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Posts posted by shawfield_hare

  1. How will you ensure the balance on your season ticket will be donated to the Red Cross ?  
    I understood no refunds on ST balances would be made and all outstanding balances would go into the Club's coffers.
    Perhaps this wish was in the body of your email to the Club. A copy of your request would clarify this.

    Not going to put a copy of the email on this as it contains personal information but rest assured I made the request and was told that the club would endeavour to make it happen. I’ll keep an eye on my balance to check it comes off.
  2. 47 minutes ago, bullywee2010 said:

    As you say he has a young family to look after - could that not have been first and foremost in his mind when 'jumping ship' to Raith. The increase in pay is likely to have been substantial (also gave him an extra year of financial security than his Clyde contract did) and given his age, he doesn't have long left for making a career in football. I'm sure the large majority of us would switch jobs to make a better life for our own families.

    I agree with you on the statement from Raith being unbelievable crass and doing nothing to ease the outrage from their support. However, Raith's statement should not be used to prevent us re-signing him. Given when he originally signed we talked about giving him a second chance, helping rehabilitate him and live a life in society again, which has been fine and accepted by the majority of the fan base for the last 5 years, why can the same not be done now? 

    Finally, I don't think the press reaction will be anywhere near the scale it was for Raith if we bring him back . Firstly, we can stick by the same principles for signing him that have been accepted for the past 5 years. Secondly, we do not have a high profile fan that is mates with many high profile figures, including the first minister, to keep it in the media for a sustained period. I suspect the media would cover it for a day or two then the story would fade away, exactly as happened previously.

    I think that because of the outrage re raith it would be silly to assume that the backlash against Clyde would not also be severe. From a purely football perspective he is clearly a player but one at the wrong end of his career and I would like to think that funds will be made available from both the transfer and the wages saved by not having him and these can be used to bolster the squad. Personally I’d rather have 2-3 decent players although that is putting faith in a recruitment team that has so far contributed worse than nothing to the club.

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