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Old Bing

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Everything posted by Old Bing

  1. Whats worse than this is exactly that type of car. But when they drive aggressively close to you, overtake you with a blind corner ahead. And then turn off the same road 2 mins later. Only for you to have a look at them and see it's not a young guy it's actually a man in his 50s or 60s. The moron who never grew up.
  2. I remember being at the home game vs wales in 2013. One of Strachans first games. Steven fletcher goes down injured and the whole crowd expects Jordan Rhodes to come on. He was bang in form at the time. Instead Strachan brings on an old kenny miller. Theres a not massive but certinally audible boo comes from the home fans. Miller would certinally have heard it. I remember at the time being as disappointed and confused as anyone. Firstly disappointed at him coming on, and then more so for our fans booing him. Miller was done, we all knew it. He came on and played shite. Did he deserve to get booed, absolutely not. Miller gave everything for his country. I lost a bit of love for Scotland that day.
  3. In terms of scoring goals he wasn't, mcfaddens goals to games ratio is higher. Theres no stats I can find for assists, but mcfaddens would be better. It's not really fair just to compare the 2 just by stats tho. Im judging them over what ive seen through their careers. Rather than judging over 1 game like you.
  4. Yeah he definitely had his qualities, his work rate was outstanding. He was a general pest who ruffled up back 4s with his constant running, pace and strength. Which would usually eventually conclude with miller working himself into a great position to score. Or easy layoff for a teammate. Which he would bottle/make an arse of.
  5. Im not old enough to really answer that question tbh. At a guess id say Yes just about. I thought kenny Miller was awful for Scotland. Nothing against the guy, turned up to every squad. And gave 100% effort every time. Just a poor footballer with poor technique.
  6. Agree with this but it makes the list a shambles. Mcfadden was brilliant for Scotland and one of the best players in recent times. But let's be honest hes not in the top 30 never mind top 3 of best ever Scotland players. Never mind kenny "headless scuffer" miller.
  7. Fletcher didn't just play for man u. He was a vital part of their team and one of the first names on their team sheet for years. This was at a time when Utd where clearly one of the best teams in the world. Barry Ferguson was indeed a very good player, who never got close to playing at that level. If your opinion is Barry Ferguson was a better player thats fine. But to call people who claim that fletcher, the vastly more successful player was better as idiots?
  8. Wasnt me who wrote it, but im going to hazard a guess. Its called his opinion.
  9. Id prefer him to go to an everton or a palace. Just for game time. I cant see him making much of an impact at arsenal.
  10. Do you have a link? I can see nothing recent suggesting that.
  11. This fantastic insider info now available after his appointment. Im on a whatsapp group currently, and a workmates loon says you make stuff up.
  12. Frasers currently unemployed and hasnt really been playing well when he was. Hopefully he can get sorted and get a regular game at a good level again for next season. If were looking at form Armstrong for me would be the right winger. He's playing well at a level way higher than Forrest.
  13. It's trendy to say this but it's just not true. The number of smaller centre backs playing at a decent level in modern football is miniscule. Abroad and in the uk. Of course there are exceptions to the rule. Who have managed to by being fantastic at positioning and reading the game. Had excellent speed, strength and balance. But of those very very few exceptions they would all have been even more effective had they been taller. A big part of being a centre back is winning the ball in the air. So being taller is an obvious advantage. Obviously they need other charateristics as well. But it's a big part of the position. Which is why 99.99% of them are quite tall.
  14. Yeah I do take that on board. He's not in anyway an experienced right back. And possibly could get found out against a belgium or the likes. I just think he's levels above either the other 2. And even out of position will be superiour. Hopefully we get to find out. Just ignore Marshmallo honestly.
  15. Christ knows, google says so. But ive never heard of any of them. Tbh I didn't even watch that game, probably working. But I prefered palmer to o'donnell over the campaign. Just thought he was slightly better on the ball and had better awareness and passing. O'donnell just seemed to be out of ideas quickly against decent teams.
  16. And either way. If your judging whos the better player it might be fair to do it over more than one game.
  17. Quick Google search says none of their forwards scored. It's was 3 midfielders.
  18. Cyprus, Kazakhstan, and San Marino? Whos their forward to walk into our team?
  19. And in those games he got better and better. Agree that rb is where Tierney should be playing. Personally i dont think he'd be big enough or physical enough to play as a centre back in a 2. We're not going to play 532 (i hope) So put him at right back. That's where were really struggling. He's a massive improvement on palmer. Im surprised anyone is still touting o'donnell. He's looked way way out of his depth against the better teams.
  20. Im not watching either, but he's been brilliant. Not missed a pass or tackle. Best player on the pitch.
  21. International friendlies arent the same as club pre season friendlies. Where players are looking to gain match sharpness. There far more competitive. Players are literally playing for their places. So judging his performances in international friendlies is absolutely fair. And he was crap.
  22. Just you typing the words "take a look at me" make me a bit queasy
  23. He's made a fool of himself with his Tierney being 3rd choice and going to be replaced and other rubbish. So he comes on every day to write abuse to people and deliver his imagined board room transfer strategy. In some kind of attempt to save face. Best ignored really
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