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Old Bing

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Everything posted by Old Bing

  1. Don't think anyone is advocating the accuracy of the values. Would be interesting to see the values and team of the most valuable scots on the recent football manager. I'm to tight to pay 30 odd quid for it. Would be a more accurate gauge of the values tho
  2. It's been made pretty clear he took those figures from the website transfermarkt.
  3. By the time the next squad is announced Billy Gilly will be to old.
  4. Must have been killing you not to write some smarm about how clever you think you are there there also All the posters including you "turn up on threads" Unless you are omnipresent on all threads.
  5. If in every couple of posts you have to tell everyone you think your clever. You come off as insecure.
  6. So you are saying that Burchill was superior due to his better scoring record at that stage? Interesting
  7. I don't think anybody with half a brain believes those numbers. Case in point.
  8. It's not offensive at all, it's a fair point. There's so many reasons as to why we have slipped further and further down. Kids having other things to do besides football. Parents not wanting their kids to play football. Lack of decent facilities, compared to some not all countries. Our countries alcohol and drug issues. Obesity And I'm sure many more fair points. But you have to consider as we're maybe getting worse are other countries improving. I think it's fair to say yes, alot of other national teams have improved dramatically. All of the smaller nations have improved on their technique, fitness and organisation. So our decline is made to look worse.
  9. Your pictures were all over the Morton forums a few years ago. Whether they offer virus protection or not you should definitely be wearing a mask.
  10. I find on a walk in my local area it's absolutely fine, people walk past giving each other space. It's only in the supermarkets where you get issues. It's always bloody old folk as well, walking right in about you.
  11. Has he opined about football? Jesus Wept.. He's a regular on the Scotland threads, unfortunately.
  12. Your opinions on covid-19 are even stupider than your opinions in football. If you live with anyone I pitty that person. This is about to get alot worse, at which point you will f**k off. Why not just do it early.
  13. What was your job offshore? With the permit and isolation systems they have in the north sea it would be very difficult to cause a major incident. Unless doing so purposely Even if your the oim it's not like you can just open valves willy nilly. I also work offshore yet I don't feel like I deserve a round of applause. But the doctors and nurses do. We get paid more for going on the helicopters. More than we would on the beach for the same job. So that's exactly what we signed up for. The doctors and nurses are going above and beyond in terms off effort and stress. Also the supermarket workers and others deserve recognised also.
  14. The wet markets are abhorrent, criticising them isn't racist. Instead you were advocating boycotting anything Chinese and declaring every single Chinese person as being filthy, tucking into bat and anything else they get their hands on. This is where things get muddled and interpretation becomes fact. Please quote me where I have said that, as I asked for. Do not just invent something you think I said. First part, you actually agree with me
  15. That's a fair question. And I dont direct this all at you. The point I'm trying to make is that merely criticising the hygiene and actions of groups of Chinese people does not make you a racist. There are people from many countries being criticised on here. There are many news articles like the ones I quoted previously doing just that. I was hoping the people calling me a racist would have the balls to comment on the articles. They haven't because the know they are wrong. To call someone a racist and then run off when asked to prove their point is the behaviour of very low class people. To use the word racist as a weapon is disgusting. Everything that is said on here is stored and so can be read back and quoted. I have asked a few time for me to be quoted being a racist. And yet there has been no quotes. So just to finalise, I am in fact not a racist. This is an anonymous forum so if I wanted to say racist things what would be stopping me? I have said nothing racist, if you think I have please prove your point. And finally Marshmallo specificly is a scum bag.
  16. New virus now, originating in China. From contact with rats. Sure a few on here will be right on to condemn these articles and defend the practices and hygiene of the Chinese wet markets! https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1259863/hantavirus-china-latest-wuhan-coronavirus-what-is-hantavirus-pandemic https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/international/world-news/now-hantavirus-surfaces-in-china-amid-coronavirus-challenge/articleshow/74793841.cms https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/hantavirus-whatsapp-twitter-truth-coronavirus-covid-19-rat-mice-a9422211.html
  17. Think you and @Marshmalllo and a few others may have conveniently missed this. I'm looking to get your feedback specificly on these articles? And whether you believe them all to be racist?
  18. Some recent articles being critical of Chinese wet markets. And the ongoing danger they are, to everyone. https://www.nationalreview.com/2020/03/the-chinese-wild-animal-industry-and-wet-markets-must-go/ By THERESE SHAHEEN is a businesswoman and CEO of US Asia International. She was the chairman of the State Department’s American Institute in Taiwan from 2002 to 2004 https://www.latimes.com/food/story/2020-03-11/coronavirus-china-wet-markets https://www.businessinsider.com/wuhan-coronavirus-chinese-wet-market-photos-2020-1 https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-02-13/coronavirus-source-china-s-wildlife-demand-is-public-health-risk https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/feb/25/coronavirus-closures-reveal-vast-scale-of-chinas-secretive-wildlife-farm-industry https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2020/01/21/asia-pacific/coronavirus-china-food-markets/ https://www.npr.org/2020/01/22/798644707/why-wet-markets-persisted-in-china-despite-disease-and-hygiene-concerns https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(20)30212-9/fulltext https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2020/jan/23/appetite-for-warm-meat-drives-risk-of-disease-in-hong-kong-and-china https://www.edinburghnews.scotsman.com/news/opinion/columnists/coronavirus-china-must-stamp-out-markets-where-wild-animals-are-sold-then-killed-steve-cardownie-2481637
  19. I think alot of it is exactly that, Im on a WhatsApp group for our 5asides. Guys been putting pictures of himself at the pub on. Nobody's impressed, everyone thinks he's a fanny. But he thinks it's tough or something
  20. Riot police on scene now. Cheers bar "were everybody punches your face" VID-20200321-WA0017.mp4
  21. Cheers bar in greenock, open today. Apparently that's a sun photographer on scene. VID-20200321-WA0018.mp4
  22. Is it mate? Is the ironing delicious You enjoy it then
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