens are actively looking at Ross Callachan.Hearts have apparently told him that he can go. Must admit that if he is to leave I would have thought that a number of other teams would be interested. Would be a good signing but would expect strong competition.

    Read that on the link Cammy put up, have you heard from outwith that? Think that’d be a great signing
  9. really not sure what to expect tonight. If Harkins and Dobbie turn up we’ll outscore them, if not can’t see us winning. Can’t see us conceding less than 2 goals to be fair, but hopefully I’m proven wrong.
    Line-up wise Jacobs has to come back in for me, and Todd has to start. Between Doyle, Mercer and Stirling I don’t know who to drop. Stirling has done well but lacks defensive discipline, while Mercer is more than capable of having the game of his life, or completely throwing it away and making mistake after mistake. Doyle will be 7/10 regardless of where he plays, really do think he’s a fantastic signing. I’m leaning towards leaving out Merce and having Doyle RB, but wouldn’t be adverse to leaving out Stirling for Doyle LM.

    More likely be

    Mercer semple fordyce Marshall
    Doyle Harkins Jacobs Todd
    Dobbie dykes

    Than Doyle on the left. Wouldn’t be adverse to that line up tbh
  10. For today or in the league campaign as well?

    Hoping Todd can play today as he really needs more minutes heading into league campaign in a couple weeks. Would like to be using more like our starting 11 as well, but understand how managers like to mix and match. Giving it was worth a decent amount of cash, hopefully a couple more signings, I’m hoping he puts out as strong an 11 as possible. For me :-


    Doyle Fordyce Semple Marshall

    Stirling Jacobs Harkins Todd

    Dykes Dobbie

    Maybe harsh on Mercer but I watched 90 minutes of the Stranraer game and he was causing more problems than most. Hopefully get job done early, and get likes of Mercer, Murray/Bell or Tremble run outs.
  11. There were at least two occasions in the first half where I thought Marshall was going to lamp Stirling - he has a tendency to switch off defensively. 

    I thought we were ok against a poor Clyde team. Harkins is great on the ball but I'm still worried how it will all hang together when we are playing teams at our level - it will be an awful lot of work for his midfield partner. Semple looked good in the air but missed a couple on the ground but I'm sure his sharpness will improve with game time. I was really impressed with Doyle - it's good to have a player with pace, workrate and determination.

    At HT i was feeling pretty pessimistic, but Dobbie :wub:


    Need to remember Harkins still has gears to move up, I suspect most the teams does. What I saw of Semple during the two friendlies, I think with a run of games he’ll become asset, decent on ball, strong in tackle, good in air but just looked a wee bit of the pace couple more games then hopefully the rustiness will ease off and he can kick on. Got to say I’m not overly convinced by our wide options in midfield, Todd still to come in which would be a definite first choice but think another winger on loan wouldn’t go a miss. Gathering a couple of additions may come down to us getting through

  12. Giving it was our first competitive game i wont be losing too much sleep, after seeing all the rest of the results. We got the job done at end of day and it's again quite clear what needs worked on.


    From watching qostv90, i thought Mercers over reliance on not using Bell either lost us the ball or forced us back the way, Marsh was sloppy in possession and i thought on the wingers offered little, can Stirling cross a ball? In saying that from being 2-0 down its character to bring it back which is good. Thought Todd looked decent, giving he's not played a lot in pre season, looked busy and used ball well.



  13. Surely right back;
    Doyle - Fordyce - Semple - Marshall 
    Mercer to come in for either fullback if injured, then Doyle to step inside and Mercer to RB if any injury there. 
    Other than that you might start having a panic....

    Likely and I agree but very harsh on Mercer, who I’ve thoughts done well in both pre season games. A better problem to have than two signings ago. Hopefully semple has his clearance as he could do with games to get upto sharpness.
  14. Charlie Exley came on and played in front of Marshall in a left midfield role v Livi. He is a full back though. 
    Dean Watson came on late in that game. Cant recall where he played but he is relatively small with blonde hair. If he played out right he was out of position but then so was Exley so he may have done.

    He came on right hand side, but he did well the other night. Gathering there more for reserves initially
  15. Really quite happy with what I’ve seen from Queens in second half of Livingston game, first half was defensively fine and tonight I thought we done well, finished with a really young team who all done themselves no harm. Really impressed with Doyle and the big lad done fine, I’d be happy with both being signed.

    Still need a bit more depth but general shape etc is pleasing.

  16. Don’t really know what to make of that, we contained them pretty much first half but didn’t do a lot ourselves. Second half another stupid set piece right after half time then we looked pretty decent after that. But why does it take that long to get going? I know it’s a friendly but conceding from set pieces was a bad habit from last season let’s get away from it.

    Positives the rest of the 44 mins or so of second half. Harkins strolled the second half, was a class above even dobbs. Thought mercer had a decent game but would love us to take up the option with the second trialist and play him right back, always someone I’ve rated. Centre half from first half worth another look, but he looked unfit dealt with most things though. Wingers, Connor Murray nah, no out there anyway, Stirling flatters to deceive tbh. Middle two do what they do Jacobs break up and do simple things,Harkins be a baller. Lyndon and Dobbie I thought were opposite of each other one had a good first half other the second which maybe is a good sign, that we don’t have to just rely on dobbs.

    Just makes me can’t wait for it all to begin again... till the first defest

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