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Old Bing

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Everything posted by Old Bing

  1. Finally your question is phrased correctly.
  2. Again any trade sanctions wouldnt work in the past without use of a time machine
  3. Well if it was to happen that us and every other country was to stop trading with them. We would have way less international travel to and from to every country from China. And so limiting the spread of any potential virus. The threat of a lack of international trade would hopefully force them to reform their food hygiene standards. With more inspections and closures of restaurants, markets, stalls that do not comply.
  4. I don't have a time machine ross! As I've said, quite a few times now. Everyone should stop trading with China, meaning other countrys also.
  5. Unfortunately BingMcCrosbys strategy has been misquoted and altered so it no longer resembles what I even said. As is the way of pie and bovril
  6. No answer then? I'm not saying or said that we should produce all our own goods. I'm saying we specificly refuse to take any of china's products.
  7. It is, yes Not just for our country What do China produce that no other country could produce?
  8. Have no future trading with China is nothing to do with racism (for me anyway) it's to do with what's best and safest for us in the future
  9. Your talking complete sense, but unfortunately I think we both know that's never going to happen.
  10. No Country should ever be trading with China again, for anything!!! How many viruses is it they have given the world? This has to be the final straw for everyone else surely. They cannot be trusted to have even the most basic of hygiene and food standards.
  11. He does nothing for me, but each to there own.
  12. Also does anyone actually know anyone who actually has the virus? Or even know anyone who suspects they may have?
  13. Genuine question. How can you get "absolutely battered" by it? Surely you either have it or you dont. Once you have had it and got over it your in the clear? Is that not the case?
  14. I've had some serious thinking regarding Gilmour in the last couple of days. I've taken on the opinions of fellow posters and pundits. And finally reached a balanced and logical conclusion. Anyone that doesn't want him straight in the team is just a clueless old da.
  15. It's how I'll refer to him for evermore.
  16. Its fair to say that the standard or Argentinas squad would be considerably higher than ours. If Messi was Scottish he would have been walking into our team from the age of about 12.
  17. Looking back at that now its a good laugh. I do remember bannan was highly touted at the time. Story's about transfers to man u and Tottenham were doing the rounds. I'd have to say tho Gilmour is already miles ahead of were bannan ever was.
  18. Griffiths I'd have mcburnie next in line, he's one of the best we have and will walk into the squad. It's only the bizzare description of his form as "excellent". And then the waffling nonsense about olivier Giroud as some kind of justification that I was disagreeing with.
  19. Harry Souttar wasn't bossing it against Liverpool, and then Everton in the same wk. And having pundits jumping off their seats in amazement. So nothing like harry Souttar
  20. I'd agree with this more sensible phrasing. I'd have him straight in the team personally. I can't understand why people wouldn't.
  21. Why do you think "everyone" agrees with what you think? When a quick look on this page and the couple before show a large variety of options?
  22. The French will just be raging they dont have anyone as excellent as mcburnie currently.
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