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Everything posted by resk

  1. I see the elderly tax-dodging lizard has been "advised to rest for two more weeks". Brace yourselves.
  2. Tynecastle is a better ground than Pittodrie, but Pittodrie is fine. Well, the bit I sit in anyway, which is really all that matters. I'm looking forward to this match - I reckon it'll be a draw.
  3. You do know annual, sick, maternity, paternity and compassionate leaves all exist, right? All of those are "companies paying their employees not to work". It's not the fucking Middle Ages.
  4. That's a grossly unfair misrepresentation of what motivates Captain Tom's daughter.... It's fame and money she's hungry for.
  5. You should be okay - the move to 57 is from 2028. Legislation confirming that should be passed in the next year but the draft bill is already published so I reckon that's a safe bet.
  6. I said if Baldwin had done a check it might not have happened. That's not the same as me suggesting that it was Baldwin's job to check the gun, that he should be relied on to ensure the gun was safe, or that any blame should be attached to him. However that's the second time I've had to make that clarification which probably means I didn't word my point correctly - sorry to all for causing confusion! Actually there are plenty of people in the darker corners of the internet saying that he should be blamed/charged/whatever, but they seem to be mostly perma-raging NRA gun nuts (Baldwin was/is evidently quite vocally in favour of tighter gun controls) so their opinions can probably be safely filed in the bin.
  7. Yes, I agree. I said that all three of them could have avoided the shooting if they'd done a simple check, not that all three of them were expected to as part of their jobs on the set. I'm guessing that some actors will be more "gun-aware" than others and will carry out checks as a matter of normal gun handling - Baldwin clearly isn't one of those actors, which is unfortunate.
  8. "Gutierrez-Reed, the daughter of the veteran Hollywood armorer Thell Reed, said on the "Voices of the West" podcast that "Rust" was only her second film as a head armorer." Ooft. The assistant director seems to be a bit of an arsehole as well. All three of them - the armourer, the assistant director and Baldwin - could probably have avoided someone getting killed by just doing a simple check of the gun. The whole thing just seems like a massive f**k up.
  9. resk

    Week 7

    Aye was just thinking - the Chiefs (apparently) sucking donkey balls has made the AFC pretty interesting this year.
  10. resk

    Week 7

    Something called a "Mike White" is in at QB for the Jets after Wilson gets floored by a Cheatriot. ETA gets a touchdown with his first ever passing attempt!
  11. resk

    Week 7

    I quite like that Green Bay all-green with yellow numbers strip. I am weird though.
  12. Rashford played a stunning ball round the back of the defence to Salah there.
  13. There was a classic a couple of weeks ago. United scored their first goal at Easter Road and I had tuned in ten minutes before so I hadn't figured out who was reporting from which match. Paraphrasing a bit but it was approximately: Guy at the ground - "Goal! And it's the away side who open the scoring here. Really nice play and they cut the defence apart. It was a really easy finish for .... oh, I'm not sure actually who scored the goal..." Presenter - "Okay, we'll have a look here in the studio so we can find out who scored" Guy at the ground - "Thanks Kenny. Yes it was a really good goal and they've deserved it because they have dominated this game. There's a really good away support here today and they are delighted. And you can sense the frustration from the home fans now." Approximately two minutes after the goal being announced, I still had no idea which game it was in, which team had scored, and which player. It's like they expect everyone listening to 1) listen for the entirety of the broadcast, 2) recognise all voices of all their reporters, 3) know who "Fergie" or "Biscuits" is and who is likely to be at a game in Lanarkshire / Edinburgh or wherever and 4) in some cases figure out from the background noise which ground the person is at. They should announce which team scored, against which team and what the scoreline is. Then expand on it with details of the play and who scored and how the half time pie was or whatever. I actually really like listening to OAM and the format is a solid idea, but stuff like this really annoys sometimes.
  14. It does seem like a classic case of - talking about murdering journalists being much worse than actually murdering journalists. Has the entire Newcastle United support just drank the Saudi Kool Aid then?
  15. "Offensive" in this case meaning "we don't agree with it"? Or is there something bigoted or racist about that banner that I'm not seeing?
  16. Oh that's gravy. Inject it right into ma veins. Beautiful.
  17. I think we will lose. Hibs are quite good, and we are bloody awful. (Piece of pish, this fitba analysis racket.)
  18. Terracing? There's a couple of wee covered terraces at the far side from the main stand - the away fans normally use the one to the East. There's not normally any segregation in place though so if it rains you might have to scuffle for a covered spot. Other than that it's a place at the fence around the pitch!
  19. Try it now - they just switched it over to the English commentary a couple of minutes ago.
  20. The Dons-Hibs match won't be noticeable in a lot of the pubs in the city centre. The nearest pubs to Spain Park would be the Grampian and Victoria Bars in Torry I think. I'd give them a miss and stick to the centre of toon - Spain Park isn't that far of a hoof actually, or you could jump on the bus and get off just after Tesco Wellington Road.
  21. Fair play to Hibs Fitba Club Club, beating Davie "Herbalife" Cormack's Aberdeen to become the first Scottish club to start its very own pyramid scheme.
  22. That was a highlight for me too. I also liked "some of the players are 100% behind the manager".
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