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Everything posted by resk

  1. I guess it's because he was involved in the play but not fouling the defender. It's not a foul to be in the way of an opposition player, but it does mean you're interfering with play for the purposes of the offside rule. I think.
  2. It's a fucking lol from me, Clive.
  3. Aye, I couldn't work out what was going on there. Quite funny though.
  4. Something about John Terry and shinpads.
  5. Much as I hate to praise any Celtic or Rangers strip, it is very nice.
  6. It was a foul by Bates but yer man dived to make sure he won it. The very definition of "throwing yourself to the ground".
  7. Some collection. Although I think that rather than keeping them, I would have quietly disposed of Yogi's boxer shorts....
  8. Not that it really matters, but there were 1100 at Balmoral yesterday. That seems like a decent crowd to me!
  9. When did interviewing fans outside the ground become a thing?
  10. Aye, he's gone a bit over the top with that. It's the Barclays though, everything has to be this massive story all the time.
  11. What does that even mean? If they win League 1 or the playoffs then they will play in the Championship and they would deserve to be there, like the numerous other teams that have been promoted to or relegated to that division. What is it specifically that you expect them (or any other club for that matter) to "bring"?
  12. The St Cuthbert's chairperson seems like a proper ledge. That was another really good episode, and I'm feeling a bit more positive after hearing that the Dons are "not the Titanic"....
  13. Hibs have an entire stand named after some arseholes who might have been half-decent at fitba in the '50s. Hearts fans think they won the First World War. Celtic lose their shit over the Lisbon Lions every couple of weeks. Rangers are only 10 years old so dunno about them. I'm not sure why we are repeatedly singled out for being stuck in the past!
  14. Holy f**k. They've only gone and bloody done it.
  15. I'd like to hear from Nicholas Witchell.
  16. The keeper deliberately rolled into the attacker, nowhere near the ball. It has to be a foul.
  17. What is this, bloody Si Ferry appreciation hour or something?!
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