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Posts posted by AMC13

  1. I guess you lot will be coming straight back down. Hopkins was the only reason your lot went up. Another manager will struggle to get the team to do the same.

    Imagine leaving a club you just got promoted to the premiership [emoji23][emoji23]

    Ah well, guess he has another job lined up.

    This is just brilliant. Livingston really have broken Falkirk on and off the park.

  2. Hopefully my odd approach will mean that Naysmith should have a bigger budget .Two home games v Livi be lucky to get 2500 Two homes games with Partick we should  get close to 5000 .

    Partick bringing a big crowd won't help Queens. Teams in the Championship focus to much on what crowds will do for them. It's done f**k all for teams like Falkirk for years.
  3. Few songs for tonight I’ve thought of
    lee millers on fire your defence is terrified Lee millers on fire , nananananana
    weve got Shaun Byrne super shauny Byrne I just don’t think you’ll understand , he’s David Hopkins man he’s better than zidane we’ve got super shauny Byrne 
    we all dream of a team of craig Halkett’s a team of craig Halkett’s... number 1 craig Halkett number 2 craig Halkett 3 CH , 4 CH. do this all the way through the numbers:
    buzzing for tonight proud of this team

    I withdraw from taking part in any of that
  4. 3 hours ago, LogieLivi said:

    Just having a thought about Knox there. Checked and he's yet again on the bench for East Fife. He surely can't be as good as everyone thinks he is.
    Anyone know if he's still featuring during the week for the development squad?

    Yeah they tried to convince Livingston fans he was a world beater forgetting one important detail. We have eyes

  5. Audio description is on BBC 1 for us! It's a pain in the arse, describing everything before it happens

    Did we press a button by accident or has everyone got this?

    Thank f**k you said this, was convinced I'd hit something and had to turn off and watch on the iPlayer later. Presume it was a problem with virgin because my dads telly next door was fine.
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