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  1. The miller situation is a funny one , a very decent midfielder who could've done a turn in the championship and improved in time, saw him umpteen times with queens park and he had a great attitude (he was a winner).He's not a silly boy and I can't see him just walking away, same as Smith and big Andy hopefully they all get sorted with clubs before the windows closes.
  2. Good luck to Andy Graham hopefully he gets himself sorted with a club soon, feel sorry for Miller for whatever reason he wasn't given a chance by all accounts I saw him a few times last season with queens park and he was a very decent player if he is away then good luck to the young guy aswell
  3. Thought the midfield looked very jaded last night, looked a bit more lively when Gibson came on, I thought he should've given miller a start , he would've thrived playing against his old club I'm sure.
  4. What's happened to the boy miller who signed from queens park, has been playing or is he on the bench ?
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